1st goal regain lost progress back to 7.75PB EL x 5.25EG from last weeks minor injury
Near term goal thereafter 7.8 x 5.3
Current final destination:
8”BPEL x 5.5”EG
Wife’s ST & LT goal Return EQ to pre P.E. stiffness.
Hay Rickman & Saiyen22 & others:
I agree with the importance of achievable specific short term goals ( or Pert charts if you will) …
I am using paper towel rolls as my visuals So, I cut it down to 8 plus a top knob where I printed {8} in black magic marker.
I scroll a line across it at each new milestone, with the date when achieved. One towel roll is 5.75 inches circumference while the other is 5.5”..( my ultimate goal). I still have my 1st model 7.5” by 5.0”…but decided later that I needed a larger goal, when the wife never complained about pain with my new size . When I clamp my dick won’t fit through the larger 5.75 inch hole because of the engorged gland.
When I look at these tubes both look huge standing up on the desk, but I use the same 8” ruler and tape measure I am using for my dick.
The eyes sure can play tricks on your mind!
Some of you guys have some great goals, best of luck in achieving them…. as for others, if I were your supervisor on the annual review I would send you back to your P.E. desks while requesting specific & measurable goals plus a battle plan for action.. Saiyen 22 & Rcikman’s help to make my points, I thought. That is why I mentioned them.
Go for IT!