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Value of Hot wrap.

Value of Hot wrap.

I got in the habit of a post-exercise hot wrap long ago and found that it seemed to help with any spotting and was also conducive to eliminating a post-stress shrivel. This habit stuck around as a post hanging recirculation/rewarming activity. I have recently stopped it due to some disscussions on lig temp/cooling in the stretched state. What I’m wondering is for those who do an additional PE exercise after hanging, do you find the lack of a warm-up hot wrap results in any discoloration or lack of engorgement? I found I can actually recirc well after hanging just by P.C. work and achieving an erection without the need for a wrap. However, I’m leary of doing a uli or head size wrap without a pre-exercise hot wrap. Also, I can see the reason for not hot wrapping after hanging due to temp reasons, but if a hot wrap increases circulation and causes the penis to hand fuller and lower, does that not keep tissues in a slightly extended healing state? I’m familiar with the 103 degree optimum and the cooling while stretched theory, but does anyone really know what the critical time is or if there really does need to be any amount of time beyond cooling while stretched and a hot wrap? Seems the penis and surrounding tissue cools in a stretched strate while hangin’ pretty well via vascular constriction under load. Admittedly, I am a bit confused here and could use some insight. Thanx, groa

Good question...


I see what you are asking. For a guy doing three or more sets in a row, it would not be as much of a concern. With you doing your present routine of 3 sets, each at a different time during the day, it does present a problem.

I don’t know what the optimum cool down time is, but I would think with the body’s ability to take care of itself and regulate/equalize heat, our hot wraps only effect the area for a very short time after the wrap is removed. Wouldn’t your ligs have cooled down by the time you removed your hanger, if you stopped the heat half way through the set? And the PC exercises to restore circulation would also effect the temp of the ligs (assist in the return to “normal operating temperature”), I would think. I don’t know, I’m just asking.

Kind of a damned if you do and damned if you don’t type situation.

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>However, I’m leary of doing a uli or head size wrap without a pre-exercise hot wrap. <

If you are going to do girth after hanging, then you need to be warm. But just warm the area that you are going to work, and leave the rest alone.

Then, after you are finished, wrap with the elastic stuff to keep the area engorged and then to cool in the extended state.

This engorgement should benefit the hanging work done previously as the longtitudenal bonds will be extended also.


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