Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

"Donut" Prevention - Another Wrap Suggestion


Late 4 me.

Is it possible to use the self adhesive tape prevention method with a Bathmate?

I do get the donut from my sessions, and it usually subsides over a few hours.

May 2018 6" x 4.75" 3-6mon Goal:

BPEL 7x5 6-12month BPEL 7.5" x 5.25”

No plan on stopping unless I hit 9” x 6”


When you speak of pumping are you only referring to a dry pump/gauged cyclinder?

May 2018 6" x 4.75" 3-6mon Goal:

BPEL 7x5 6-12month BPEL 7.5" x 5.25”

No plan on stopping unless I hit 9” x 6”

I use compression sleeves to prevent excess fluid and it works perfectly. Nice expansion, mushroom head and no discoloration. I make my own sleeves that are perfect for expansion and protection. You could try 2 condoms with the tip cut off so the glans can continue to expand.

Hey Guys, I haven’t been here in a LONG time… Life happens you know (kids, work…etc.) Anyway, I was wondering if anyone had a real (and relatively easy) solution for blisters while pumping. Even if I don’t go high vacuum, I still can get blisters on the head if I stay in too long, more than 7 minutes.

On the positive side, all the gains I made initially (while on this forum) have stayed with me without doing anything all this time. So it works. I used pumping and hanging. I feel hanging is where I got all of my length gain and most of my girth gain. I even tried Big Girtha’s clamping method and my only problem with it is that I have to keep the clamp so tight to keep the blood in my unit. It just ends up hurting and then not worth it. Pumping is a much more enjoyable experience (except washing the lube out of the cylinder every time).

Anway, gonna take another shot at it as my wife prefers more girth and less length. Not going to lose length, just going to try and get up to 6.5” EG or 7” if possible.

I’ve chosen pumping as the vehicle. I think you can make any of these work with enough thought and experimentation.

Well I seem to get a donut ever time, no matter how low the pressure. It has faded in a few hours each time so far, but I am wondering if it will stop fading.

Condom pumping

I have been following posts regarding the doughnut caused when pumping. I developed a pretty good doughnut second time pumping. Putting a condom (or 2) on did prevent the doughnut. The hassle of it if jelqing/massaging is trying to get back into condom several times. I was thinking why not push the condom in tube, stretch it around opening of tube over the seal and held in place with a cock ring, rubber band would probably work to. Tried it out today, worked very well.

Originally Posted by Chaswood
I use compression sleeves to prevent excess fluid and it works perfectly. Nice expansion, mushroom head and no discoloration. I make my own sleeves that are perfect for expansion and protection. You could try 2 condoms with the tip cut off so the glans can continue to expand.

What do you use to make the compression sleeves?

Originally Posted by boner7484
Well I seem to get a donut ever time, no matter how low the pressure. It has faded in a few hours each time so far, but I am wondering if it will stop fading.

I also get a donut ever time I pump.
I normally leave it alone for an hour to keep the pump then put a couple of inch anti turtle sleeve on the shaft, just behind the glan and the excessive fluid is gone in an hour or so.

I have read were some guys actually pump while wearing an anti turtle sleeve but I fear this will take away from possible gains from pumping… so I haven’t really tried that out yet.

Got my first doughnut today. I’ve got myself taped up to try and reverse it. Not trying to have the girlfriend see this

Originally Posted by MadVillian
Got my first doughnut today. I’ve got myself taped up to try and reverse it. Not trying to have the girlfriend see this

Haha I hear you there. It’s like a fat lip on your dick. Definitely would have the lady asking questions.

Wrapping it after the fact cleared it up in a few hours. Back to normal on day 2

I just started pumping today. I’ve been reading a lot of the post here and was excited to start today. I should have taken it easier, I didn’t feel like I was in a lot of pain or anything, well my dick got a fat lip. I was reading here that this seamed to happen more to circumcised guys. Well I’m not cut and I got the donut. The good thing is, if I don’t pull the foreskin back you can’t see the donut.

So I’m on day two of pumping. Day one I got a donut. Well I realized I did a few things wrong. First I bought my pump with not really knowing what to get, then I found this website. Second, I didn’t really pay attention to my gauge and didn’t notice till after my first session that it is in mmhg. So when I thought I was going around 5-7hg I was really up in 12hg area. Third I was getting some discomfort so I pulled out and re-adjusted, when I did I pushed in a little foreskin to allow my penis to grow without the feeling of my skin being stretch apart, and that’s when the donut appeared.


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