Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

To all Ballzinger wearers

I’m back! It’s been a couple of weeks now wearing my ball zinger and I’ve gained just over 3 inches! (Haha I wish!) In all seriousness I, like Chris Potter, have noticed a bigger hang Though.

I’ve been trying to wear it as often as I can but due to me being a bit trigger happy with the scissors, I cut the tubing to short and so it very often gets pulled apart. The bigger hang doesn’t seem to be due a cock ring effect either as it is only tight at the sides and certainly not tight enough to seriously constrict blood flow. It will be interesting to see how MAxxx goes at the docs and whether there is a measurable boost in testosterone.

Sorry I haven’t been here in a bit but I just got my initial results back from my doctor. My blood work came back all good and my testosterone levals were at 580 which is good.

A little back ground I’m 26 try to stay in shape even if its a round shape lol. I curently weigh 180 and I’m 5 foot 10 inches. Work out 3 times a week and I do mixed martial arts 2 days a week.

Ok so I have been wearing the Ballzinger a little over a week. As far as results I’ve had a few, mainly a slight load increase but nothing dramatic it is noticeable though. I have not had a big increase in hang only a little fluffier than usual. My night time erections are back but no morning wood, haven’t had one of those in a while.

Any way I will be going back to my doc in September for another testosterone test and see if for me any way if there’s a test increase.
Currently the only supps I’m taking are a multi vitamin and creatine 3 grams a day. I’m also on a SSRI for panic attacks which does work for lasting a lot longer…ok that’s for another thread.

I will keep you guys updated.

Past:5.2bpel X 4.25eg (2010):7.6bpel X 5.75eg After a 12 year hiatus, starting back in 2020 current stats 7.25 bpel 4.5-5.0eg

Not much length lost these 12 years but lost about 50% of my girth gains

I’ve been using BZ’s for a few months now. Thanks to all those who post here because the posts have been a great help. I ordered one off of ebay (this time silver and zinc) when I lost track of the one I made with zinc from McMaster’s. Well, while looking under the bed for a wandering shoe, I found my homemade one. I’m getting the best results by using one around the whole package and the old one just around the penis.

The effects for me are as follows:

The stim puts me in a better mood.

Better hang

Warmer package

My GF makes repeated comments about my hardness, and I felt last night that I was the hardest I had ever been

Judging from how I’m putting muscle back on in the gym, I’m certain that there’s an elevation in testosterone.

I’m 49, still having sex 5-10 times a week.

As far as the fastening goes, I’ve tried the Home Depot tubing, the surgical tubing.and the rods keep popping out of the tubes after they stretch out. I drilled holes in the ends, ran an big elastic woman’s hair tie through them, file the edges, and coat the edges with rubber cement for comfort.

Thanks again for all the good posts!

Originally Posted by Allegro88
I’ve been using BZ’s for a few months now. … I ordered one off of ebay (this time silver and zinc) when I lost track of the one I made with zinc from McMaster’s.

Can you find them on eBay? What do they call them, what do you search for?
I have searched for ‘ballzinger’ and not got any hits.


Originally Posted by Braingasm
Can you find them on eBay? What do they call them, what do you search for?
I have searched for ‘ballzinger’ and not got any hits.



If you write down penis zinger in ebay search, you’ll find what you are looking for



Actual 01/10/06 NBPEL 12cm x EG 11cm,

Objetivo NBPEL 16cm x EG 15cm (¿Aspiro a mucho?)

External URLs are not allowed in signatures

Hi everyrone !

I’ve found the ebay page.

Is it better to buy a Zinger ROP or a Magnetic Zinger ROP ?

Which one is the best ?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Starting size: BPEL: 7.2"(18,5cm) EG: 5.3"(13,5cm) Andropenis during 7 months (August 2003-March 2004): BPEL: 8.3"(21cm) EG: 5.5"(14cm) Current size: BPEL: 8.5"(21,5cm) EG: 5.7"(14,5cm) Goal: :D BPEL: 9"(23cm) EG: 6.5"(16,5cm)

ROP Zinger

I am a newbie & want to purchase the ROP zinger. When wearing the ROP is it necessary to do PE exercises or hang weights for increasing my testosterone level and also gain length & girth? If I don’t do the above-mentioned things & wear the ROP 24X7 will I achieve the above-mentioned results? Someone please help. Thanks in anticipation.


I live in London, can someone please tell me where I can buy zinc, copper and tube. Would prefer to make my own than buy? :)

Originally Posted by meowmeowluvin
I live in London, can someone please tell me where I can buy zinc, copper and tube. Would prefer to make my own than buy? :)

I ve all the spare materials I can make one for you or send the materials depends on your offer. I got my materials from Germany 99.9% zinc and 99% cooper plus the tube. I am happy make you a Ballzinger for £7.99 plus shipping to cover my cost if you want it

Originally Posted by arunv
I am a newbie & want to purchase the ROP zinger. When wearing the ROP is it necessary to do PE exercises or hang weights for increasing my testosterone level and also gain length & girth? If I don’t do the above-mentioned things & wear the ROP 24X7 will I achieve the above-mentioned results? Someone please help. Thanks in anticipation.


You haven’t read the thread have you? It doesn’t work.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Originally Posted by horsedick99
I ve all the spare materials I can make one for you or send the materials depends on your offer. I got my materials from Germany 99.9% zinc and 99% cooper plus the tube. I am happy make you a Ballzinger for £7.99 plus shipping to cover my cost if you want it

If your going to sell on the forum you need to talk to thunder about a commercial tag for your name.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Make them for almost nothing

hobby - A $.02 Ball Zinger

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Well it has to work, read on other forums and people are raving about it.. If it doesn’t work, won’t hurt trying.Anyway got some zinc from battery and used a silver rod.My balls are churning when a current goes through. It sounds too good to be true but I will try.. But I don’t feel no zing.l

Will let you guys know my results.want some bigger balls :P

He-he No I just want to increase my testosterone and ball size.. I feel my testosterone are low and I have shrunk half an inch because of this.. I am jelqing too.. Everyone even on here says there balls have got bigger and it helps increase flaccid length.

I know only jelqing can increase erect size .but I believe testosterone can just help cement those gains for guys with low levels. I will keep you posted. And the zinc is from the outer casing. I just rolling it up and made it into a tube. And it works. I can’t buy off the Internet cause there are strike in the U.K at the moment and it will just get lost in the post. So I did what I had to do. Just like anyone else just going on word of mouth, not trying to hurt anyone.


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