Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Thunder et al, should we start a Clamper's Forum?

Clamping has been around a long time. Bib introduced it to the PE scene in 2000, IIRC. Link. Interest waxes and wanes, though the popularity of cable clamps has given it renewed focus over the past year or so.

Few understand the difference between true exreme Ulis and milder forms of clamping or wrapping for girth. IMO, that’s the primary thing pertaining to “clamping” that needs clarification. The milder stuff is fine for newbies.

I’ve tried doing extremely intense EU’s - to the point my skin was shedding small blood clots/scabs. I’ve had much better progress from lower intensity techniques. In fact, I don’t plan to do anything “extreme” ever again because it never paid off. All I got was long-lasting discoloration.


I know Bib introduced clamping. I don’t think clamping is all that dangerous. It is abusing these plastic clamps that is risky, simply because it is so easy to just clamp one on as tight as you can get it and forget about it. It is really easy now to over clamp, a lot easier than it was in Bib’s day. For me the quick easy gains make it worth the risk, but others may not feel the ends justify the means.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

I meant to add that I think the “extreme” route isn’t where we should be heading. Even if it can work for a little while, providing a tiny bit more gain, sooner or later the limit will be reached. Assuming you don’t get injured in the process you’ll be left with tissues so tough nothing will work. A very long deconditioning period may help this, but why push to that level in the first place? I don’t see any point.

>It is really easy now to over clamp, a lot easier than it was in Bib’s day.

A tight hose clamp (such as Bib’s Uli thing) shuts off both inflow and outflow completely and if properly applied builds tremendous pressure. I’m not kidding. It can build enough pressure (and pain) to make your eyes water as you pace around counting down the seconds until the end of a 7-10 minute set. Cable clamps don’t clamp as well.

You have a point though in that more guys who don’t have a clue what they are doing are using cable clamps for girth. Again, there are various stages of “clamping,” from simply edging with a cock ring or wearing a moderately loose wrap, to restricting outflow further, all the way to full bore EU’s. Miscommunication or misunderstanding may lead a newbie to do something stupid. There’s a big difference between loosely wrapping or loosely clamping for 30 minutes and doing a true EU for 30 minutes. With the latter you can kiss your dick goodbye. That long without blood flow will seriously injure or kill it.

So, really what is being called “clamping” covers a spectrum of durations and intensities. Also a variety of equipment because a clamp isn’t required. A wrap works just as well for everything except true EU’s. Some of this is fine for those with only a few months of PE experience.

Everyone here has very good points.

Now, for my two cents:
I believe, instead of a “clampers forum” we need a “clampers tutorial” A post that covers EVERYTHING regarding clamping in extreme detail - with many warnings ( and not just the regular warnings that say ” DO NOT DO THIS IF YOU ARE A NEWBIE ” — make sure they are real warnings that explains what happens if you overclamp.)

Hobby has some very good information that should be added into this post, along with other replies in this thread. It will take some time, but it will probably save a lot of hassle in the end — if someone is up for the task.

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Thanks for volunteering, remek. Thunder will need completed and on his desk by Monday.


Originally Posted by ThunderSS

In case you change your mind, I’d like to make suggestion for the name of the forum:

Happy Clamper

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Originally Posted by mgus
In case you change your mind, I’d like to make suggestion for the name of the forum:

Happy Clamper

Funny: I bet someone will grab that for a username now.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Originally Posted by Sizemeister
Thanks for volunteering, remek. Thunder will need completed and on his desk by Monday.

It will take a little longer than monday, but I will see what I can do…

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

In an argument for the clampers forum:

I really do not see where creating another forum will cause any problems. To say that we will stop using the main members forum because we create another forum is to say people will stop living in Florida if the US acquires another state.

I agree, a forum might be needed, if there becomes an overwhelming need for it. We could surely take out some of the other un-used forums and put in one that will be used much more (such as “the experiment forum”).

Just a suggestion.

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

I guess another reason would be that some of us, having discovered the incredible efficiency of clamping for girth gains, are ONLY interested in clamping.

*I measure PRE-WORKOUT, normal erection* Started: 7 EBP x 4.9 EG. Several years on and off PE, now 8.125 EBP length x 5.5 EG midshaft (5.8 base). Working on girth (clamping) again after breaks due to injuries - fast recent gains! Pics

Originally Posted by dangleman
I guess another reason would be that some of us, having discovered the incredible efficiency of clamping for girth gains, are ONLY interested in clamping.

They’ll come around. They always do.

XL - looking at your stats and Hog’s, and your beginning numbers — anyone who doesn’t come around is insane.

I’m watching my dick grow daily. Scary.

*I measure PRE-WORKOUT, normal erection* Started: 7 EBP x 4.9 EG. Several years on and off PE, now 8.125 EBP length x 5.5 EG midshaft (5.8 base). Working on girth (clamping) again after breaks due to injuries - fast recent gains! Pics

Yeah, true Thunder.

*I measure PRE-WORKOUT, normal erection* Started: 7 EBP x 4.9 EG. Several years on and off PE, now 8.125 EBP length x 5.5 EG midshaft (5.8 base). Working on girth (clamping) again after breaks due to injuries - fast recent gains! Pics


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