Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

This is interesting... Where do you stand now?

View Poll Results:

Where do you now stand on the chart?



Below Average




Getting There




Significantly Above Average




95% in either EL or EG


The Perfect Size (From "8x6")


1 in 500


God of PE


Out of this world! 1 in 2500+



Total Votes: 254. You may not vote on this poll

This is interesting... Where do you stand now?

Please check out the attached Excel file I created. In it you will see there are many different paths to the same desired volume. Where do you fit?

Started - Light Grey - “Getting there”
Now - Orange - “95% in either EL or EG
Goal - Dark Green - “Literally 1 in 500”

PS - As an Excel workbook, this thing was a beauty. It took me A LOT of downsizing to have it be a reasonably sized .jpeg. Sorry there are no decimal places on volume now and that the font is tiny!
(I also wasn’t sure where to stick this, since it has a poll AND attachment)

(75.4 KB, 541 views)

Aw shucks, thanks thunder! Yes, I put more effort into it than I anticipated!

Is it just me, or does anyone else find it simply AMAZING that 7.5x6 is TWICE the size of the average penis? TWICE! In addition to that, 9.5x6.5 is THREE times the size of the average penis!

My volume has increased by 65% since I started doing PE… even though I’ve ‘only’ gained about an inch in length.

-Has anyone DOUBLED their volume since they starting PEing? I know of a few that I think have! Pat yourself on the back!


Do the numbers inside the grid equal cubic inches?

I fall into one of the boxes that is white or pale green, would I find a corresponding number in one of your colored boxes to find where to vote/post my info for poll?

Yes cubic inches. Just find your slot and go to the color that is closest to your size… it’s not an exact science. I tried to make them all close enough so that the difference between them isn’t too too big. Thanks for voting!

I am apparantly 1 in 500. What are you basing your numbers on M?

This is funny. According to this chart I’m “Out of this world” at my current 8.25x6.

Seems like I’m at significally above avarage and have my goal in the “Endowed” area. Sounds good ;) .


Started: A little bit above the light grey area.
Now: Yellow.
Goal: Light blue or orange or somewhere in between.

"You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts."

Originally posted by Stillwantmore

This is funny. According to this chart I'm “Out of this world” at my current 8.25x6.

SWM, actually you’re between “The Perfect Size” and “1 in 500”. I’m not sure how you interpreted the chart to arrive at “Out of this world”. The Green horizontal highlights are for reference.

(Although 8.25 x 6 is out of this world to many many girls ;) )

Try giving the chart another look.


Well the light blue/aqua block 8.2 (on the chart) with 6 in girth falls into correspondes with the light blue/aqua “Out of this world” block at the bottom.

Originally posted by m7point0

Is it just me, or does anyone else find it simply AMAZING that 7.5x6 is TWICE the size of the average penis? TWICE! In addition to that, 9.5x6.5 is THREE times the size of the average penis!

My volume has increased by 65% since I started doing PE… even though I've 'only' gained about an inch in length.

-Has anyone DOUBLED their volume since they starting PEing? I know of a few that I think have! Pat yourself on the back!

I was at 64% myself - at last measurement. I anticipate more on August 1st.

Originally posted by secjay
I am apparantly 1 in 500. What are you basing your numbers on M?

I’m basing the numbers from cummulative percentile distributions I’ve seen on the internet.
I’ve quickly pulled one up for you, and while this one is for advertising purposes for some scam site, lol… it is the data from kinsey. In fact the kinsey data was a bit higher than others, so this is being on the safe size that you’re 1/500.

Going along the 1/500 zone…
—————-Length————Girth————Asumming no Corr——-if highly correlated
7 by 6.8 - -1/12————1/1000——————-1/12000———————~1/1200
7.6 x 6.6 - 1/35————-1/400——————- 1/14000——————— ~1/700
8 x 6.4 - —-1/56————-1/200——————- 1/11200———————-~1/500
8.6 x 6.2 - 1/165————1/85———————- 1/16500———————~1/500
9 x 6 - ——1/1000———-1/25 ———————- 1/25000——————- ~1/1400
9.6 x 5.8 - 1/1000+——-1/20————————1/40000——————— ~1/2500

Obviously there is a correlation between length and girth, but not perfect. If I had a set of non PE data that included each individuals length and girth, I could tell you what the value is then run the stuff through minitab and be as exact as the data allowed me to do. For now, this is about the best explanation I can give you Secjay. We all have to keep in mind that 1/500 for the general public is probably about 1/50 ‘round here. :)
Any other questions: feel free to ask, I’m putting off cleaning my place today.

Last edited by m7point0 : 07-27-2003 at .

Originally posted by Stillwantmore

Well the light blue/aqua block 8.2 (on the chart) with 6 in girth falls into correspondes with the light blue/aqua “Out of this world” block at the bottom.

It appears sea green on my computer, and goes all the way across horizontally every other row for reference. It may appear differently on yours because I was *forced* to save it as a jpeg rather than the bmp that was too large. Hope this helps.


(the light blue is for numbers around 33)

Originally posted by Krowax
Seems like I'm at significally above avarage and have my goal in the “Endowed” area. Sounds good ;) .


Started: A little bit above the light grey area.
Now: Yellow.
Goal: Light blue or orange or somewhere in between.

Cool, cool; keep it up man. Nice pics by the way, impressive head!

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