Vasectomy scars
Well some of you know that my vasectomy had a small problem. The stitch on one of the vas tubes had gotten tethered to the inner skin of my scrotum. I had to go back 2 weeks post vas and have the doc go in and free it up.
Now I’ve got a larger puncture wound and an additional small one (which is healing better than the original one).
But I still feel something underneath that resembles a tube (though it’s not nearly as pronounced as it was before). I tried to tell the doc about it, but we couldn’t find it during the follow up exam.
Now, 4 weeks post vas, the swelling has pretty much gone, but the original puncture wound which was reopened to free up the vas tube seems open, it’s not oozing but it’s like a little crevice in the skin. Under the skin it’s hard about 1/4 inc circumfrence. The hard tube is not so hard but it’s there, I can feel it.
My questions are:
1. Is the hardeining under the skin of the puncture wounds normal and will they go away?
2. Does taking L-arginine help reduce or cause the hardened scar tissue underneath the wound to grow larger?
Any medical experts and Vasectormy vets, please reply.