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Velcro Wrap - Redux

Velcro Wrap - Redux

After reading the numerous posts on increasing your bulge and post-jelq benefits I went out and bought a Velcro Wrap. My Wal-Mart didn’t have the Thera-P brand so I settled for another one. I put it on and was amazed at the comfort with which I could wear the darned thing (in fact I’m wearing it now). Amazed!

I was hooked and don’t have to tout the positive benefits because that’s been covered here elsewhere, but what I DIDN’T like about the wrap was how bulky it was. Since the wrap is 12 inches I had to wrap the thing around itself a time or two to make it snug. The thing was, then there was (what I thought) a noticeable “wrap ridge” above my hog.

I was discouraged but not undone. I took the wrap, saved the velcro end and then cut about six inches out of the thing. Then (and I think most importantly) I had my GF (girlfriend) sew the velcro part back on the strap. Another thing to note is that in reduce the “wrap ridge” even more sew the velcro part onto the strap with the sticky stuff facing the OPPOSITE way in which it was facing before your first cut.

Now what you should have is a smaller and more simple COMFORTABLE AS HELL velcro belt loop for your Hog and Heifers.

Hope this help and I do believe this was my first post. I’ve been reading for a while, but had nothing to contribute to the cause.

PS: tell your GF or whoever you give your sewing chores to that it’s for “carple tunnel.” Or you could tell the truth, but I’m still too shy about it.

I’m glad I’m not the only one who noticed this [a noticeable “wrap ridge”]… I also thought about trimming off the excess neoprene above and below the stitching encasing the magnets.

Now to find a seamstress (yeah, right!) ;)

It’s still more comfortable to wear all day than ACE tho.

"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt."

-Bertrand Russell

Part of the idea behind the Home Medics brand Thera-P wrist band (velcro) is that it has 7 “north facing) magnets in it. These magnets are supposed to help improve blood flow to the area of the body they are placed on.


Meaning that if you invert the strap (per BigRed; “onto the strap with the sticky stuff facing the OPPOSITE way in which it was facing before your first cut”) the magnetic effect would be cancelled or whatever?

"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt."

-Bertrand Russell

Naw, I think if we’re speaking of the Home Medics wrap anyway…being that it is fairly thin already, I dont see how the magnetic effect could be detrimented by inverting the wrap. Then again, why would you do so?

Actually the brand I bought (the only one they had) didn’t have magnets, but it did have some kind of plastic support “band” (I imagine where the magnets would be on the Thera P model). I promptly took it off.


I also cut off the plastic ring off the back end of the wrap to further conseal the lines of the MOST COMFORTABLE “COCK RING” DEVICE in the world. Granted it’s not as snug as with the plactic ring, but it’s even MORE comfortable.

I’m more about the comfort than the magnets…although I will keep my eye out for them.

Here is a link in Italy where I have found it.

I hope it’s good, still not received.

One single magnet…not more.

Hope it works the same.

The price is a little more than the other I have read.

I think they do expeditions in europe.

The domain name is for sale


What would make the Thera P magnetic wrist wrap a little easier to use (for our purposes) is a strap-buckle thing on the end, so you could just pull it through like a belt and tighten it that way instead of having to hand wrap for tightness… hmmm. Since I bought 2, maybe I’ll take a look at the spare…

"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt."

-Bertrand Russell

Anyone found these in the UK?

Originally posted by lurky
What would make the Thera P magnetic wrist wrap a little easier to use (for our purposes) is a strap-buckle thing on the end, so you could just pull it through like a belt and tighten it that way instead of having to hand wrap for tightness… hmmm. Since I bought 2, maybe I'll take a look at the spare…

You could probably take a few minutes, some thread and a needle and some sort of metal loop and do it yourself?


Probably. I really shouldn’t find the idea of sewing anything as daunting as I kinda do, but hey…


"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt."

-Bertrand Russell

In wich direction you put the magnets?

upper, lateral, under the unit?

Mine has only one magnet.

If it favourite the blood circulation,

maybe could be put lateral (r/l)

where the blood is suppoused to rush…

or not?


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