Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

thethickone's surgery thread

thethickone's surgery thread

I too had the surgery, and I also told Dr. Rheinschild that I would share my experience on-line.

I am now 6.5 inches by 7 inches erect.

I am having a second girth enhancement done in a few weeks.

my goal is 7.5 X 8

Why 8? Isnt 8 a bit unbearable for many women?

Well I can tell you that the 4 women I currently see can take the 7 inches of girth with ease. True I must be careful and they must be very wet or we must use lube, but they will then loosen up just like they did when I was 5.75 inches in girth midshaft and 6 at the base.

As to why girth, because length for the majority of women is important up to a point and then it becomes painful.

However it’s been my experience that the larger the girth the better it feels up to a point too, but women can take much more girth than guys give them credit for.

I find the 6 inch comment to be absurd. I was 6 inches before and while some women took it easier than others I never had a problem

I read about guys wanting 8,9,10, even 12 inches of length and that certainly won’t please most women

Yes I am bigger girth than erect, but I’m not talking BPEL as some guys do and it just makes it look more massive.

My goal is 7.5X8 few guys in the world thicker than that and YES women can take it. Go to and see what I mean.

Originally Posted by thethickone
Well I can tell you that the 4 women I currently see can take the 7 inches of girth with ease. True I must be careful and they must be very wet or we must use lube, but they will then loosen up just like they did when I was 5.75 inches in girth midshaft and 6 at the base.

Thanks for the reply TTO. That’s truly amazing. But I’m not about to tell you that you are wrong.

Originally Posted by thethickone
I find the 6 inch comment to be absurd. I was 6 inches before and while some women took it easier than others I never had a problem

Perhaps. But it’s what a lot of men that size here report. I wouldn’t know, only being about 5.6” EG right now.

Originally Posted by thethickone
As to why girth, because length for the majority of women is important up to a point and then it becomes painful.

Agreed about that. What do you think a cut off length (non-bone-pressed) is for most women?

Originally Posted by thethickone
Yes I am bigger girth than erect, but I’m not talking BPEL as some guys do and it just makes it look more massive.

This might seem an odd question, but do you think your dick looks okay, from a purely aesthetic perspective, being that thick in proportion to the length? I’m 7” BPEL by 5.6” EG, and I already think mine looks a bit stubby!

Originally Posted by thethickone
Go to and see what I mean.

Perhaps. But thanks for the link.

By the way, welcome to the forum!

8Ball, You can wash your crotch area and you can also hose down the area with the Betadine that will clean up the area. I also used that Dial foam soap to scrub my crotch. Just don’t get bandages wet, but you risk MORE infection by not cleaning as much f the area as you can.

Motivated, I have been told my cock looks perfect so who knows, as to what a woman can take; again 6 inches is nothing special. I have found that out, but women sure do appreciate a thicker penis.

IMHO As to cut off length for NBPEL I think over 7 inches for “most” not all women starts to get painful.

My one ex couldn’t sit straight back on top off me without discomfort at 6.5 NBPEL.

It isn’t true for all women, but I also have a theory that as your girth increases the depth of the vagina decreases too or the amount of length they can tolerate comfortably decreases.

For instance a 7X7 penis will fill her quicker than a 7X5 inch penis and she will handle the length better with the smaller girthed penis.

BTW I am 44 and speak from the experience of hundreds of sexual encounters.

I have been told I was big many times, never told I was small, but after surgery I am told I am huge, looks like something on a horse and so on.

It certainly boost the ego and my flaccid measurements of 5.5X5.5 really shows up in a tight pair of jeans


I guess you don’t get much anal.

To me it seems quite fetishistic, and going back for more sounds worse still. Do you think you are addicted to the process at all? Like people who cover their entire body with tattoos or the pumpers on tigerpumping.

Are you the friend who’d had the surgery 8-ball has been talking about?

Originally Posted by memento

I guess you don’t get much anal.

To me it seems quite fetishistic, and going back for more sounds worse still. Do you think you are addicted to the process at all? Like people who cover their entire body with tattoos or the pumpers on tigerpumping.

Are you the friend who’d had the surgery 8-ball has been talking about?

I actually think anal is nasty although I have tried it a few times and think it’s irrelevant and totally moot to the whole surgery experience. To make the whole experience seem negative by suggesting I don’t engage in anal sex is absurd.

I guess then all forms of PE are fetishistic, in actuality I could conclude that manual PE for years or months is much more “fetishistic” (is there such a word?) than a quick surgery.

Am I addicted? No and I don’t have a tattoo or piercings and have no clue what a tiger pumper is. Are you addicted to PE’ing? What does it really matter as long as you’re happy? You certainly don’t need to justify anything to me.

I am goal oriented, I run a major national financial institution, I don’t have time to PE for hours, I researched the surgery for 4 years, after much research I made the informed decision to have it.

In 6 months I have a bigger penis than many do after years of “fetishistically” manually PE’ing.

I know what the majority of women can handle based on my own observations.

At 7.5 X 7.5 I will have a dick that is huge, but not too long and the most important thing is I will be happy and isn’t that all that really matters?

I know you don’t visit this forum or PE to receive validation from me or others nor do I have surgery for validation from anyone else either, except maybe my sexual partners.

In any event to each his own. I am not one to criticize someone especially when I know nothing about them.

Each individual needs to do what he thinks best to enlarge their penis and by all means don’t let what others think or say discourage them or prevent them from achieving their goals.

Originally Posted by thethickone
I too had the surgery, and I also told Dr. Rheinschild that I would share my experience on-line.

I am now 6.5 inches by 7 inches erect.

I am having a second girth enhancement done in a few weeks.

my goal is 7.5 X 8

What was your starting measurements and are those measurements bpel?

I was 6.5X 6 (5.75 right behind the head), nonBP

Originally Posted by thethickone
I was 6.5X 6 (5.75 right behind the head), nonBP

At your current girth of 7 inches, do you have problems with women being able to take that amount of girth? That is pretty huge.

"Building a weapon of mass destruction" Started: 5.81" x 3.88" Now: 8.5" x 5.0" Goal: 9" x 6"

8 inches of girth is damn near a coke can :eek:

Originally Posted by thethickone
I guess then all forms of PE are fetishistic, in actuality I could conclude that manual PE for years or months is much more “fetishistic” (is there such a word?) than a quick surgery.

Quite so. Certainly to people outside this forum, I think your average run of the mill PEer looks highly deviant, but as someone in a PE forum to me you look like the average PEer might to a non-PEer.

Yes there is such a word :)

Originally Posted by thethickone
Am I addicted? No and I don’t have a tattoo or piercings and have no clue what a tiger pumper is. Are you addicted to PE’ing? What does it really matter as long as you’re happy? You certainly don’t need to justify anything to me.

Am I addicted? Nope. Did it for a while, got close to where I wanted, stopped. Do you expect to stop after your next surgery? Will you find that girth inadequate?

How about some pics by the way. 8-balls pics are just post surgery, great of him to post them but they don’t give more than a tiny idea of the final result.

Originally Posted by thethickone
I am goal oriented, I run a major national financial institution, I don’t have time to PE for hours, I researched the surgery for 4 years, after much research I made the informed decision to have it.

Good for you, I did a similar thing with laser eye surgery. What was the tipping point for you in commiting to surgery? What technique came in?

Originally Posted by thethickone
In 6 months I have a bigger penis than many do after years of “fetishistically” manually PE’ing.

I know what the majority of women can handle based on my own observations.

At 7.5 X 7.5 I will have a dick that is huge, but not too long and the most important thing is I will be happy and isn’t that all that really matters?

But will you be happy? It’s great that you found a quick route that worked for you.

Personally I’ve found that some women have had problems with my girth, but then I guess moulding the dick to the women around one is quite a normal route. It just seems that your available selection is not average.

Originally Posted by thethickone
I know you don’t visit this forum or PE to receive validation from me or others nor do I have surgery for validation from anyone else either, except maybe my sexual partners.

In any event to each his own. I am not one to criticize someone especially when I know nothing about them.

Each individual needs to do what he thinks best to enlarge their penis and by all means don’t let what others think or say discourage them or prevent them from achieving their goals.

These threads work because people are asked about motivation, about the physical experience, about all aspects. You should expect people to ask questions and give opinions, that’s the point of being here. Without that it might be a rather boring ad for surgery with some good pics.

Are you the friend who’d had the surgery 8-ball has been talking about?

Originally Posted by goingdeeper
At your current girth of 7 inches, do you have problems with women being able to take that amount of girth? That is pretty huge.

No except orally.

Originally Posted by thethickone
I was 6.5X 6 (5.75 right behind the head), nonBP

So you didn’t get the lengthening procedure? Are you going to get that the second time around?

I’ve seen before/after pics in the flaccid state, but there are few out there in the erect state. When you go from flaccid to erect does the girth remain constant from base to head? Did the doc cut you under the glands and then pull down the skin and wrap the stuff around your shaft? How did it heal under the glands and did you lose any sensation there or is it overly sensitive there?

Originally Posted by memento
Quite so. Certainly to people outside this forum, I think your average run of the mill PEer looks highly deviant, but as someone in a PE forum to me you look like the average PEer might to a non-PEer.

Yes there is such a word :)

Well if that’s how it looks to you that’s fine. Again I don’t do it for any validation from anyone here, but will share my experience because of the myths about the surgery.

Originally Posted by memento
How about some pics by the way. 8-balls pics are just post surgery, great of him to post them but they don’t give more than a tiny idea of the final result.

Sorry but I am a VP of a large national corporation I won’t be posting my pictures and have it come back to haunt me, although I will leave the door open in case I change my mind, but seeing as how your mind is made up already and you have such a negative view what would it accomplish?

Good for you, I did a similar thing with laser eye surgery. What was the tipping point for you in commiting to surgery? What technique came in?

Finally a question with some merit and not a derogatory remark cloaked as a question. The tipping point was the use of alloderm and the long term viability of the results. I spoke with over 40 men who had the surgery, some almost a decade ago. The many issues I read about were simply non-existant.

But will you be happy? It’s great that you found a quick route that worked for you.

You really care about my happiness? I am touched.:) As to quick route if you don’t add the research yes it was quick, but not painless. Hurt like hell.

Personally I’ve found that some women have had problems with my girth, but then I guess moulding the dick to the women around one is quite a normal route. It just seems that your available selection is not average.

I have no clue what your girth is and your sarcastic comment aside, women can handle and enjoy a lot more girth than you give them credit for. Might want to watch some porn to see what I mean. Every woman I have had a relationship with pre-op has adjusted to my post-op girth. I am curious as to your number of sexual partners for you to form such a conclusion. Maybe your sample base is way too small.

These threads work because people are asked about motivation, about the physical experience, about all aspects. You should expect people to ask questions and give opinions, that’s the point of being here. Without that it might be a rather boring ad for surgery with some good pics.

I didn’t advertise anything and of all the recent questions you asked only one was truly pertinent; the rest were cynical, sarcastic and rather pointless. As to giving your opinion, I wonder what your opinion of having a period feels like, or maybe having a baby??? :)

My point is I find it hard for me to give opinions of something I haven’t experienced or know nothing about. I do think you have voiced numerous skeptical opinions and presented them as questions

Are you the friend who’d had the surgery 8-ball has been talking about?

Never met him

Last edited by thethickone : 08-29-2005 at . Reason: quote function didn't wokr as I wanted
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