I can’t understand why nobody is doing the method explained by trunksdarklord, I did it today for 30 min and it already made wonders (don’t do it for 30 min though, read below)
I’m uncut and I HAD turkey neck until today. I was very angry because my TN was making my dick look WAY smaller than it actually was so some days ago I started stretching the shaft skin below the frenulum and above the scrotum a couple of times a day. I did it for about 1 min every time I went to pee and I helped a lot, but I still had some but it denifitely helped. The pubic skin (?) at the base of my penis was intact so I thought I could do the same all around my penis, but I decided to look up here before doing something that could make everything worse.
And I found trunksdarkslord method which is basically the same thing I did under my penis but targeting all the shaft skin around the penis. I did it today for 30 mins and it was like MAGIC. I no longer have TK under my penis and it looks like the pubic skin (I know it has another name but I whatve) at the base of my penis its starting to retract. Definitely noticeable. After all this years of Turkey Neck shame, my dick is starting to look how it was supposed to look. It looks like when I was a teeneager.
Now, I have always considered to have a VEEERY stretchy skin so maybe thats why I fixed my TN so quickly. So I DO NOT recommend doing this for 30 mins straight because you can break some blood vessels under your skin. I did it (and kinda aggressively) and I broke one at the side of my penis. Do it exactly as trunksdarklord explained and you’ll be fine.
Sorry if my english sucks, I’m not a native speaker but I felt the need to vouch trunksdarklord method since I can’t believe no one did after 5+ years. Its a shame I didn’t took a pre-TN picture but I’ll keep a progress of the hairy pubic skin at the base of my penis.
Cheers and PE safely.