Thunder's Place

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Tips On Clamping

Tips On Clamping

I’m going to begin clamping at the beginning of the week.

Looking for insight as far as realistically what can be expected girth growth wise, what to avoid, how to detect the onset of any possible injury etc


Make sure to apply the clamping device with a wrapping under it and try not to bend or jelq your penis while clamped.

Don’t forget to check the clamping threads before anything else, to guarantee you won’t be missing any details.

Start 6.8” x 4.7” (4.9" BEG)

Latest 8.2” x 5.1” (5.3" BEG)

My pictures

Gurus of Clamp

Mate, apart from what Lenny says, you could check Mordecai.

Makehergocrazy and jgraham11 are also gurus of clamp.

Start 9th May 2018. 6.00” BPEL. 5.75 β€œ MEG. end-newbies: 19th Aug 2018. 6.75” BPEL 6.00” MEG. 20th Sept 6.9” BPEL 6.00” MEG. June 2019 7.25 BEL x 6.1 MEG with cockring on.

Target: An extra inch in length. No fancy car, just an extra inch in length.

Only advice I want to add is start slow. Follow your PIs and slowly ramp up until you find your sweet spot. Clamping can be very addictive and is very easy to over do.

2011 BPEL 5.65 MSEG 4.125

2021 7 5/8 X 5 3/8

Goal: Just keep on trucking

Yep. Just be careful. Always be mindful of how your dick feels, and what it is doing. Keep your time clamped to 10 minutes or less at first. You can always add another set if you want more work. 2 sets of ten minutes each will be better than one set of fifteen minutes. You can add time and/or sets as you get more experienced.

Thank you for the suggestions folks.

Holy moly, I just tried my new Zen Clamp. Only for 10 minutes the recommended time frame.

I understand it’s purpose is to increase girth. I also can understand why it was said clamping can be addictive.

I have never felt such blood circulation like this, it was amazing.

I think for me any possible addiction would be the feeling of the blood flow above any girth gains.

Nah, I want the girth gains.

I love the clamped feel of so much pressure in the penis and the head skin as tight as a drum. Yes, addictive

My wife & I played with the clamp last night.

I had just got it & had only used it once.

Using it with my wife along with her help for arousal I believe my wife’s comment to the revelation of it’s added thickness was WOW! That’s impressive.

This is exactly what I believe we are striving for in our PE journey.

If there were any doubts on my wife’s end (there were) of me doing PE erase them. She like myself is now all in.


I’ve found that clamping can add serious girth and vascular development. I believe that it should be considered an advanced PE exercise, and don’t believe that “newbies” with less than 6 months of dedicated PE training should attempt it. Simply because they have not developed the type of conditioning required for this type of stress.

We are in the process of producing a new clamping tutorial video, and will hopefully have it ready for viewing within a couple more weeks. Stayed tuned, as I believe it will provide new insights into how to gain girth thickness throughout the entire length of your shaft. It will demonstrate the single & double clamp methods, length of sessions and how many sets to do, and what you should do after the clamp session is completed.

Originally Posted by LGHanger
I’ve found that clamping can add serious girth and vascular development. I believe that it should be considered an advanced PE exercise, and don’t believe that “newbies” with less than 6 months of dedicated PE training should attempt it. Simply because they have not developed the type of conditioning required for this type of stress.

We are in the process of producing a new clamping tutorial video, and will hopefully have it ready for viewing within a couple more weeks. Stayed tuned, as I believe it will provide new insights into how to gain girth thickness throughout the entire length of your shaft. It will demonstrate the single & double clamp methods, length of sessions and how many sets to do, and what you should do after the clamp session is completed.

Great stuff LGH. Your efforts are greatly appreciated!!

Start 9th May 2018. 6.00” BPEL. 5.75 β€œ MEG. end-newbies: 19th Aug 2018. 6.75” BPEL 6.00” MEG. 20th Sept 6.9” BPEL 6.00” MEG. June 2019 7.25 BEL x 6.1 MEG with cockring on.

Target: An extra inch in length. No fancy car, just an extra inch in length.

LGH. That’s perfect I was just coming on here to look for a tutorial on clamping. I will keep my eyes out.

Has anyone else here suffered from sore skin from clamping? It seems as though my skin is irritated and gets discoloured way too easily now. It becomes sore from clamping. I have had to start using oils on my penis to stop my skin from drying out. I’m mainly using coconut oil and bio oil.


I too get a little dry skinned from clamping.

I use your basic hydrocortisone cream wich resolves any feeling of irritation quit quickly.

I’ve used coconut oil in the past however it didn’t resolve the irritation feeling as the hydrocortisone does. Also any discoloration is usually disapted by morning too.

You should read tntjockey thread for someone who made significant gains while with his wife. The thread is something like: I’ve reached my goal.

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