Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

"Donut" Prevention - Another Wrap Suggestion


"Donut" Prevention - Another Wrap Suggestion

If while pumping or jelqing you have a tendency to get the fluid buildup “donut” effect, here is another wrap suggestion/product to help you avoid the problem.

The product that I’ve been experimenting with and have found quite useful for this purpose is the SELF-ADHERING ACE BANDAGE, which can be purchased at most drugstores, Walmart, K-Mart, etc. It is a 2-inch wide, self-adhering, stretchy, non-stick fabric wrap/bandage (usually sold in 4 ft lengths). A roll in Hawaii sells for about $3.79, and it may be cheaper in other parts of the country. Some stores also carry non name-brand similar products for a smaller cost which also work. Look for the “self-adhering” variety.

What I do is to get erect and then wrap the self-adhering bandage directly below my glans(penis head) using about an 8-inch length or so. You can wrap as tight as you deem necessary, stretching the bandage as you wrap around your penis and adhering it to the section below it. There is no need for any other tape, as the bandage really does adhere very well to itself. It is comfortable to wear, resists coming apart even when wet, does not stick to your skin and does prevent the wrapped area from experiencing unwanted fluid build-up.

I’ve found this wrap particularly useful when I want to get aggressive with my pumping and choose to pump for extended periods of time under slightly higher pressure. Without the wrap, I would normally experience the “donut”, but I can prevent this phenomenon with the wrap.

Another important outcome with the self-adhesive wrap under the glans is that it enables the glans (head) to get pumped even larger above the wrapped area. This is beneficial for those individuals trying to expand the size of their heads even further.

When I’m done pumping, I leave the self-adhesive wrap on for at least 1/2 hour or longer. This helps to ensure that the “donut” effect is kept in check, and it also helps in increasing the pumped expansion to the other non-wrapped areas of the penis. Also, leaving the wrap on for awhile keeps your penis stretched out passively for another benefit. When you remove the bandage it can be re-used again for several sessions. Just stretch it back out, let it dry and reuse the next time.

This has been the easiest, cheapest and most efficient method I’ve found to combat the “donut” under pumping. I hope this suggestion helps any of you out there who are experiencing any fluid build-up problems associated with pumping.



Thank you for that input.

“Donuts” are a common after-effect of PE, in many forms of it. Yours might be a very easy solution to an often-posted problem.

I think what guys don’t get - those who wonder why they keep getting dounut rings - is that one over-done event of some exercise can create an area of tissue weakness. Once that tissue has been compromised, there will be lymphatic fluid arriving in the repeat of that event - or even a lower stress one of the same exercise - to compromise for the tissue weakness.

This wrapping may well give the tissue in the effected area a chance to heal and strenghten.





Thanks for posting this helpful suggestion! I have been fortunate enough not to experience the “donut” phenomenon, so far. In the very early going, as a pumper, I used sessions that were longer than necessary at vacuum pressures a little higher than optimal. I have wanted to “play” with slightly higher pressures and longer sessions on “occasion”, as an experiment, but have backed away from doing this because I didn’t want to chance creating a weakened area in the skin that might remain weak during my future PE work. If I ever do play with extended sessions or slightly higher pressures, I’ll be sure to use the wrap you described.

Thanks again!


I won’t be content until I’ve earned the name!

Avocet8 and Bigjack,

I am circumcised, and I think those who are “cut” are much more prone to the potential pumping “donut” occurring in the area above the circumcision scar line. Anyway, that is my case. When I first started pumping 2 years ago, I was a complete novice. My inexperience led me to having bouts of “the donut” which I personally always found as one of the occasional downsides to pumping.

The good news, as has been shared in this forum, is that the donut can be avoided using: 1) avocet8’s responsible pumping routine which alternates short pumping periods with jelqing or 2) by wrapping the area at/above the circumcision scar line during and after pumping.

Avocet8 you bring up a very good point when you wrote:”Once that tissue has been compromised, there will be lymphatic fluid arriving in the repeat of that event - or even a lower stress one of the same exercise - to compromise for the tissue weakness. This wrapping may well give the tissue in the effected area a chance to heal and strenghthen.” For me that’s exactly what had happened in the past. Wrapping has given my circumcision area the time and opportunity to heal. Now my outcomes are much more evenly distributed along the shaft both during and after pumping.

Avocet8, I’m really thankful that you started this PUMPING FORUM. When I discovered all of the other great PE techniques, I had abandoned pumping for almost a year. I’m now heavy back into pumping and loving it even more now. With the pumping “newbieness” behind me and some great input from this forum, I’m continuing to make even better girth gains, in particular. It seems like I’m watching my dick get meatier and thicker almost on a daily basis. In fact, I think I’ll go do some pumping right now, while the rest of the household is asleep. Best to all.



I think you’re right that this is more often a problem for cut guys. Newbie posts seem to indicate that donuts are very common. Guys just starting out with PE have a tendancy to experiment too much on the stress side with whatever exercise.

There are now several brands of the tape/bandage peforeal is talking about, all available in the bandage sections of large pharmacies. I used a brand of it last summer on a shin injury. Excellent stuff and easy to work with.

Since I’d like to keep your suggestion here in the P. Forum, how about posting a duplicate one in the Newbie Forum or the Main one? We pumpers seem to be a minority at Thunder’s (although a growing one) and a lot of guys will miss this important information.

Thanks for the good words about our forum. It’s the only truly sensible one that I’m aware of. No trash posts. Lots of good member support and advice, but that is thanks to you all.

For those of you who may not know, peforeal has made terrific gains in his PE career. He went from un-hung to hung-like-a-horse and he did that by paying attention to what worked and discarding programs that didn’t work for him.




I took your suggestion and posted an edited version of this thread in the MAIN MEMBERS Forum. I adjusted some of my comments for those who are non-pumpers. Hopefully, this will be another source of useful information for those experiencing the “donut” from other non-pumping PE activities too.

I’m ending this year 2002 feeling very good about the regular use of pumping again into my PE life. I’m looking forward to an even “bigger” and better year in 2003.


Donut Protection for those of us with ED

While browsing around a Home Depot in Dallas Texas in an effort to find something to replace worn-out PJ rollers, I discovered that the foam tubing used on the rollers is nothing more than 1” pipe wrap. This wrap comes in sizes up to 2 inch. This bigger tubing is perfect for eliminating the donut effect. Like your sports wrap only for some of us older guys who can’t always get erect on demand it seems a little easier to use. Just slice off a piece about the width of the proverbial DONUT that we’ve all experienced from time to time and put it just under the glands. It keeps the tender area protected while leaving the shaft & head to grow in the cylinder. It works really well for the more aggressive pumping, and for me is easier to deal with than trying to stay hard long enough for the wrapping bit. Only thing is, sometimes it can be a little hard to get loose from the cylinder. I usually have to completely remove the release nut to get free.


Thanks for the new donut prevention suggestion. New ideas are always appreciated.


I realize this is an old thread but it is the best one that I’ve come across concerning the “donut” that can come with pumping. I have been using “self adhesive athletic tape” to help minimize this effect. Thanks for the tip. I still have one question though. When I use the wrap, I lubricate myself as well as the wrap with Vaseline. After my pump session I remove the wrap to jelq in between sets. After this, the wrap is pretty much unusable due to the Vaseline on it. So I throw it out. I have to cut another piece to wrap again. You mentioned that you can let your wrap dry out and reuse it. Are you washing it afterward? Using a different lubricant? Not lubricating the wrap itself at all?


Originally Posted by solid
I realize this is an old thread but it is the best one that I’ve come across concerning the “donut” that can come with pumping. I have been using “self adhesive athletic tape” to help minimize this effect. Thanks for the tip. I still have one question though. When I use the wrap, I lubricate myself as well as the wrap with Vaseline. After my pump session I remove the wrap to jelq in between sets. After this, the wrap is pretty much unusable due to the Vaseline on it. So I throw it out. I have to cut another piece to wrap again. You mentioned that you can let your wrap dry out and reuse it. Are you washing it afterward? Using a different lubricant? Not lubricating the wrap itself at all?



I don’t use lubrication at all when I wrap. I actually like to wet the self adhesive wrap which softens its texture and is more comfortable to wrap tighter. After I’m done using it, I rinse it and let it hang dry for the next time. If it gets a little gamey, I wash it out with dish soap and let it dry for resuse. I hope that answers your question.


Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap


The wrap doesn’t grab the inside of the tube when you are pumping? I tried that before and the wrap was catching the inside of the tube and sliding down farther then the area I wanted wrapped. The small area right above the wrap would “donut”. Maybe the water helps or I didn’t wrap tight enough. I’ll have to give it another shot.


Originally Posted by Solid

The wrap doesn’t grab the inside of the tube when you are pumping? I tried that before and the wrap was catching the inside of the tube and sliding down farther then the area I wanted wrapped. The small area right above the wrap would “donut”. Maybe the water helps or I didn’t wrap tight enough. I’ll have to give it another shot.



You need to wrap tighter, so that the wrap will not slide down. Experiment with this and see if it helps. I have no problems with the wrap grabbing the inside of the tube as you describe. Also, when the wrap is wetted down, it has more “give” in allowing you to wrap tighter and more comfortably.


Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

I bought some white athletic tape (self adhesive with cloth like texture) made by Mueller. How tight should you wrap the top shaft with the tape for proper protection against donut? The tape doesn’t stretch much and I wonder if there will be any problem if you wrap too tightly during pumping.

Originally Posted by a529612
I bought some white athletic tape (self adhesive with cloth like texture) made by Mueller. How tight should you wrap the top shaft with the tape for proper protection against donut? The tape doesn’t stretch much and I wonder if there will be any problem if you wrap too tightly during pumping.


The tape shouldn’t be elastic in type, but there should be some slight “give” to it. You should wrap very firmly but not in a stranglehold fashion. Too loose and you won’t get any benefit. You really shouldn’t experience any kind of problem with this kind of wrapping, since the tape will stretch under the vacuum pressure. Just experiment a bit and you’ll find what works best for you.


Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

I experimented more with the tape and used petroleum jelly as lube this time. I didn’t get any donut immediately even at 10 In Hg cycle for 30 mins. However, the donut came back in 5 mins after I removed the tape. Should I keep the tape on longer after the session for best result?

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