Thunder's Place

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Want that Sore feeling!!!

Want that Sore feeling!!!

Ok so its been about a month now that i have been peing without any sore feelings the next day… The first month or so i was feeling sore and taking every third day off because of that soreness, now ill manually stretching everyday, pulling down a lot, trying to work the tunica with some V stretches and such, BUT NO MORE SORENESS. What can i do, ive gained about a 1/4 inch or so maybe half, but im a believer that if your not sore your not growin. My LOT is about 730, any body have any suggestion, I WANT TO BE SORE EVERDAY GOD DAMN IT! haha, just frustrating because my goal is to be 71/2 inches EL (non bone pressed) by the end of the year, thats about a 1/3 inch per month, help me out fellas. I was thinking maybe if I have to incorporate some girth exercises to I will, whatever to get my meat Grade A 100% beef. (Oh and by the way my final goal is 8 by whatever girth)…Currently (and im taking the measurements as we speak…) 6 by 5 non bone pressed. Thanks alot guys

I swear I'm going to stop at 8... ok maybe 8.5 :D

Sore is ok WatchOut, pain is not.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:


I swear I'm going to stop at 8... ok maybe 8.5 :D


With my own experience, I tend to have soreness but at a nice level, kind of burning when I hang, although I have never had soreness any other time, not even when I first started. I tend to think that no gain without pain is totally the opposite from what you should feel. Another thing is that when you first started, your dick had never experienced this sort of punishment, hence the reason for soreness. Now that your dick is beginning to get used to the P.E, you will experience less pain, just like the muscels when going to the gym…

I have had some great gains without pain.

Gettin Bigger

WatchOut, greetings:

I agree with big-kiwi — think of it as you would weight-training. When you first start, you can be very sore indeed for some days after a workout. As you get stronger, that initial soreness is replaced by a well-worked, exhausted feeling. I think it is important to monitor the intensity of PE exercizes, and to take your bearings from there, rather than from the amount of soreness.

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