Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Uneducated fast start stopping gains

Uneducated fast start stopping gains

I purchased an extender before I knew about this site, warming up and conditioning.

I have yet to achieve any gains after 3 1/2 months of doing things right.

Is it possible I abused something early on that is preventing any growth? Hopefully not!

(1) What would be your remedy for this situation?

(2) Can a few other ‘uninformed at the time’ early abusers calm my mind by telling me you did this but yet eventually made gains and how you did it?

Many thanks!

My recommendation is to take seven days and peruse the site. After those seven days; start the newbie routine. Make sure you post after your first week. I’m sure your EQ will have improved.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

I bought an extender 6 months before know about thunders, used it for 2 months 8 hours a day I had no results then when I registered here and started doing the newbie routine along with 2-4 hours of extender BAMMM, results started showing up, now I am almost reaching my first inch gain on length

Start BPEL 5.5 EG 5.2 09-20-2011

GOAL 7x6 - on a 5'5 guy it will look huge

I think a lot of the experienced people here will tell you what I learned right away.. Start with the newbie routine and stick with it.

If you are doing PE properly you will notice very quickly that your erections are a lot harder and fuller feeling. I noticed this within the first week. Make sure to give your penis time to recuperate - as with any exercise, growth happens after, not during. Sleep a good amount. Any organ will grow faster and easier at first so do not rush in and go full force right from the get go.

I will get an extender eventually as well, but probably not until well after gains have slowed from manual exercises.

Just keep at it! This stuff really works but it takes more time for some.

Started: 5/14/12- BPEL: 8.00" MEG: 5.5"

Current: 10/22/12- BPEL: 9.0" MEG: 5.875"

Goal: NBPEL 8"++, MEG 6"+

Thanks men

What model of extender are you wearing? And how has that been going? Have you seen a continuous increase in extender bars? And do you ratchet up the tension safely?


Originally Posted by mustc2it

I purchased an extender before I knew about this site, warming up and conditioning.

I have yet to achieve any gains after 3 1/2 months of doing things right.

Is it possible I abused something early on that is preventing any growth? Hopefully not!

(1) What would be your remedy for this situation?

(2) Can a few other ‘uninformed at the time’ early abusers calm my mind by telling me you did this but yet eventually made gains and how you did it?

Many thanks!

How many hours in total have you been wearing the device? How many days per week?

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