Want that Sore feeling!!!
Ok so its been about a month now that i have been peing without any sore feelings the next day… The first month or so i was feeling sore and taking every third day off because of that soreness, now ill manually stretching everyday, pulling down a lot, trying to work the tunica with some V stretches and such, BUT NO MORE SORENESS. What can i do, ive gained about a 1/4 inch or so maybe half, but im a believer that if your not sore your not growin. My LOT is about 730, any body have any suggestion, I WANT TO BE SORE EVERDAY GOD DAMN IT! haha, just frustrating because my goal is to be 71/2 inches EL (non bone pressed) by the end of the year, thats about a 1/3 inch per month, help me out fellas. I was thinking maybe if I have to incorporate some girth exercises to I will, whatever to get my meat Grade A 100% beef. (Oh and by the way my final goal is 8 by whatever girth)…Currently (and im taking the measurements as we speak…) 6 by 5 non bone pressed. Thanks alot guys
I swear I'm going to stop at 8... ok maybe 8.5 :D