Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Three year anniversary

Three year anniversary

This week marks three years of PE for me. I didn’t have doubts or complaints about my dick prior to PE. And I never would have guessed I’d still be here.

My unit is significantly thicker and longer than when I started. My erections are super hard and my ejaculation control is awesome.

I don’t have pics, but my stats are in the PE database. My girth measurements are clamped so you can subtract 1/4 inch to get my unclamped girth.

I have tried pretty much everything, but clamping is where it’s at for me. I am not the most dedicated PE’er and I don’t have a “routine”. But I will probably never stop clamping.

I just want to say thanks to Thunder and everyone else who help make this a cool place.


ps…I am not looking to start a progress thread or answer a bunch of questions. Everything you need to know is posted on this site many many times!! Keep after it!!

Congratulations on these 3 years Curiousjo. It’s weird how the time pass so fast and easily when you do something you enjoy like clamping. The main reason for me to keep me going with PE is having at least a good erection quality which looks that is also one of the benefits you like too.

Just hit three years myself and I’m very pleased to have done the work and got the results.

Here’s to three more years!

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

Also just coming up for 3 years, I’ve learned a hell of a lot and it’s been fun but no real gains to show for it !

Congrats on sticking around here for 3 years! And awesome gains by the way. I can only hope my PE career is as successful as yours is

Start 10/17/12: BPEL: 5.9 NBPEL: 5.125 EG: 4.875

Current 12/17/12: BPEL: 7 NBPEL: 6.1 EG: 5

Goal: 8.5x6

Congrats Curiosjo.

Capernicus, time to start a progress log and a lof of people, myself included, will try to offer best advices. If you will not have gains in the 2013 you’ll have your money back, granted! :)

Originally Posted by marinera
Congrats Curiosjo.

Capernicus, time to start a progress log and a lof of people, myself included, will try to offer best advices. If you will not have gains in the 2013 you’ll have your money back, granted! :)

Thanks mate I think I will.
My hat’s off to the other guys who’ve stuck it out this long even when they are gaining, it’s a long hard road either way :)

One more here joining the three year club. Increased NBPEL from 4.5” to 5,25” and MSEG from 4.4” to 5”. I was referred to an ED site ( where I learned about Trimix injections and can now enjoy hard erections after suffering from ED for over 15 years.

Thanks Thunders and its helpful members and congratulations to the other Tri annual celebrants.

Start 11/09 BPEL: 5.5", EG: 4.4"

Current. BPEL: 6:4", EG: 5.5"

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