Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Time and perspective for younger guys


Time and perspective for younger guys

I am 21, i have been doing PE on and off for about three years, I have gained about 2X2, pretty god results. I turn 21 at the end of this month. I have recently really gotten into PE alot more FSR (for such reasons) living on my own, work at home and live by myself and can afford it. I all of the PE devices you can name. Right now, i listed my routine in a post earlier today. By the Time i am 25 which is the perfect age for guys for total body, spirit, and metal peak, that is if you really push though three things you will have the what is almost perfect body, including my penis size health, and sexual function. If i do this till im 25, ill will have at least 10-12 inches. Look at it this way, anyone can gain 1 inch a year, that s so easy. YOU put in your time doing it, you will get it, some can get even more in a year, but if If i only get 1 inch year now till im 25 i will be 11 inches long. PE works, especially if you are younger like me. Just focus guys. Rome was not built overnight, neither is your penis or your body or your mind. Good luck to everyone

Aim for the Stars, if you miss, you will get the sky.


By the words of Forest Gump; “That’s all I can say about that.”. Or along those lines anyway.

"Be aware that there are several schools of thought here as well. Some seem to go with the hard and heavy approach. The sessions are brutal. You can hear them talking to their dick: You better grow mofo or I will punish you even harder tomorrow! Others seem to favor a more tender approach. Always listening to what their member is saying while massaging it gently and singing to it with a soft voice. If it is moody and not happy with new behavior, they always listen and are very understanding."

You are getting ridiculously slow gains, I got 1.5cm last month. Whats your routine homie?

im talking about inches

Carpe Diem... Seize the Day You may shoot me with your words, You may cut me with your eyes, You may kill me with your hatefulness, But still, like air, I'll rise.... Maya Angelou Aim for the Stars, if You miss, You got the Sky.

This is so inspirational!

Your god results have made me want to share my real life true story, which is based on a true story, but it is too hot for TV to handle….

I started PE when I was very young, I lied when I posted earlier about starting when I was 16-17, I actually started much younger. I have been PE’ing since my arabic father took me to a jelq parlour back in my home country.

I am sorry for making up lies, I just wanted to fit in… But your story has inspirationalised me. I now have the courage and the scabies and god bless america!

Since you strange people in western cultures don’t have this popular type parlour, I am reduced to doing the exercises fit only for animal servants. This is why I have gained so little in the past few years.

I have tried out many “parlours” but they all just want to massage me, or suck me with pathetically weak mouths. In my country, we use industrial vacuum cleaners and attach them for weeks at a time. This ends in good results, but the noise requires you to wear earplugs at night, and obtain a level 7 jelqers permit, from the wonderful, fabulous, just and fair, equitable, and of course, very very holy government (please don’t kill me).

But at least my dimensions are enough to make my many partners in my harem bleed, that is why I need so many of them, because each time I have sex with one, and rupture her cervix, she needs to spend a month in recovery, after reconstructive surgery. I am not yet at your goal of 14x9, but getting close. Oh wait, I think I was measuring with a yardstick, I will post my measurements when I get an imperial dog ruler that is long enough, maybe I will have to tape two or three together.

I am currently saving up to get at least one of my wives vaginal enhancement surgery. This is where they replace her organs with that of a cow, and remove other organs that are useless to a woman, such as her spleen, bladder, and lower intestine. I am doing this because their “VE” didn’t work. Not even when I forced them to insert whitegoods into themselves all day, would they properly adjust to accomodate me.

So I would say that doing these dog’s exercises have paid off, in the long run. The medical bills are high, but that is the one and only price you pay!!

I am living alone, but I am too poor to afford to buy fabulous american devices. Unfortunately, this will hinder my gains further, and I may even lose a few inches. But lucky for you, if you are going to make a generous offer (Because you’re such a great guy) to take 50% off whatever pills you have access to,cheap, I will buy at least 2-3 from you.

You live at home, AND by yourself? Did you kill your parents? It’s ok, I won’t tell anybody, I killed mine too.

Your fan,

A little background, I am 21, you might think I am young, but read on, and I am Greek, so naturally if you know Greek history we always try to better our bodies all the time, thus resulted in the Olympics, which were born. I have been exploring PE since I was 16 and I thought by this time I would already be at my goal. But I never got there; I only increased my size from 6 to 7 inches in 3 years. With the use of some PE natural web sites and so forth. You cannot get Real PE from just on thing, it’s not possible unless your Zeus. That to me is horrible. But oh well. My goal is 13X7. I really like the length, and the girth is plently, but not way to much like 8 or 9. I will get there. By Ocober I will be 8 inches, and by the end of the year, at least 10.

I did not kill my parents. I live in a apartment, by myself.

I am a little confused about he jelqing parlors, and the vacums and wearing ita ll nught. And the whole Vaginal surgery, please explain more.

Carpe Diem... Seize the Day You may shoot me with your words, You may cut me with your eyes, You may kill me with your hatefulness, But still, like air, I'll rise.... Maya Angelou Aim for the Stars, if You miss, You got the Sky.

What are your dimensions? And what pills are you talking about 50% off?

Aim for the Stars, if you miss, you will get the sky.

Carpe Diem... Seize the Day You may shoot me with your words, You may cut me with your eyes, You may kill me with your hatefulness, But still, like air, I'll rise.... Maya Angelou Aim for the Stars, if You miss, You got the Sky.

Everybody has there own agenda when it’s come to pe. Having are larger then average badboy is usefull( still working on mine), but it’s not the be all and end all. I don’t know everyone’s reason were for getting into pe, mine were that I thought it would be great to sport a large tool. It wasn’t a confidence issue that i was feeling inferior, just trying to better myself.

89% of accidents involving bears and bicycles, involve bears falling off said bicycles. "Come out to the coast, we'll get together, have a few laughs" "My plug in baby, crucifies my enemies when I'm tired of living"

Mine are to have been ter sex with my girl!!

Carpe Diem... Seize the Day You may shoot me with your words, You may cut me with your eyes, You may kill me with your hatefulness, But still, like air, I'll rise.... Maya Angelou Aim for the Stars, if You miss, You got the Sky.

Have you discussed your 13x7 goal with her? What’s she think about it?

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.


>Mine are to have been ter sex with my girl!!<

Just curious, does she float?


A picture is worth a thousand words ———-> :D

If you procrastinate you choose LAST

secjay, you funny lad! :D
At first, I thought it was really your story, but the more I read, the more suspicious I felt. Don’t tell me it was real, LOL!

BTW, if it were true, you are a lucky guy having harem. Good for you, but be careful, and keep your weapon safe, or that maybe someday, because of the tough competition, your wives may eventually cut your cock into pieces and keep one piece each :D !

Take care, mate!


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