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Vita K cream helping fade discoloration!!

Vitamin K is used for dark circles under the eyes. It’s supposed to aid in healing bruising - why would it facilitate bleeding?

I’m no doctor, but I think that’s a stretch.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

No, I do realize it is quite a stretch. I’m just throwing it out there to see if anyone has ever heard about vita K side effects. From what I’ve read about vitamin K, it plays a role in both coagulation and anti-coagulation. I’m just trying to figure out what caused my injury, because I hurt it after an ample rest period while doing a very light warmup set of jelqs. I don’t feel like I overworked myself, but hey, who knows?

Hi Sonic,

I’ve been using Vaseline whitening cream for one year now and I found it works good on my penis skin.
Yet, I wanna try Vita K cream. Mind to post the picture of the cream bottle?

Thanks in advance.



7 x 6 EG is perfect!

Routine : Manual-V-Inverted V-JAI-BTC stretches (alot of stretches :D ). Wet Jelq, Pumping (once a week to maintain my girth)

Sound like something to try, but couldn’t it be that the discoloration stays the same only that the pigment of the skin is lightened?

Start around 2006-03 -- BPEL: 6.2" EG: 4.8"

Current 2008-04-27 ---- BPEL: 7.4" EG: 5.2" BaseGirth:6.1"

Later ------------------ BPEL: 7.87" EG: 5.9" :spin:

Originally Posted by Modong

Sound like something to try, but couldn’t it be that the discoloration stays the same only that the pigment of the skin is lightened?

Isn’t that what disCOLORation is?

I love GOLD

Gold_member - As far as I have understood discoloration comes from blood being trapped in places it can not naturally escape from, under or perhaps “in” the skin and leaves iron deposites behind which darken the skintone. Weather the vitamin k cream actually adresses those things or simply the pigment of the skin is what I am wondering. Of course the cream could still be considered benefitial for lightening the general tone of the skin but might not do much for more heavy or “bad” discoloration. I think all PE activities eventually lead to some darkening of the skin which doesn’t necessarily need to be that bad, but if you overdo excersises and get bruises that can lead to more ugly discoloration.

Start around 2006-03 -- BPEL: 6.2" EG: 4.8"

Current 2008-04-27 ---- BPEL: 7.4" EG: 5.2" BaseGirth:6.1"

Later ------------------ BPEL: 7.87" EG: 5.9" :spin:

It really isn’t known what the cause of discoloration is, but if the cream addresses the problem—whether it indirectly masks a benign underlying issue or directly takes care of it—then it works.

I love GOLD

Still it makes a big difference in what kind of discoloration can be treated in this way. If it does affect the iron deposits(which seems to be the best guess from people around here for what causes the discoloration, after reading many threads) then that means that more severe discoloration like dark streak marks can also be affected, otherwise it will be “only” be good for the general lightening of the skin. I would be interested in hearing what people who have tried it have to say.

Start around 2006-03 -- BPEL: 6.2" EG: 4.8"

Current 2008-04-27 ---- BPEL: 7.4" EG: 5.2" BaseGirth:6.1"

Later ------------------ BPEL: 7.87" EG: 5.9" :spin:

The main idea is that this Vita-K cream seems to have helped someone, and for somebody scrambling for ideas on how to get rid of their discoloration, they have an option to choose.

I do see your point though. If it is in fact iron deposits, then a chelating agent such as EDTA (Ethylene Diamine Tetra-acetic Acid) would be an excellent compound to try. You would need some type of transdermal carrier, such as DMSO, for deep delivery.

I love GOLD

You know, after thinking about this one, I am beginning to doubt that the discoloration is caused by iron deposits. A heme ring is very stable, and doesn’t decompose under physiological conditions. So a chelating agent wouldn’t work in that case.

I love GOLD

Wow, disregard my last comment. I don’t know what I was thinking. Looks like I needed a biochemistry refresher. Heme is degraded regularly, and is apparent by looking at the color changes of bruising. Heme is degraded to bilirubin and is processed by the liver. Typically, the iron is liberated from the heme ring and recycled. I do not know how it could be trapped under the tissues of the penis, whereas bruises on any other part of the body are cleared pretty quickly.

I love GOLD

Does anybody know if it’s alright to apply vitamin K Cream under the foreskin? I’m uncut and concerned about getting discolouration around the glans. Could vitamin K Cream cause an irritation on the penis head?

I have been touting the benefits of Vita-K cream for a while now. I use if for the red spots that I sometime get from Jelqing. It takes the recovery period down considerably. As far as jelqing to hard, I know that if I take a few of days (3-4) off I tend to get the spots after the first day back. The cream clears the spot in about a day. It is very helpful in keeping my PE on the down low. I use the formula for Vericous veins. I am not sure how is work on long term discoloration. It works great on slight bruising.

Originally Posted by danb1875

Does anybody know if it’s alright to apply vitamin K Cream under the foreskin? I’m uncut and concerned about getting discolouration around the glans. Could vitamin K Cream cause an irritation on the penis head?

I didn’t use Vita K cream, but I use Vaseline whitening cream. I used to apply it couple of times under the foreskin, I didn’t see anything weird beside the my pinky foreskin was getting fairer.

7 x 6 EG is perfect!

Routine : Manual-V-Inverted V-JAI-BTC stretches (alot of stretches :D ). Wet Jelq, Pumping (once a week to maintain my girth)

I managed to buy some Vitamin K Cream by Revivia. Hoping this stuff will do the trick. https://www.vit … .jsp?id=RV-1174

It should be here by the end of next week. I’ll post in a month or so to let everyone know if it worked for me or not. Has anyone tried this brand? If not, what did you use?


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