Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Thrombosed vein vs. lymph vessel


I have the same problem as some of you guys. I figure I would bump this thread rather than start a new one.

A few months ago I woke up and went pee and saw a pretty pronounced lump of the left side of my penis right beneath the head. I left it alone for a few days and it seemed to go away, but there was still a little bump left. The last couple weeks I got the lump again pretty bad. I think it might be from stretching or masturbating. I didn’t touch my penis from Sunday-Tuesday (about 72 hours) and masturbated last night and the lump came back again, but not as bad.

How long does this take to go away. It seems like I can’t PE or even masturbate because it causes it to flair up. Does anybody have any idea of how to clear this up? Hopefully a pretty fast method.

Does anybody have information about how to alleviate this problem.

I’ve had this for years now and nothing I’ve done has fixed it. It doesn’t hurt but it causes my penis to slightly bend to the left. I think it might be limiting growth, at least in the left CC, seeing as my right CC is getting a little bigger.

I’ve just ordered an Andropenis and I’m going to have acupuncture in the next couple of weeks. Had a doctor check my lymph nodes in my groin and while they weren’t anything to worry about she did say there’s a lot of them in a small cluster. We’ll see how it turns out.

Dangleman, has your problem gone away or become less noticeable since you first posted 6 years ago?

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

Does this correspond to this problem ? alin - Need some advice

Starting stats: 6.4" / 5.6" Current Stats: 7.4" / 5.8" Short term goal: 7" / 6" Long term goal: 8" / 6.5"

Alin, I think you have a thrombosed vein. Myself and the people in the thread seem to have a lymphocele.

I have not done any PE exercises the last two weeks. I didn’t masturbate for about 3 days and the lymphocele looked gone, but when I did masturbate it came back. When I massage it, it goes away, but there still seems to be a little puffy spot.

Should I go to a doctor?

Originally Posted by growingeveryday
Alin, I think you have a thrombosed vein. Myself and the people in the thread seem to have a lymphocele.

I have not done any PE exercises the last two weeks. I didn’t masturbate for about 3 days and the lymphocele looked gone, but when I did masturbate it came back. When I massage it, it goes away, but there still seems to be a little puffy spot.

Should I go to a doctor?

I’m not sure if it’s a thrombosed vein as there is no redness and no pain, which seem to be the symptoms of the thrombosis.

Could there be anything else which makes a “spot” on the vein swollen, but not hard, and as said is a localised thing, meaning the rest of the vein is ok.

I’m waiting for your advices. Thank you people.

Starting stats: 6.4" / 5.6" Current Stats: 7.4" / 5.8" Short term goal: 7" / 6" Long term goal: 8" / 6.5"

A build up of plaque perhaps? It can happen inside arteries and forms a thick crust.

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

Originally Posted by Tossed Salad
A build up of plaque perhaps? It can happen inside arteries and forms a thick crust.

I think what is affected is the superficial dorsal vein of the penis as you can see in my pics here alin - Need some advice .

Starting stats: 6.4" / 5.6" Current Stats: 7.4" / 5.8" Short term goal: 7" / 6" Long term goal: 8" / 6.5"

I think I have this :’s_disease

What do you think ?

Starting stats: 6.4" / 5.6" Current Stats: 7.4" / 5.8" Short term goal: 7" / 6" Long term goal: 8" / 6.5"

I think there needs to be a sticky thread devoted to pics of differing injuries, and methods used to rid/lessen them.

Not individual threads, but one collective thread stickied.

Current size: BPEL: 7.9" EG: 6.75"

Realistic goal: BPEL: 9.25" EG: 7.5"

Unrealistic surgical goal: 12" x 8.5" :)

That would be pretty difficult to catalogue 8 x 8. If you feel like compiling a well presented thread detailing all that information in one place, I’ll be happy to sticky it for you :)

One of the problems with this idea is there a lot of variation even within individual injuries, and due to the nature of the way in which we PE, and the physiological differences between us all, solutions or treatments are often not clear cut.

Currently in the injuries forum there is information regarding each of the main injury types. Why do you think one mega thread would be better?

10 years old thread, wow.

Damaged lymph vessel here too is what I think it is because of too much pressure probably. Small hard spot under the left side of my glands. It doesn’t hurt at all, usually goes away completely the next day or two. But it comes back if I’m touching that area like squeezing under the head when clamping or just rubbing. Maybe it will go away sometime or maybe it will become permanent? Really don’t know. We’ll see.

I’m another with some lymphocele. Left side of the shaft. Noticed it September 5th, virtually zero PE ever since, have only masturbated to completion twice since, and haven’t self-aroused myself any more than those two times. Looking at not fapping for a 6-week mark at least, just to say I did lay off. Thankfully that’s not hard for me, just because of my ridiculous self-discipline (and former PE frame of mind).

It’s a real bummer both my first doctor and urologist check-ups on the issue take hardly any time before diagnosing it a thrombosed vein. They both admit they haven’t seen one on the penis before. *smh* Well, there’s a sign to maybe pump the brakes, hm?! For crying out loud.. They don’t want to listen. The doctor prescribed an anti-inflammatory drug, and the urologist advised heat compresses (he said hot wash cloth).nothing about massaging, of course, since he’s thinking it’s a messed up vein.

I will be trying the ole heated rice sock some more, but it’s a little tender/dully achy at the top section where there are very small lump/masses, so I’m hesitant to start the “massaging” approach. (That’d be nice to have that kind of control, to see them go away after working with them. I could probably live with that.) The bummer is, when I’m hard, sometimes the mass/lumps can protrude outward to the left of the shaft. Most people here don’t mention any pain or don’t mention protrusion, so I’m taking extra care on wtf I’m to do next, as every case is different.


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