Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What do you do when PE-ing


I do my stretching routine everyday in the shower, making sure to get my pecker really hot while I’m doing it. Then, after I’m dried off I use a collins cocktail glass (long and skinny) in much the same way that Luka uses his warmup bottle to get my pecker REALLY warm. Once I’ve got the unit really warmed up I lock the door in my office and sit down for a 7 minute clamping session while watching my favorite porn to get a super-hard woodie. After I’m done clamping I return to the collins cocktail glass full of hot water to get a thorough warm-down and then I apply a recovery oil I’ve made and give the unit a thorough massage. I then wipe off the excess oil with a towel, apply talc, and slip on 5 golf swing weights secured with a wrap which I wear for the duration of the day. You do this, you GROW- well, at least I do!

I usually do stretches, jelqs and squeezes at night, sitting and watching tv (usually the man show)

Since I use the Bibhanger in BTC mode, I just play my PS2 w/ GT4 or MLB 07: The Show. Helluva fun being (acting like) a little kid at times.

Usually, I get a blowjob while PEing. Other times I have doggie style sex. Sometimes, I just sit in the bedroom and listen to some music.

Originally Posted by littlehobo

Other times I have doggie style sex.

Like BusterHymes avatar in the last post? :D


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