Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

updated penis volume calculator



The argument I gave was not about choosing two ‘linear’ measurements, but the volume measurement that accompanied them.

But, taking your argument,

The man can always help the woman get more feeling girthwise by having his legs outside the womans and pressing her legs together, but apart from different positions, there is not much that can be done by getting further in her.

I don’t know the full answer to that but I suppose it depends on what the woman prefers,.

But returning to my argument, the volume doesn’t tell her or anyone, anything about the actual length or girth.

So my discusssion remains - what is the point of a volume calculation?

There is no point at all.

Glad we got that cleared up.


I don’t think Wad would claim that cubic inches alone will always tell you the “better” dick to have.

The point of a volume calculator is to give girth appropriate weight when thinking about penis size. Generally speaking, .5” girth is a *much* more important gain than .5” of length — unless a guy has really bizarre proportions, like 4.5 x 5.5, in which case the extra half-inch of length might be more useful, despite not adding as much volume.

These anomolous cases, however, are just that — anomolies. Usually the volume calculator will be a good guide to how much progress you’ve really made in enlarging your penis. A guy who goes from 5.5 x 4.5 to 7.5 x 5.5 has DOUBLED the volume of his penis! Saying that you’ve added 2” length and 1” girth — or that you’ve gone from slightly below average to well above it — simply does not capture the DRAMATIC difference between your “before” and “after” penises.


But it does something for others!

Of course it can only help with any woman, but you can still get into that position even if you have a fat cock. You can’t stretch her out through position alone.

I am somewhere between 4.75-5” girth. A techniq I learned is to insert a finger towards her g-spot while going at it. Drives em crazy.

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba
The point of a volume calculator is to give girth appropriate weight when thinking about penis size. Generally speaking, .5” girth is a *much* more important gain than .5” of length — unless a guy has really bizarre proportions, like 4.5 x 5.5, in which case the extra half-inch of length might be more useful, despite not adding as much volume.

Yes, that is the purpose. A cock is not 2 dimensional and girth increases will dramatically increase the SIZE or largeness of a penis, much more so than length increases.

I did not write the calc for women, or for you to tell women your ci displacement values. It’s a simple tool, a utilility for PE’ers to more accurately monitor their progress or lack thereof. Furthermore, I believe it can be excellent for motivation - a guy might be unhappy with a “mere” 1 inch EL increase and 1/2 inch EG but, in reality, he may have increased his actual size by a significant 40% or more. And that’s not just blowing smoke up your ass, it’s reality.

Originally Posted by wannabeseven

Can you tell me what the formula is?

I’m going to work mine out in metric.

Here’s an old one….

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Possible for you to repost, or update the link?



The link in the first post does not lead to a volume calculator.

Can anyone provide a link to an accurate volume calculator please?

>Can anyone provide a link to an accurate volume calculator please?<

Sure, just add your stats to the PE database

Penis Enlargement Statistics Site

Your volume is calculated automatically.

Or use Secjay’s one

Penis Volume Calculator…

Or Wad’s one a couple of posts up.

Thanks memento, I was reading some of the stats in the database earlier, it was interesting to see some of the methods used and routines.
The reason I have not entered my stats is because I have had to stop so many times through injury and I don’t want to be one of the guys with just one entry.

I did try Secjay’s one but something strange was happening. I would enter my measurements and the results would show a different measurement, I think it works in .25” increments.

I will try the one I missed in Wadzilla’s last post.

for those asking

volume = length x girth x girth / 12.566


length x girth²
4 x pi

Current [bpel x g]: 7.1" x 5.4" --> Gains History My Dick's Destiny : 8.0" x 6.0" * Girth Measuring Device *


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