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Vita-K Cream and discoloration information


Vita-K Cream and discoloration information

Well after about my 3rd tube of Vita-K Cream I am finally starting to see results. Over the past 3 months or so I have been using the cream twice a day and at first was a little discouraged because I wasn’t seeing any difference in the color of my penis. Well lately upon examination I am starting to see it lighten up as a whole. This is probably why I wasn’t seeing any results the first few months. I had a good bit of discoloration on an all ready dark penis but now I can see the cream is really working. Slow but working. Hell if the cream was a little more slick and not so readily asbsorbable by the skin I would jelg with it, LOL

Dirl Diggler, please kindly post the picture of the cream bottle here :)
I’ve been using Vaseline white cream for almost two years, and it works perfectly with my skin, but I still wanna try the Vita-K cream :)

Thanks in advance.


7 x 6 EG is perfect!

Routine : Manual-V-Inverted V-JAI-BTC stretches (alot of stretches :D ). Wet Jelq, Pumping (once a week to maintain my girth)

I use the pro-K cream and it is the only thing I have found that will help with discoloration. It is spendy, but it will work. If I apply right after my workout I won’t have as red or dark of a penis all day, it has also took away some permanent darkness. Just make sure that you skin is wet when you apply it.

Starting, Feb. 04' BPEL 5.5, EG 4.5, Feb 06' BEPEL 6.00, EG 5.0

Summer goal- 6.25 BPEL, 5.25 EG, HELP ME GET IT!

Here is a link to the cream I bought in CVS

Vita-K Cream

Originally Posted by hardgainer12
I use the pro-K cream and it is the only thing I have found that will help with discoloration. It is spendy, but it will work. If I apply right after my workout I won’t have as red or dark of a penis all day, it has also took away some permanent darkness. Just make sure that you skin is wet when you apply it.

I think I am gonna give this a try next pay period

Originally Posted by Dirk Diggler

Here is a link to the cream I bought in CVS

Vita-K Cream

Thanks DD.

7 x 6 EG is perfect!

Routine : Manual-V-Inverted V-JAI-BTC stretches (alot of stretches :D ). Wet Jelq, Pumping (once a week to maintain my girth)

If it is easily absorbed by the skin, it probably wouldn’t work for jelqing, but I’m thinking maybe as a pumping lube?:-k

That would be very expensive. And it really it’s that kind of lotion. I don’t think it would well. Try it though.

Starting, Feb. 04' BPEL 5.5, EG 4.5, Feb 06' BEPEL 6.00, EG 5.0

Summer goal- 6.25 BPEL, 5.25 EG, HELP ME GET IT!

Cool, but I’m wondering, does it seem to be removing the actual discoloration, which is supposed to be located “in” the skin(iron deposites as I’ve heard it), or is it mostly lightening the surface of the skin?

Also if you did not do any PE during those 3 months some of the lightening could be from natural fading.

Start around 2006-03 -- BPEL: 6.2" EG: 4.8"

Current 2008-04-27 ---- BPEL: 7.4" EG: 5.2" BaseGirth:6.1"

Later ------------------ BPEL: 7.87" EG: 5.9" :spin:

Last edited by Modong : 05-27-2007 at .

I still clamp jelg and pump on a daily basis while using the cream

Ok that sounds good. What about my first question, any input on that?

Does anybody know where I can get a cream like this in Sweden?

Start around 2006-03 -- BPEL: 6.2" EG: 4.8"

Current 2008-04-27 ---- BPEL: 7.4" EG: 5.2" BaseGirth:6.1"

Later ------------------ BPEL: 7.87" EG: 5.9" :spin:

It seems to be penetrating deep into the skin and removing the discoloration below the surface also

DD, did you ever see it help with red/dark spots that some people get after clamping? Or, did you just use it for some long term discoloration you had?

Now that my routine is down pact I don’t experience the red dots on the head of my penis anymore. I think this stopped around the time I started jelqing in between sets. When I do get the red spots it’s because I over did it and need a day or two rest afterwards before they will go away on their own. I am only applying the cream to the shaft skin and not the head. Since I am uncut I don’t need anymore moisture than my body is already creating. So in short it’s helping with the darkening of the skin shaft and nothing else.

Awesome. Just what I needed.

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