Thunder's Place

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Up the work, or time for Decondition break?

Up the work, or time for Decondition break?

So far my routine now is 10min Stretch/20min Jelq/10min stretch, 5 days on 2 days rest . (with heating of course).

I definitely gained some newb length and girth, I’m currently at BPEL 6” and EG 5”(probably just an 1/8 of an inch both ways, my own fault for not measuring more accurately early on, the girth seems to have increased more than the length though.)

My question is: When do you know it’s time to up the workout (in terms of time), and when do you know it’s time to take a break and decondition (2 weeks to a month?).

So far the month of January has produced zero gains. One thing I have noticed is that while jelqing, my penis at lower erection levels is very hard. Meaning, even though its not at 9 o’clock, while jelqing, I’m not getting all that much internal pressure like before because of the hardness of the erection. The only way I’ve been able to compensate for this is to kegel hard in-between jelq strokes, but then that gets into the realm of extreme pressure. I’m very confused right now.

The only two factors I can see is that, my penis has become very tough, which is where my question comes into play, up the work OR decondition?

The other factor is maybe my hands are just worn down. I do feel that they are very very tired lately, but tired enough not to create a decent jelq, I’m not sure.

One other quick question for more experienced members: When stretching SD, I stretch until I feel a light to medium stretch. But when stretching straight up or straight out, its much harder to feel that “stretch feeling.” How much “feeling” are you looking for when stretching in the latter two positions?

Feel to critique the hell out of me. Thanks as always for reading.

How long have you been doing PE without a break?

I started pretty much at the beginning of October/late September. I have had no long term breaks since then, only rest days. The first month was 3 days on 2 days off. The second month was 4 days on 2~3 days off. Third month and fourth month is now 5 days on 2 days off (the only way I can get privacy is on the weekdays).

My jelqing and stretching routine has increased slowly as well through out the months. I’ve only seen small gains, but I’m happy with those. The result that PEing has had on sex in terms of lasting is much better than the physical gains I’ve had, fortunately or unfortunately.


I’ve just found this link, it sheds some light on my problem as well. Still, any advice is appreciated =)

Sick and tired of slow or no gains

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