Thunder's Place

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Thread rating help needed !!


Thread rating

I added a thread rating drop down box to the top right side of each thread to make it more noticable and user friendly. If you have the time to rate a few threads, even if it is just the good ones, please do so. It will really help the next guy that comes along and is confronted with 30,000 threads staring him in the face.


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I will start rating threads right away! Just thinking that should we rate _every_ post, because it might look pretty ugly afterwards stars everywhere :)

Keep Gaining! :jelq:

A Man behind his mask.


Kinda busy right now. I’ll get on it like the other guys later today or tomorrow sometime.


be back soon


I have rated every post in the first 2 pages of the hangers forum so far (the highest numbered pages). Check it out- doesn’t look too bad at all.

"...its' natural environment is in the hole, so why don't you send him home. His bags are packed, he's got his airplane tickets- bring him to the airport...send him home."

From: 'Happy Gilmore'

only in page 8 (with 25 posts per page) of main members forum :( sorry need to spend more time. Hoping to get a free day and motor through a load then.

Oh and I did 6 pages of the newbie forum before switching.

I’m working backwards. On page 51 of main forum. I will try to spend as much time rating as I do looking around in Diamond’s board.

She can be habit forming.

be back soon

Mr Ace you just made my day!
I enjoy your posts very much also.

Just keep Thunder happy though
He cant hardly sleep at night as it is
worring about me being on his forum.

Not that I give him any reason to worry!
But he does for some reason!
I dont have a clue as to why that is either. lol


One thing that has bothered be about the rating system is there is no “below average” rating.

You can rate a thread great, above average or average. If you feel it is a sub-par thread, all you have left is ‘covered better elsewhere’ or ‘off topic.’ While I feel there is a need to flag off topic posts or threads, I also find myself wanting a below average rating choice.

What I am doing is using the ‘average’ rating as my below average rating, using ‘better than average’ as my average rating, and great…well you get the picture.

comments? Has this been covered already?


be back soon

to me, ‘covered better elsewhere’ is a polite way of saying below average.

I use average for the median posting level for the board, if the post is not superb but I haven’t seen it ‘covered better elsewhere’. ‘better than average’ covers threads with very good quality information that don’t quite cut it as a best post. and ‘off topic’ is where I put most of the intros that don’t actualy contain any PE advice and simliar.

Thats what I’m doing anyway :)

I suppose as long as you are consistent and still get to 5 stars that’ll work out once more people have gone through the same posts. Luckily we are not relying on a single persons point of view :)

I like your method better, Memento. Its probably what most people are doing, now that I think about it.

be back soon

Great. Does that mean I get the blame for you too when thunder tells me I’m doing it all wrong ;)

Mem wrote:

>Great. Does that mean I get the blame for you too when thunder tells me I’m doing it all wrong?

As you well know, one way to git on thunders bad side is wit bad spellin and not capitolizen proper.

be back soon


True. There are other ways (which are nicely documented in the forum guidelines) ;)

But, looks like there are no mods around at the moment, so its anarchy time.

But your post leaves a permanent record of the anarchy. I am the one that complains about stuff in the forum guidelines, but it really does bother others also, honestly it does. :) The guidelines were a “joint” project that the moderators contributed heavily to.

I just bitch better than they do.

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