Thunder's Place

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To all Ballzinger wearers

Dear KittyCat,

The Ball Zinger, Ballzinger, Ring of Power, ROP are similar things, originated from the Blakoe Ring (Home). Google these keywords and You will find a lot of informations.

The main purpose of these devices is to induce more testosterone production in some cases. Mainly in zinc deficiency (which is very common), it can help to boost the testosterone producing, which has a lot of effects: increased sex drive, gains in girth and balls, increased sperm production, more intense orgasms, harder and faster erections, solve some kinds of impotence, causes better mood and stronger muscles, etc. You will find informations about this also on the WEB.

Smart people found ways to make similar devices from U.S. pennies. Others use copper and zinc rods and some latex tube to fixing it to the balls. The base principles are the same: a light, steady current conveys zinc ions directly to the testicles. It is much more efficient, than the zinc supplementaries, wich should fill the whole body to the according concentration of zinc. (The zinc is essential to the testosterone production.)

Best regards,
GreatOrg, Hungary

Ah yes, I saw that penny thing. Neat idea.. But kind of gross too. Increased testosterone.. Wouldn’t that cause hair growth at my age? Ack, I don’t want that.

>Neat idea.. But kind of gross too.

Are you incapable of cleaning pennies? ;)

>Increased testosterone.

You should first read this whole thread and then do a search for more. Ball zinger as search words should turn them up.

The idea is gross either way, Hobby. And I’m a bit of an OCD type anyways. I dip my money in rubbing alcohol as it is. Also, I saw nothing on body hair. That’s the only thing I’m asking for about the testosterone boost, in case you didn’t noticed. X.x

Yes, I’m very well aware. HOWEVER, I prefer text smilies. I’m the same way on AIM.

How will you cleanse any metals you use? Someone surely handled whatever parts you’ll employ. Is your last name Hughes by any chance?

If sanding and a good scrubbing with soap and water isn’t enough, a soak in a mild bleach solution should pacify. Or you could bake in the oven at 400-500 degrees for a while if you’re ultra paranoid.

Funny how some can touch public doornobs smeared with a gazillion germs, hold public phones up to their faces that diseased bums have coughed on and slobbered over, but a few little bits of sanded and scrubbed metal held against the nether-region is too icky. I don’t get it.

Re: body hair and testosterone, you are presuming this gizmo increases testosterone. It doesn’t. From anecdotal reports it may even lower it. My guess is it has no effect whatsoever.

Who said I don’t use covers on door knobs? Give me one instance in my life where I ever used a public phone (heck, I rarely use my family phone).

Anyway, enough of this silliness. Will increased testosterone cause more hair growth at my age? SIMPLE QUESTION; sad that I have to ask twice.

I edited my post above to answer your question.

Increased testosterone, by whatever means, probably won’t increase body hair. I don’t know how old you are, but most guys naturally grow more hair as they age. I have hair in places now in my 30’s that I didn’t in my 20’s. I hope this trend doesn’t continue. :)

Ah, Thank you! ^-^ 18, by the way.. I really hope I don’t grow more body hair :x Being near-bare is.. Like.. Nice. :X

I have built a new ball zinger using McMaster zinc rod and copper pipe and clear vinyl tubing. I have been wearing it for about a month now and it does really seem to make a difference. I had built a smaller one to go just around my balls, but now it no longer fits. My balls have gotten about 50% bigger and I have a real hard time getting them through the ring. So the one I use all the time now goes around my penis and balls. It is quite comfortable and I have between .50 an 1. Volt all the time. Like other have said: I am hornier, my flaccid and erections are bigger and my ejaculation is much stronger and bigger.

Zinc / copper - help out a Canuck?

Well apparently the good folks at McMaster-Carr do not want us people north of the 49th attaching their anodes to our Great Canadian Genitals. Post 9/11 security precautions have curtailed all further shipments from said company to your charming and peaceful neighbours up here. One can only assume that the thought of superior weapons discharging high volumes of semen in and on women is a terrorist act best prevented.

I placed an order only to have it cancelled and deleted from their systems with out so much as a call or email to notify me. I only found out when I tried to check the status of my shipment. I am very disappointed. The ballzinger would have been a nice addition to my collection of self improvement equipment.

Can anyone help a brother out with an alternate source of high quality zinc and copper? Another supplier either side of the border? Or better yet, a couple of extra pieces of these coveted materials just lying around on your workbench?


I have been wearing this ball zinger for about 5 months now. I can honestly say that my balls are bigger and the blood flow has increased dramatically. When I become aroused my balls double in size and they stay that way for several hours. Before I used this device my balls were about the size of a shelled Brazilian nut. Now, when they are swollen with blood from arousal they are as big as a walnut with the shell on!


I agree. My balls are significantly larger when I use a zinger and my orgasms seem to be much more intense…more electrical if you will. MXL

as a follow up to CunningLinguist, McMaster don’t ship to the UK any more either… .

Does any one have a good source for the zinc in the UK?? Am I right in thinking that I can use something that is zinc plated??




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