Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

To all Ballzinger wearers

Whats up

What´s up with this stuff??

In short words I used BZ 2 years ago and than trashed it. I just bought a new one.

Someone who is a long time user here?

I’m making a $.02 Ballzinger today and I will post pictures later.Hope it works!

Bought the new one

And shit, now I remember, this shit take out some great feelings I have in the dick througout the day.

Man, this shit is a waste. If it worked really well it would be on the shelves of pharmacy. Using it is saddening!

Positive results

Well I bought a pre-made quality zinger off eBay.. Very pleased with the quality of the anodes and silicon tubing. I have learned the ins and outs (for me) of wearing this thing over the 8 months or so I have been using it. In combination with drinking lots of fluids and a very light regime on vitamin B, lecithin and L-arginine I am now shooting 8-10 impressive ropes. I’d say my load has doubled at least, although by no means have I measured scientifically. I have also started eating a can of pineapple and drinking pineapple juice daily. I am happy to report that the cum guzzling slut I have hooked up with for bi weekly drainings is in her glazed and gargling glory. (No doubt overall improved penis and BC health from my PE routine is a big factor as well)

I have also noticed a very definite decrease in recovery time post PE workout - specifically those red dots (perhaps due to inadequate warm up before the odd session) I occasionally get from jelqing or clamping too intensely. The zinger must increase blood-flow throughout the penis, not just the testes resulting in drainage of the leaked blood at a faster rate.

Overall - It is a pretty good tool to control the discolouration problems that serious clampers and jelqers have in addition to stimulating the production of a larger quantity of sperm/semen(still wondering how that works given that the volume of sperm is such a small component). I am wondering now how to get a low voltage current across the seminal vesicle directly.. Without having an electrode shoved up my ass and another down my dick for long periods.. Lol


With all the stuff you are doing: ballzinger, water, lecithin, and L-arginine. It is hard to tell what is actually working. Members have reported good increases and no results from all those things individually. I have noticed good increases just from drinking a lot of water.

I agree that more than adequate fluids is probably the single most important factor and should be a given starting point for anyone that wants to ensure an optimal load. I have read every word on here pertaining to heavy loads and precum stimulation and have been playing around with different combinations of easily and inexpensively attainable items at low to moderate dosages. I believe that too much of anything is likely to be counterproductive if not unhealthy. I have settled on 1 500mg Lecithin twice a day, 2 500mg L-arginine twice a day, 1 200 mg vitamin b twice a day. The ballzinger is worn on average 3 - 4 hrs a day maybe 4 days a week. I try and wear it for at least a few hours prior to a hot face fucking and time my dose of L-arginine/lecithin about an hour or two prior as well. Currently I am shooting a rather satisfying load. Could be the enthusiasm of the cocksucker and the quality / intensity of the orgasm helps too as well as cumming once, maybe twice, usually no more than three times in a week. Seems to work for me.

You might try upping your L-arginine to 3-5 grams per day. That is when you should notice the best increase in load.

Personally I see things like zingers and the like merely producing a cock ring like affect. Place a ring over your dick without the magnets/metals or whatever, you will have the same affect.

Hey Guys, first post ever.. But have you any experience with silver ball zingers? I purchased mine off ebay being told that silver created a higher charge than copper but since then I’ve had other sources say that silver only increases the current which is supposedly not as good, as the main effects of the ring are the absorbtion of the zinc and copper, what do you guys reckon? I saw the official R.O.P (Ring of power) site is offering a discount for anyone purchasing a original ball zinger after having purchased the “inferior” silver version. To be honest I’m not feeling any changes (tho it’s early days) when did you guys notice the changes? Have I been duped?

Originally Posted by I Heart PE
Hey Guys, first post ever.. But have you any experience with silver ball zingers? I purchased mine off ebay being told that silver created a higher charge than copper but since then I’ve had other sources say that silver only increases the current which is supposedly not as good, as the main effects of the ring are the absorbtion of the zinc and copper, what do you guys reckon? I saw the official R.O.P (Ring of power) site is offering a discount for anyone purchasing a original ball zinger after having purchased the “inferior” silver version. To be honest I’m not feeling any changes (tho it’s early days) when did you guys notice the changes? Have I been duped?

Hi! I Heart PE

Whether ball zingers are any use has been hotly debated here for some time now.

The question of whether they are any use, seems more to do with your own body’s reaction to them. They seem to work for some people, and not for others. (They didn’t for me).

It simply may come down to whether you sweat down there more than others.

If there is no guarantee/return for the item then the only thing to try (so far as I know) is to create a bit of damp there, perhaps by using a moisteriser cream, But do make sure by means of a fairly small amount of moisteriser and initially (while testing) for a short period, as you might find the liquid and chemicals react witht the metal on the Ballzinger.

Or perhaps just damp the area with some water and replace regularly.

The question as to which is better revlves around which is the better conductor of electricity. Silver is a better conductor than copper, but the voltage produced from both is about 1.5-ish which is about the same as a dry cell battery. So it would seem that silver is the best coating to use. Unless you are one of those rare people who are allergic to silver.


PS I’m not an expert on the matter but I would think the less zinc and copper you absorb would be better for you.

And just for the history The best known allergy to silver was shown by that monk who became a saint because he was always praying and had the cross etched into his hands, which disappeared a few days before his death. Probably due to him have a reaction to silver and it burnt his hands and when he became too weak to hold his hands together the cross disappeared simply because his hands healed. As they weren’t being burned by the silver cross he held.

Don't be a lurker left out in the cold. :lurk: Join the happy band of donors!

Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

Last edited by petitfaun : 07-07-2008 at .

Thanks Petitfaun! I’m going to give your moisterising idea a go and just try and keep wearing it as often as I can. May look into getting a copper one to compare? Thanks again guys, Ill keep people posted if any major happenings start to progress.

Well I just got the parts to make one. And I’m planning to make it with in the next week. I also wear a cock ring regulary so ill be posting my results soon. Also I go in to the Dr Monday to get some blood work and a testosterone test ill see if I can get another test done in a month or so and see if there’s any difference.

Past:5.2bpel X 4.25eg (2010):7.6bpel X 5.75eg After a 12 year hiatus, starting back in 2020 current stats 7.25 bpel 4.5-5.0eg

Not much length lost these 12 years but lost about 50% of my girth gains

Originally Posted by MAxxx
Well I just got the parts to make one. And I’m planning to make it with in the next week. I also wear a cock ring regulary so ill be posting my results soon. Also I go in to the Dr Monday to get some blood work and a testosterone test ill see if I can get another test done in a month or so and see if there’s any difference.

Hi Maxxx

I wonder if you can use the apostophie when typing I’ll ratherr than ill, as to some members, whose first language isn’t English, could mistake what you are saying and read that it’s making you ill.



Don't be a lurker left out in the cold. :lurk: Join the happy band of donors!

Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

Sorry about that Petit. Thanks for the correction.

Past:5.2bpel X 4.25eg (2010):7.6bpel X 5.75eg After a 12 year hiatus, starting back in 2020 current stats 7.25 bpel 4.5-5.0eg

Not much length lost these 12 years but lost about 50% of my girth gains

I’ve had mine on about a week,and have noticed a bit more hang.What is odd though,the zinger,is varying between .38 to.79.But for whatever reason i get a .045 reading thru the titanium PA i wear.Its only noticeable when i sweat or in the shower.Anyone else have these pleasant bonuses?


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