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Vita K cream helping fade discoloration!!


Vita K cream helping fade discoloration!!

I’ve been applying a topical vitamin K cream, and it seems to be helping resolve discoloration. I know a lot of you guys, have been trying to fade discoloration brought up by PE. It’s been helping me out a lot, so I thought I might spread the knowledge.

Product description:

Vita-K Cream contains 1000mg of pure pharmaceutical grade vitamin K in a base of castor oil; calendula oil; vitamin E and A to help reduce the appearance of spider veins and promote healing of damaged skin.

Recommended Usage: Apply twice a day directly to bruises or small capillaries and broken blood vessels. Massage until completely absorbed.

It would be helpful to apply it after intense jelq sessions as you get more bruising

If you are getting bruising while doing jelqing then you are doing it too hard and wrong.

Jelqing long term results in slight discoloration, for some. I do not jelq to the point of bruising myself, I know better than that.

Then why is the recommended usages as “Recommended Usage: Apply twice a day directly to bruises or small capillaries and broken blood vessels. Massage until completely absorbed.”

Discoloration results from broken capillaries. I am not saying I bruise my penis to death, and this helps me out.There are a variety of products out there that benefit more than one condition. The cream has been helping me fade discoloration. I know a handful of members here at Thunders want to get rid of their discoloration. Read the newbie routine, Thunders warns that discoloration is a side effect of PE for “some”. I thought I might suggest a product that is working for me. Not starting any drama here but, if you know nothing about the subject, and can’t contribute to a positive post then stay out and ignore this thread.

Get off his jock. I had discoloration before I even started pe.

"Well, people from Tennessee are generaly good at whatever it is they do even though they usually have no clue what they're doing."


This sounds really great, I have a bit of discoloration I would like to get rid of. How long did you have to apply the cream before you noticed the results, and is it possible that the loss of discoloration is due to you doing less PE recently? Just a thought. Also, can I buy a topical Vitamin K cream at a store like walmart, or maybe a health food store?

I used the cream for about 3 months. You can get any vitamin K cream as long as it’s medical grade. I got mine online for about 14 dollars.

Originally Posted by MatuteMorales

Get off his jock. I had discoloration before I even started PE.

Yeah I agree, you can get discolouration from rough sex or at least I have. Good find there with the cream, I may try it if I get discolouration again myself.

I saw some of this at a Meijer (it’s like a Walmart) I was at. They had two kinds, one for stretch marks and one for spider veins, the latter of which I bought. They had a buy one get one free deal for ~$9.50 tubes, so I picked up two. I applied some tonight and will update with progress in a few weeks.

Thanks for the tip Sonic, sounds like the easiest solution to discoloration that has been proposed so far.
Do you get negative side effects from using this cream (I don’t know like peeling or something)?

I might give this thing a try because after all these years of PE (just celebrated my 7th anniversary!!) the discoloration is pretty bad.

And no, you don’t have to get bruising in order to develop discoloration but yes, I guess that it is because of small damages to the capillaries that discoloration appears.

Great tip.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Originally Posted by powpow
Thanks for the tip Sonic, sounds like the easiest solution to discoloration that has been proposed so far.
Do you get negative side effects from using this cream (I don’t know like peeling or something)?

I might give this thing a try because after all these years of PE (just celebrated my 7th anniversary!!) the discoloration is pretty bad.

And no, you don’t have to get bruising in order to develop discoloration but yes, I guess that it is because of small damages to the capillaries that discoloration appears.

No pealing what so ever, at least I didn’t notice any. Make sure you get a brand that has pharmaceutical grade vitamin K in it.

Thanks for the suggestion on product. ScarGuard Lightener is also another product people have had success with.

I love GOLD

Is there anything about vitamin K that would increase the chances of bleeding during jelqing? I recently had an incident with blood coming out of my urethra, and I’ve been using the Vita K for a day or two. I didn’t think the vitamin K would do such a thing, and I certainly doubt the cream would penetrate to my urethra, but I still wonder because it is the only thing that I’ve changed with my PE recently.

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