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Vein Issues

Vein Issues

Anyone else got vein issues when it comes to PE?

In the veins.jpg picture in my post in members pics, - johngreen38 - Latest session, I am trying a ULI I think, where I do a hold, kegal, and then move my hand up the shaft a little.

As you can tell, I have a set of veins that are on top and side.

Seems like alot, but only get like that when I jelq.

Anyone else have problems with veins.

More like an asset to me, no problem.


Well, I don’t consider them problems, because I think a veiny dick is sexier then a non veiny dick, but was curious if anyone else ran into problems while jelqing

Like I said more of an asset, I get a better idea of how much pressure I am creating with them, kind of like cheap insurance.


I think getting veins is a natural product of blood expansion in the penile tissues. If you force that much more blood through there; the penis gets greedy and likes to keep oxygenated. I wonder if there is a correlation between people with prominent veins from lifting and those with veiny units. Maybe Anna and DW can check this out to see if my theory is true.

For my own part I have noticed more veins. However, a better question to me, is to ask if veins become more prominent with girth work rather than stretching.

Interesting stuff. Since I can’t even remember what year it is I will leave this to someone like WestLA.

-Tom “Tryptophan” Foolery

"Yeah, we don't need another smart ass ... we have our share already." - ThunderSS

Vein Problem

Hi guys. I’m new here, and wanted to introduce myself in the ‘lose your virginity and post for the first time’ thread; but couldn’t find it.
I’m not new to PE, but am getting started again. One could say that I was lazy before, but now am ready to hit it full blast!

Here’s my problem:
I started to seriously do PE, during some time off of work. I made a habit to do about 300 jelqs everyday. (Giving myself some days off , of coarse)
I was seeing some good results - and better vascularity. Then I noticed a dull pain in my pelvis , where my penis meets my body. To make a long story short,
A thin dorsal vein that usually is deeper in my penis, started showing more. It started to float under the skin more, like the larger dorsal veins we tend to get.
I noticed when I stretched at certain angles , that vein would protrude out, at the base of my penis. It would hurt , and limit my stretch.
Basically what I’m saying is, this vein seems to be shorter than my penis’ ability to stretch, and is hindering my stretches. I can now only stretch comfortably strait out , or strait up. Stretches to the left or right or down, pull this vein out, which seems to be connected deeper inside my pelvis.

Has this ever happened to anyone before!?
Do I need to lay off jelqing , and stretch more, to stretch out that vein? In other words, did I gain too much by jelqing , that I neglected length gains?


Be carful, it could be sclerosing lymphangitis ( hxxp:// ) or something like that. It isn’t a dangerous disease, but it’s better to rest maybe a month, depending on how quick it gets better.

I’d visit a doctor just in case, you don’t have to tell him/her that you are PE’ing if it is amusing.

Thanks for the reply. It doesnt hurt that much. And I really seems like a vein. But I’m no doctor ; if its a clotted lymph gland, I should ease up on the jelqing.

I think ill take a break, and when I get back in it, I’ll focus on stretching and do less intense jelqing.


I did more research on my problem. It turns out that it is probably ’ Thrombophlebitis of the superficial dorsal vein’.

I just thought I’d share this with everyone, because there are a lot of newbies out there like me; and this info really helps.


Originally Posted by Regulus
I did more research on my problem. It turns out that it is probably ’ Thrombophlebitis of the superficial dorsal vein’.
I just thought I’d share this with everyone, because there are a lot of newbies out there like me; and this info really helps.

Sounds a bit drastic,

Perhaps go and see a professional for a real diagnosis :)

Originally Posted by Regulus
I did more research on my problem. It turns out that it is probably ’ Thrombophlebitis of the superficial dorsal vein’.
I just thought I’d share this with everyone, because there are a lot of newbies out there like me; and this info really helps.

This disease is not always easy to distinguish from the one I’ve mentioned, and the fact that you don’t have pain makes me think it’s more likely lymphagitis than thrombosis. Both are similar, one concerning veins and the other regards lymphatic vessels. In the penises, there is a complicated mixture between both types of conducts, and this is the reason why these two diseases are aften not easy to distinguish.

Anyway, I’d insist on visiting the doctor (actually I’d better say the specialist, because sometimes doctors don’t know very much about these things)

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