Here’s Some Extra Info From LG on Their Clamping Video
I trust it’s not an issue posting it. Seemed very reasonable and helpful. I had gone into clamping too much and too hard. All good now, but clearly from the video there’s no need to half strangle your poor dick with the clamp: here goes…please note it’s not me typing - go to LG Hanger with questions!….
Since I consider clamping an advanced exercise, much of how you implement this into your PE training is somewhat intuitive. So I recommend starting with just a single clamp for three five minute sessions. Start with just a couple sessions per week to get the feel for how you respond. After a couple weeks you can add another clamp day to your routine. You should start feeling a great deal of tissue expansion as you force more blood into your penis. The light to moderate squeezes / jelqs on your shaft while clamped will help promote expansion and vascular development, along with helping to diminish an erectile curve. As you become accustomed to this exercise you can increase the intensity of the massage squeezes and jelqs along the shaft of your penis above the clamp. Remember to implement some Kegels while during the five minute session. The goal is two fold, you will be going for maximum tissue expansion while also strengthening your pelvic floor muscle by doing the Kegels. All which will lead to bigger, firmer erections.
You can add in the second clamp in a month, provided you feel ready for it. Repeat the same protocol with the second clamp. This is a great way to gain girth thickness throughout the entire length of you penis, all the way up to the glans and glans itself. The feeling afterwards is hard to explain, but for myself it’s a tingly, pumped feeling throughout my entire penis for up to a full hour after the session. I’ve found it to be a very pleasurable sensation!
Start 9th May 2018. 6.00” BPEL. 5.75 “ MEG. end-newbies: 19th Aug 2018. 6.75” BPEL 6.00” MEG. 20th Sept 6.9” BPEL 6.00” MEG. June 2019 7.25 BEL x 6.1 MEG with cockring on.
Target: An extra inch in length. No fancy car, just an extra inch in length.