I’m surprised no one mentioned the smooth muscle! The muscle of the penis is just like a rectum or intestine (which is why cialis can cause acid reflux or anal leakage). My theory at this point is the muscular reaction could be just as significant as the hardening of tissues. Think of how quickly the turtling effect happens! Overtraining makes the penis shrink up immediately which makes me suspect that its compensatory (I.e. Protective) function is always active.. Not only during training but during every erection. The only way a viagra erection can be larger than normal is if the muscle it has effect on was contracting by default. Extrapolate this to PE and not only does it support low level chronic PDE5 inhibitors, it means we need to be conscious of all aspects of muscular relaxation. Heat is a big one, and decon breaks could be a means of allowing atrophy of that smooth muscle. I personally focus my jelqing on relaxing and massing with muscle in mind, rather than using it for pure expansion.I’m definitely curious to learn more about optimal balance between acute and chronic force though.. That’s one area that still seems fairly uncharted.
This tread seems to have slowed down and that’s a shame. I think there is some valuable discussion points made here. I have been wondering about breaks and deconditioning as I read through these comments. I can’t help but think of an extender user, like myself, has time off for recovery every day, doesn’t he? So let’s say that I extend for 4-6 hours per day every day. Out of my 24 hour day I have 20 to 18 hours that I am not in my routine. If I sleep 7-10 hours each day the I still have about 8 our so hours of active awake recovery time not including sleep. Does that not count as a daily recovery or rest time?