Wet jelq not sliding over skin!?
Hey guys, I have just realised that all this time i’ve been wet jelquing with Vasaline, I seem to be “taking the skin with me” on each stroke.
Now i’m reading that with a wet jelq my “ok” hand symbod is supposed to slide over the skin.
At best it slides 50% on the stroke but mostly it just doesn’t slide more than about 5% (almost nothing).
So am I really dry jelquing?
Another thing is that when I jelq, after a while the penis tittue seems to get a little tough to jelq (similar to drying concrete).
I have also had an injury from jelquing that may have been caused by pushing further than this so I’m not sure how hard to push and if this is a sign to drop back in intensity.
I still think it may be to do with the “ok” symbols tightness around the shaft.
I really don’t want to go to easy on my PE because I may be not getting gains I could have with putting more strength in.
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