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urinary incontinence due to overworked BC/PC muscle?


Really interesting and important your thorough experience about this issue, it’s difficult to imagine a better benefit form PE than the one you’ve found in the end..

Thanks for sharing it with us and for your good advice; I’ll try to find a suitable training for me, actually I’m in a plateau and maybe it’s time to decon..

Originally Posted by ircabo
Really interesting and important your thorough experience about this issue, it’s difficult to imagine a better benefit form PE than the one you’ve found in the end..

Thanks for sharing it with us and for your good advice; I’ll try to find a suitable training for me, actually I’m in a plateau and maybe it’s time to decon..

Have you tried doing kegels do jelqs.

Kegels during jelq? I usually do kegels while jelquing to trap the blood in the penis because I use a dry jelq technique.. Maybe this is related to my problem in one sense or on the contrary.

PD: como siempre, un placer contar con tus opiniones y conocimiento

Originally Posted by marinera
Did you make blood/urine analysis to establish that or it was just the thought of your Doc?

The thing is that I wasn’t having in normal conditions any secretion to suspect a disease, so I used my pump(PE has some additional benefits, it seems) to squeeze any possible liquid and I took this liquid(more like pre-cum) to be analyzed. The doctor also “palpated” my prostate and it hurt.

Starting stats: 6.4" / 5.6" Current Stats: 7.4" / 5.8" Short term goal: 7" / 6" Long term goal: 8" / 6.5"


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