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To all Ballzinger wearers

Originally Posted by meowmeowluvin
Well it has to work, read on other forums and people are raving about it.. If it doesn’t work, won’t hurt trying.Anyway got some zinc from battery and used a silver rod.My balls are churning when a current goes through. It sounds too good to be true but I will try.. But I don’t feel no zing.l

Will let you guys know my results.want some bigger balls :P

Wish you all the best. Please keep us informed about your progress.


Well just wanna say.The morning erections have started, dreams, and I am more flaccid. I read up that massaging your testicles can increase size and increase testosterone. So I decided to do that and my balls felt like it was full of fluid?? I wonder what it does. It hasn’t been a long time but once again will let you know what happens. I want to buy Damiana. I hope more testosterone will cement my gains with jelqing

Electro chemistry of the Ballzinger

All this talk about the Ballzinger (RoP) acting as a battery that is continuously "zinging" or "zapping" your balls seems to be entirely fallacious to me. True, the design consists of a Zn anode and a Cu cathode connected together by the moisture (sweat) of your ball sack and the voltage (about 1 volt) is measurable if the anode and cathode are connected using a voltmeter.

However, the design of the Ballzinger (RoP) does not have a physical conductor completing the circuit by connecting the Zn and Cu rods so no current can flow. It is like a charged battery that is not connected to an external power consumer.

This doesn’t mean I am advocating changing the design by connecting the rods with a conductor as I have no idea what the effects on your genitals would be and am not that keen on being a guinea pig and testing it myself.

Therefore, I suspect that if the Ballzinger (RoP) works at all it might be due to the direct transfer of minute quantities of zinc to the testicles where it is in direct contact with them.

If you are interested in understanding the electro chemistry of a Zn/Cu battery view this graphic animation which will clarify matters:
Higher Education Support | McGraw Hill Higher Education

Originally Posted by nudedudede
All this talk about the Ballzinger (RoP) acting as a battery that is continuously "zinging" or "zapping" your balls seems to be entirely fallacious to me. True, the design consists of a Zn anode and a Cu cathode connected together by the moisture (sweat) of your ball sack and the voltage (about 1 volt) is measurable if the anode and cathode are connected using a voltmeter.

However, the design of the Ballzinger (RoP) does not have a physical conductor completing the circuit by connecting the Zn and Cu rods so no current can flow. It is like a charged battery that is not connected to an external power consumer.

This doesn’t mean I am advocating changing the design by connecting the rods with a conductor as I have no idea what the effects on your genitals would be and am not that keen on being a guinea pig and testing it myself.

Therefore, I suspect that if the Ballzinger (RoP) works at all it might be due to the direct transfer of minute quantities of zinc to the testicles where it is in direct contact with them.

If you are interested in understanding the electro chemistry of a Zn/Cu battery view this graphic animation which will clarify matters:
Higher Education Support | McGraw Hill Higher Education

I imagine a test to determine whether current is flowing, could be done by connecting a milli/ampmeter (or micro/ampmeter) in series with one of the rods, and see if any current is detected

But the rod would have to be ‘broken’ to allow the meter to be placed iin circuit.

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Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

Last edited by Mr. Happy : 09-29-2009 at . Reason: fixed quote

Can I wear the ballzinger on one nut?

Any nice person want to fill me in here please?: A Question for Cyberstud25 (re: low balls) (latest post)

Start: 6.3 BPEL x 4.5 MSEG & 4.5 BSEG

Now: 7.7 x 4.7 x 5.5 BSEG

Goal: 8 x 6

Well wear it at the base of the penis I think

Originally Posted by meowmeowluvin
Well wear it at the base of the penis I think

But won’t it slip through if it only hangs on one nut?

Start: 6.3 BPEL x 4.5 MSEG & 4.5 BSEG

Now: 7.7 x 4.7 x 5.5 BSEG

Goal: 8 x 6

I made a testring and noticed my smaller ball can fit precisely in the smallest size. Do you guys think it will work to put rings on one ball only, will the nut collar hold up the rings enough in my situation? (Ball Ringer Kit)


Start: 6.3 BPEL x 4.5 MSEG & 4.5 BSEG

Now: 7.7 x 4.7 x 5.5 BSEG

Goal: 8 x 6

Originally Posted by TenInchGoal
I made a testring and noticed my smaller ball can fit precisely in the smallest size. Do you guys think it will work to put rings on one ball only, will the nut collar hold up the rings enough in my situation? (Ball Ringer Kit)


I’ve had my ballzinger slip off one nut, remaining on the other (larger) nut, due to being a very high hanger and shifting my knee up while driving. It stayed on my right ball for a good thirty minutes while I was walking around campus doing errands. Only when I went to the restroom did I discover it’d slipped to one.

So yes, you can have it on just one, just be sure to make it tight, maybe even close the loop around, above the nut.

Well I stopped wearing it, cause I tried out clomid for awhile small increase and ball size. I bought some strong damiana powder, so will use that will buy a ball zinger soon.


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