Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What an Idiot


Originally Posted by paul.
I understand that, how long ago was it when you had the surgery.

Also, what was your penis size then, and what is it now

About 9 years ago.

I didn’t really know about bone pressed or any of that then, but I was “cheating” then by pushing in the ruler a little bit just to get to 5”. I remember the nbp lengths better because I would wish I could be normal sized. Plus having a hell of a turkey neck made it look smaller. Hell I even remember some nights beating it off and thinking that my dick felt so small even to myself that I was turned off, and didn’t even want to finish.
That’s what drove me to surgery.
After fixing my surgery fuck up, I searched the web (which was a lot more active by then) for penis pills or what ever to do something about it. So yes my dumb ass wasted hundreds of dollars on pills.
Soon after I found my first pe site (pay site) and learned about jelqing.
I was off and on with that for years, and made a little gain but soon gave up.
After about a year it was gone, but I had a steady girlfriend who was a virgin, and since she didn’t know any better I didn’t feel the need to pe. Well after a couple more years I was back to wishing I could be in the 5’s again.
Then I could tell my girlfriend was starting to get curious about things. So I searched again and found this place.
Now I have stated in other threads other various reasons why I started to pe. And I want to clear before I continue that I’ve been obsessed with many reasons why I did all this, and that I didn’t really know how to have a consistant, steady, accurate measurement. But I knew the range he fell in.
So to answer the before and after measurements.
Before surgery : around 4.9” (I know it didn’t make 5)
After surgery but before pe: The same but longer flaccid hang.
Throughout the past couple years of hit and miss pe : Got to 5 1/4?-5 1/2?.
This year after finding this place and holding steady: nbp 6 1/8” bp 6 7/8” and my girth went from 4 3/4 to a steady 5 1/4 but hits a frequent 5 1/2 ( I just can’t hold it steady enough to consider that my actual girth… . Yet)

It always seem fascinating to me that the same ‘legitimate’ medical community that condemns PE as being ‘dangerous’ then proceeds to enshrine slicing through perfectly healthy tissue and ligaments and injecting foreign material (silicone) in and around our most precious possession.

Of course, I was forgetting… there is no money to be made by doctors out of PE is there?


"Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship"

- Humphrey Bogart to Claude Raines, Casablanca

you are a legend of perseverance and I acknowledge you for what you have achieved.

You are a genuine inspiration to all the guys out there wanting to grow from a smaller size.

Well done man.


"Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship"

- Humphrey Bogart to Claude Raines, Casablanca

You’v made some pretty good progress then pocopeepee, but please tell me as I have been wanting to know for a while, what is a turkey neck?

Current - NBPEL 6.9" x EG Base 6.2"

BPEL 7.4"

Goal - NBPEL 8.5" x EG 6.5"

Originally Posted by paul.
No. Maybe if you read my post properly you would have seen this.

Maybe you should drop the attitude.

I read your entire post, twice actually, and I’ve just read it again for a third time, and my response is still the same.

So because he was insecure about his size, therefore wanting to take a chance on getting it enlarged (because he didnt know about PE), and opted for surgery, hes an idiot?

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

How to use the search button for best results. If you actually USE the search button, this is worth a read

Cmon guys, lay off Paul, I just watched the doco and I too feel sorry for the guy but also think he’s a bit of a dunce.

He comes across fairly intelligently and quite confident indeed, yet he seems to have concluded that the only real solution is surgery.
He hasn’t looked hard enough!

I’m so glad I found this place, generally a very positive attitude here and regulars with what I beleive real results posting, plus discussions about emotional impact of size and general intelligent banter - it’s a good place, let’s not drop to insults.

I can say I sympathise with the guy getting the surgery, we all want to see the numbers bigger.

Originally Posted by paul.
And on the documentary they were going through PE sites, I’m acctually pretty sure that it was this site, and if he was doing his resaech about PE on the internet there is no doubt that he would have come across a PE forum.

I have doubts. It took me several years, shelling out hundreds of dollars, on the BS pills, creams, and effortless fixes. Then I found the Pay sites, and spent more money on that. And believe me I did my research, it just took several years for me to come across my saving grace, which is Thunders. Does that make me an idiot, or does the fact that even after finding thunders I have still spent loads of money on stretching devices, and a pump, and wraps, and clamps, and materials for my own creations for PE. Sounds like he probably ignored the wealth of information on horror stories of PE surgery, and just believed all the hype which is most often BS. But how many times have we bought something from a late night commercial because they sold it so well? He is just after the same thing most of us were probably after when starting PE, that is a quick way to make it bigger.

The other thing here is we, as a society, tend to trust doctors.

Many might feel surgery is more real, more tangible; it also is closer to instant gratification -another dream of modern industrialization.

What few realize is there are many more risks when surgery is involved.

I have a friend who is a surgeon.
She continually makes the case that even in serious situations surgery - for anything - is not to be entered into blithely (but then she’s a responsible doctor). Anesthesia alone carries the risk of death, never mind the other things that may be involved with a given surgery.

I haven’t seen the video. In fairness to paul the guy in question could be an idiot regardless of his PE style of choice.

I think he trusted the Doctor route and went for it. Now-a-days, with shows like Nip & Tuck and Total Extreme Make-Over and the like, it is easy to forget that surgery is not exactly routine, even in the case of ‘routine surgery’.

So I do feel sympathy for this guy, as he put his faith in something that failed him and it, no doubt, caused him heartache.

Even if he is a jerk, it still has to suck.

Let’s not forget the importance of our sexuality and how much our masculinity depends on having a functioning unit. As a general rule let’s try to have compassion when discussing that around here.

And well done pocopeepee. Well done indeed. :thumbs:

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Last edited by Mr. Happy : 12-10-2006 at .

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