Thunder's Place

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VERY embarassing PE experience

VERY embarassing PE experience

Well, it all started about a month ago when I ordered a bib hanger from the famous Bib the day before he closed up shop for a bit. I had my hanger delivered to my Mailboxes Etc box because my roommates are horribly nosy and such. I waited and waited to get the durned thing, and it never came. I started inquiring, first with Bib, then with Mailboxes, then the post office. Turns out the post office tracking (which isn’t all that great) says it left the local post office to be dropped off at it’s destination a month ago! To make a long story short, I find out today that the people at Mailboxes accidentally gave my package to a customer who receives many many boxes (it got mixed in). This customer opened it recently, and realized it did not belong to him… So anyway, tomorrow I have to go to Mailboxes to pick up my opened package. Now everyone there, where I get all my business mail and stop by all the time, is going to know I’m into PE (something you don’t exactly want to wear a badge saying you do), and that I had a dick enlarger shipped to me. Holy crap I never wanna go there again. I’m cringing at the thought of going to claim my poor opened weenis enlarger.

As a side note, Bib was VERY helpful during this whole ordeal. He tracked down some software and scanned his receipt of shipment at my request and emailed it to me, offered me another one, and was all around helpful and very professional.

Now I can finally restart PE-ing and get my shrimp dong on the trail to becoming a lethal poon-plunger.

Welcome to the gang and nice to meet you!

Thanks for sharing that. I think almost all of us have had some embarassing moments on our PE careers, that’s life. That’s pretty fun one though. :D

A Man behind his mask.

The hanger comes in a package with no instructions. Unless the people who saw the contents of the package are into PE, I would think they’d have no idea you’re supposed to strap that thing to your weenis.

I doubt they’ll know what it is. Tell them, “Thank goodness it finally arrived. < insert relative of choice > has been waiting for his/her Better Hand device” (it comes from BH Ltd.). If they inquire further, either say it’s used to treat seized finger joints or carpal tunnel syndrome.

Yeah, the package was opened they said, and the guy was just bringing it back :-(

O well. At least now I can get the water boilin’ and start working that little lizard till it gets big enough to ravage Tokyo.

I like that excuse hobby, ahahahah. They already saw me turn beat red when they said it was opened and asked why; I just said it’s embarassing. I’ll just have to cope; there is no price too high to pay to make my 6.25” pea-shooter into an M1 Abrams 8” tank.

Thanks for all the condolences and kind words. Merry PE-ing to all.

I really doubt they’ll know what it is. But they will be wondering. I would blame it on my kid or

Good luck!

Haha so funny :D

It’s really difficult for a non-PE’er to recognize PEtools for what they really are. Next to my chair I have laying openly on the ground my (Hubbard) hanger, weights, sock for wrap and a rolled up sock for a cushion effect and usually when I have ppl come over guys/girls I just leave it there. They don’t even notice it hehehe :)


How many more ways do you have for referring to your penis?

M-1 Abrams tank, poon plunger, lizard, pea shooter, dong, shrimp-dong…..

Tell em that it is a device for treating carpal tunnel. No shit! I take mine through the airport all the time. I even take 20 lbs. of weight plates. When they ask, I say that the unit fits over the middle and ring fingers of my hand and I then add on the weight. I tell them that it really helps. They have no idea. He he

Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!

Fuck all that! Ship yourself another box to the same mailbox, same place with the same return addy on it two months from now. This time, make the box twice as large and twice as heavy with a little “XXL” scribbled on the side. Walk in tall and proud while you pick-up your package, thanking them kindly for their service. That’ll shut ‘em the fuck up and leave them wide-eyed with disbelief:) . They’ll be scramblin’ to the computer to search out one for themselves! groa

Originally posted by groa
Fuck all that! Ship yourself another box to the same mailbox, same place with the same return addy on it two months from now. This time, make the box twice as large and twice as heavy with a little “XXL” scribbled on the side. Walk in tall and proud while you pick-up your package, thanking them kindly for their service. That'll shut 'em the fuck up and leave them wide-eyed with disbelief:) . They'll be scramblin' to the computer to search out one for themselves! groa

I like that idea. I shoulda realized that to a normal person, a bib hanger doesn’t conjure up images of a ween-lengthening product, and just acted non-embarassed. O well.

Merry peen-pulling to all,

Where I used to work, there was this guy who got into a car accident & was hospitalized. At work, they needed to get into one of his locked drawers (for some documents) and they found some really horrid shit - fag mags, a soiled dildo, gay phone sex on audio tape, etc., etc.

The ol’ hanger-discovered-by-a-neighbor kind of pales by comparison.

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