Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Turkey neck...anything?

Originally Posted by thinktank
Your remarks are valid WW1001. I use a two stage cylinder to pump and it seems to pull the turkey neck down into the testicle area. But I have noticed that the skin on the sides of my shaft where my shaft meets my scrotum have increased in size and protrude strangely out somewhat.

Turkey necks to me are a problem of aesthetics only but to us men, they make us feel as off the norm. Interesting subject. My wife of almost 40 years could care less. So why am I concerned about it?

It makes your penis look smaller.

Less hang for the testicles.So my testicles are now smaller.

And for me it gives big discomfort.

Originally Posted by WillyWonka1001
It makes your penis look smaller.

Less hang for the testicles.So my testicles are now smaller.

And for me it gives big discomfort.

Did PE work for you already=

I’m a bit confused now—mostly because I thought some guys had corrected turkey-neck with manual stretches. I thought that is what was implied in other turkey neck threads where people were giving advice. I assumed they were giving advice after correcting their own turkeyneck issues. I guess not huh?

Originally Posted by blink2000
I’m a bit confused now—mostly because I thought some guys had corrected turkey-neck with manual stretches. I thought that is what was implied in other turkey neck threads where people were giving advice. I assumed they were giving advice after correcting their own turkeyneck issues. I guess not huh?


Please read those posts very carefully..

In the posts where they claim to have the solution for the turkey can read that nobody has cured it with these methods.

I had a big back and fourth with DLD the guy behind

That asshole,sorry for my french but I am putting it lightly, told me you must stretch the skin connecting the scrotum and your penis/shaft skin.

I did this for 5 days and now my whole scrotal skin is pulled loose and my balls can’t hang properly.

He told me ,before banning me and redoing his whole site and deleting every post, that you can only cure TN with surgery!!

I really would like to see a short dick-ed guy,like me,that really has improved with PE and has the pictures to show it! From start to finish.

In that way I would really believe in PE.

The only dick pictures I have seen here are from men who are all ready blessed!
And that is a slap in the face to the guys who really need it to work.

If I can stretch the skin on top of my shaft, who is anyone to say I can’t do it on the bottom of my shaft? The structures are nearly identical.

Yes, my loose scrotum skin is in the way, so the key is to would be to stretch the skin on your shaft, not the scrotum skin. You’ll never be able to do this while trying to use your scrotum skin as an ‘anchor’, since scrotum skin will probably stretch more easily than shaft skin.

You would probably have to find a way to stretch the bottom shaft skin between two points on the bottom of your shaft (does that make sense?)

This is just speculation, but It might not be possible to do that right above the scrotum skin & perhaps this is where guys are failing.

I have turkey neck issues and I have survived so far. Maybe we could do a 12 step program to help people with TN?

Blink I agree. I have increased my EL almost 3” and as a result I have TN. I have included more PE time to stretching the shaft skin, it makes sense to me. I will let you know if it works in a few years. Since it took years to get the length I do not expect any immediate change in the TN.

Willy, I do not know if #4 will work and I did not know if PE would work when I started. We shall see.

When young I was about bpel 6x5 by 2002 size had shrunk down to bpel 5.5x4.8 with age, had to do something!

09/10 bpel 8.4, eg 5.8 midshaft (6.3 base) Goal- 9x6.2 average eg.

Originally Posted by Robert Frost
I have turkey neck issues and I have survived so far. Maybe we could do a 12 step program to help people with TN?

Blink I agree. I have increased my EL almost 3” and as a result I have TN. I have included more PE time to stretching the shaft skin, it makes sense to me. I will let you know if it works in a few years. Since it took years to get the length I do not expect any immediate change in the TN.

Willy, I do not know if #4 will work and I did not know if PE would work when I started. We shall see.

I agree Robert, a true cure for turkeyneck would probably take a lot of slow change, just like PE changes in general are very slow.

I will also be trying to correct my own turkeyneck. I think I may have had some natural turkeyneck; chalk it up to being a major grower (my pre-pe flaccid was maybe 2” to 3”, but probably closer to 2”).

Originally Posted by Robert Frost
Maybe we could do a 12 step program to help people with TN?

Instead of AA (alcoholics anonymous) we could set up T&A… oh wait, that’s a bad acronym.

If you are that freaked out about your turkey neck, medically known as penoscrotal webbing, there is a surgical procedure to reduce it.

Just google penis penoscrotal webbing reduction surgery.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Originally Posted by gprent
If you are that freaked out about your turkey neck, medically known as penoscrotal webbing, there is a surgical procedure to reduce it.

Just google penis penoscrotal webbing reduction surgery.

This is probably the only cosmetic PE related surgery I would consider (assuming I was unable to cure my turkeyneck); I’ve seen at least one guy here on thunders that got it. The funny thing though is that his before & after pictures sort of looked the same to me. I can’t recall who it was though.

Here are some pre and post operation pics:

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

The improvement is pretty dramatic.

Wow, some of those pictures are pretty scary.. I’m guessing some guys have a naturally monstrous turkeyneck based on the second set of pictures it stretched almost to his glans…

Ok people let me share my story with you. I had a pretty bad turkey neck myself and thought that the only way to get rid of it would be to have that correctional surgery. I even went to the doctor to have him check out what I called “Excessive skin stretching of the scrotum”. He told me it looked normal and I felt like an idiot, though I knew it still didn’t look quite normal because I had turkey neck which I did not have before starting PE. Looking around the forums, I saw various techniques, but one I tried actually worked. It’s very simple, all you have to do is stretch the skin on the underside of your penis. This is the way I do it:
Step 1, Get a full erection and make a tight ok grip with your right hand and grip about an inch below the head (depending on how big you are you may want to grip a bit lower, but don’t go any lower than halfway down your shaft as you could potentially just be stretching the webbed and loose skin).
Step 2, Use your other hand to make an ok grip about a quarter inch below your other hand (You can pretty much have the two hands touching but I feel having a slight gap in between your two hands provides a more effective stretch).
Step 3, Pull downwards with your bottom hand while keeping the hand on top firmly in place. Make sure you feel the stretch on all areas of the underside of the shaft. That is, you’re likely to be stretching the skin only on the corpus spongiosum since it protrudes more on the underside of your shaft so adjust your hands and make sure you stretch the skin in between the grooves (Hopefully this makes sense).

At first, I was hesitant to try this technique because I was afraid it would only make things worse, but I kept with it for a week or so despite not seeing immediate results and found that it did in fact work. I don’t really have a turkey neck anymore and my dick looks bigger because the scrotum is down where it should be (This will also make your balls hang down where they should.

I also want to point out that you should be performing this downward skin stretch on all sides of your penis (the sides and the top). This will help your gains become more noticeable. My first year, I did no reverse skin stretching on the sides or top of the shaft and even though I had gained .6” in length, my penis looked pretty much the same which confused me. Then one day I was playing around in the mirror and noticed that if I made a V-shape with my index and middle finger, gripped the sides of my penis at the base and then pulled back, my dick appeared much larger. Then I realized my penis would look like this without the aid of my fingers if I used reverse stretching on the sides and top of my shaft. You see, the skin from the pubic area was being pulled out with my gains and so stretching to create more penis skin moved that skin back to where it belongs. Please try this out, and let me know how it goes.

Originally Posted by gprent
Here are some pre and post operation pics:

It’s pretty ridiculous. There’s an uncircumcised guy in a flaccid state pulling on his foreskin as far as possible. It makes it look like he has so much turkey neck, yet I bet when he’s aroused and pulls his foreskin right back it would be barely noticeable. I mean that’s the situation in my case but since I intend to grow more length I am worried it will get worse.

Originally Posted by blink2000
The improvement is pretty dramatic.

Wow, some of those pictures are pretty scary.. I’m guessing some guys have a naturally monstrous turkeyneck based on the second set of pictures it stretched almost to his glans..

Like I said above, it wouldn’t look that way if he didn’t stretch his foreskin out like that. If you’re uncircumcised try it now, grab all your shaft skin and pull it as far along as possible then hold it how the guy is in the picture. I think a lot of people have turkey neck to some degree, PE will make it worse but I think it’s a sacrifice worth making.

Originally Posted by trunksdarklord
Ok people let me share my story with you. I had a pretty bad turkey neck myself and thought that the only way to get rid of it would be to have that correctional surgery. I even went to the doctor to have him check out what I called “Excessive skin stretching of the scrotum”. He told me it looked normal and I felt like an idiot, though I knew it still didn’t look quite normal because I had turkey neck which I did not have before starting PE. Looking around the forums, I saw various techniques, but one I tried actually worked. It’s very simple, all you have to do is stretch the skin on the underside of your penis. This is the way I do it:
Step 1, Get a full erection and make a tight ok grip with your right hand and grip about an inch below the head (depending on how big you are you may want to grip a bit lower, but don’t go any lower than halfway down your shaft as you could potentially just be stretching the webbed and loose skin).
Step 2, Use your other hand to make an ok grip about a quarter inch below your other hand (You can pretty much have the two hands touching but I feel having a slight gap in between your two hands provides a more effective stretch).
Step 3, Pull downwards with your bottom hand while keeping the hand on top firmly in place. Make sure you feel the stretch on all areas of the underside of the shaft. That is, you’re likely to be stretching the skin only on the corpus spongiosum since it protrudes more on the underside of your shaft so adjust your hands and make sure you stretch the skin in between the grooves (Hopefully this makes sense).

At first, I was hesitant to try this technique because I was afraid it would only make things worse, but I kept with it for a week or so despite not seeing immediate results and found that it did in fact work. I don’t really have a turkey neck anymore and my dick looks bigger because the scrotum is down where it should be (This will also make your balls hang down where they should.

I also want to point out that you should be performing this downward skin stretch on all sides of your penis (the sides and the top). This will help your gains become more noticeable. My first year, I did no reverse skin stretching on the sides or top of the shaft and even though I had gained .6” in length, my penis looked pretty much the same which confused me. Then one day I was playing around in the mirror and noticed that if I made a V-shape with my index and middle finger, gripped the sides of my penis at the base and then pulled back, my dick appeared much larger. Then I realized my penis would look like this without the aid of my fingers if I used reverse stretching on the sides and top of my shaft. You see, the skin from the pubic area was being pulled out with my gains and so stretching to create more penis skin moved that skin back to where it belongs. Please try this out, and let me know how it goes.

I do believe this can work and have been trying 2 similar exercises myself. The first one I’ve been doing the most which was probably a bad idea and didn’t help overly much. I would get erect and use my thumb to hold down the turkey neck so my cock only had proper skin over it. I would then grip the shaft (tight skin) and masturbate almost. I felt skin stretch and scrotal skin stretch. In only a few days I noticed some difference but I think I probably stretched the turkey neck more than anything.

I think the way forward is exactly how you described. I did that method too but I enjoyed my first method more so did that. I shall now definitely do a modified version of what you said. I will do an okay grip an inch of two up when erect then do a wanking grip an inch above that and just pull. I assume that will get all directions of the skin. I’m really happy and hopeful after reading your post. I truly hope it worked for you and will work for me and others.

Make sure the stretch is painful, if it’s not then it won’t be as effective. I’m confident that it will work for you, there was a time when I was really depressed over having turkey neck and wished I’d never started PE but after this I didn’t even give it a moments thought. Basically you’ll have to keep doing this as your unit gets longer otherwise it will start to come back since you won’t have adequate shaft skin but when it does it’s no biggy, just do the stretches and it’ll disappear again. Let me know how it goes.


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