Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What do you tell yourself to keep going?

Well, I wouldn’t want to start a cult or anything, but thanks for that response :-)

I have no issue with monks, either, btw. They are developping in a different direction than mine, but I believe that’s valid, too. Nevetheless, some of the greatest health and exercise techniques (not to mention martial arts and even sex) have come from ‘monks’. To each their own. My own tendencies are more physical, perhaps, and I find I really do *need* physical activity and being outdoors, but much of that is also borderline meditation for me, as well. There are times when body/mind unity is paramount, other times when it’s more important to give one or the other priority and just let the other side ‘rest’ for a while :-)

1- the progress reports by other members inspire me to stay at it

2- the simple wish to upgrade my dick is another motivating factor

3- the improvements made so far are probably the greatest motivational source

Awesome stuff guys. Keep em coming! :)


Current: (3/06/06) 5.5" x 4" (+.25EL!!) / Short term goal: 6.5" x 4.75"

Milestone 1: 7.5" x 5.25"

Ultimate Goal: Being happy with the size of my penis.

One more thing: even without major gains, the frequency, quality and duration of erections has increased dramatically since I’ve started this. A pretty good motivation by itself.

I had stopped PEing for a few months.
I was satisfied with 7”.

One day I decided to come here and I don’t know why

Just being here, reading, listening to people just talk about what they do (PE), made me want to start so much.

I’m still a virgin, but every time I PE I think about how badly I’m gonna ram some chick and how much I want to make an impression just through my sexual confidence.. I don’t know if that sounds corny..

I want them to say OH.
The fact that I’ve got a bigger dick than someone else makes me happy. It’s basically pre-judgement like I’m better than you because I have a big dick. It is part of what has really scarred society but it is prevalent everyday everywhere.

+ $.02

Start 12/1/06 _ _ _ _ 3 month 3/2/06 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 month 4/2/06 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5 month 5/2/06

6.6 X 4.75 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7.25 x 4.90 _ _ _ _ _ _ _7.5 x 4.90 BaseGirth: 5.25 _ _ _ _ 7.75 x 4.90 10 month 9/24/06: Still 7.75 X 4.90 ---- I have focused primarily on girth and have not gained a CM in months.

Journal Pictures

I know it works because I had a noticeable girth increase and foreskin regrowth.

THIS FORUM is by far the best way to stay motivated.

I also like it when i see a movie where girls are talking about dick size etc. – really gives me a boost.

or… if i really need motivation, i Google for stories in blogs etc. of girls talking about guys dick sizes… yeah its real sad, but it works for me.

I tell myself that for every 1/12 inch I can gain in a month with PE, that I may have 1 entire inch more dick in a year. If I don’t do anything, I’m guaranteed not to gain anything.

Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

Originally Posted by peforeal
I tell myself that for every 1/12 inch I can gain in a month with PE, that I may have 1 entire inch more dick in a year. If I don’t do anything, I’m guaranteed not to gain anything.

Wow I never thought of it like that before. 1 inch in a year awesome! Now, the hard part is just getting that 1/12. BUT THAT’S ONE OF MY NEW GOALS! 1/12 A MONTH!

Cool beans peforeal.


Current: (3/06/06) 5.5" x 4" (+.25EL!!) / Short term goal: 6.5" x 4.75"

Milestone 1: 7.5" x 5.25"

Ultimate Goal: Being happy with the size of my penis.

Motivation is a fickle mistress. Discipline and will is where it’s at.

Started: 2/03, Finished: 5/06, Total Gains: 1.375” BPEL 1.5” EG, Details: Progress after a year or longer off?

Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible—M. C. Escher

MX said it. Discipline is the key to success. In all respects of my life whether it be eating right, sitting down to do homework, or during a session of PE, when I practice discipline I feel confident, motived and I feel anything can be achieved!

“Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength.”

This comes to mind and it used to be in my signiture:

“If you keep doing what you’ve been doing then you will keep getting what you’ve been getting”

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


Now that I’m deep in my fourth month, the question of motivation has started to come up for me too. This month I decided to celebrate my matriculation from newbie-hood and enter my freshman phase of PE’ing with a bang. I decided that I was going to add a single clamping set at the end of my regular workout and to ADS with 4 golf swing weights all the friggin time. To compliment this upping of the antes I was also to workout on six consecutive days with only one day of rest per week.

Well I started out strong, but then during the second week I missed three consecutive days straight. At the end of those three days of ZERO PE’ing I had “lost my fluff” so to speak. Flaccid was bigger than pre-PE, but had definitely flagged a little during those three days off.

I’ve been going like a madman ever since.

Seeing my dick attempting to get back into it’s pre-PE state of 2” flaccids was a shocker. It’s a place I’m never going again. If I’ve got to strap an anvil to the sucker, I’m going to permanently walk away from those pre-PE days.

So motivator #1 is basically *fear*. The little dick that temporarily posessed my new wood for those three days petrified my ass.

Motivator #2 is just total grit and determination. I’m convinced that this is one of the things which truly seperates the men from the boys in just about any endeavour: namely, to go ahead and follow through with something because you know it's the right thing to do even though practically every cell in your body resists. You can actually start to get off on that like its a new kind of endorphin.

Within all of us exist several personalities and subroutines. The one that dominates and controls the others is the one who defines who we become….that is who we are. I think that in order to establish a new routine you have to get off on it somehow and I’ve been getting off on “pushing myself (my old self) around”. I have set a bully loose on my own playground and he’s telling the rest of me what to do….

….like right now he’s telling me, “you lazy pussy, get off of your ass, get out in the garage and wail on your pecs….”

Since I’ve started PE’ing I’ve also lost 15 pounds and have started eating really well. It’s been a real boon. Bully yourself around, be your own drill instructor, don’t accept sloth….


Whenever I get the urge to jerk it I break out the lube and jelq it!

I’m a perfectionist at heart and won’t give up until I get what I’m aiming for whether it’s a physique that would make the gods jealous or a penis that is big enough to club seals with. I don’t like thinking, if I think I get depressed and spiral deeper down the rabbit hole so I keep myself constantly active. The industry that I work in is jam packed full of egos and to rise above the rest you have to project yourself as the best of the best.

This quote from Dodgeball motivates me in a sick way plus makes me laugh, “At Globogym we’re better than you…And we know it!” (White Goodman). I look at myself in the mirror and repeat to my self as if talking to somebody else, ” I’m better than you, and I KNOW it!”. You guys probably think that this Knochenbrecher geezer is a cocky bastard but it works wonders on my confidence and self esteem, which in turn cross over into my PE.

If i’m jelqing, for example, I say things like someone else is in the room like, “it really is too big for you isn’t it?”,”That’s right it’s all for you”,”Think you can handle it?”, and my personal favorites,”You ain’t gonna shit straight for a month” & ” Babe… you’re gonna need a wheelchair after we’re through!”. This gives me an unbeatable “go hard or go home” attitude which prevents my mind from thinking negative thoughts and releases my inner jerk, and one hell of a confidence boost.

Lol @ knochenbrecher.. Good stuff!

Parents walk by bedroom door..
"Your ass is gonna bleed”
"Think you can handle it?”


Start 12/1/06 _ _ _ _ 3 month 3/2/06 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 month 4/2/06 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5 month 5/2/06

6.6 X 4.75 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7.25 x 4.90 _ _ _ _ _ _ _7.5 x 4.90 BaseGirth: 5.25 _ _ _ _ 7.75 x 4.90 10 month 9/24/06: Still 7.75 X 4.90 ---- I have focused primarily on girth and have not gained a CM in months.

Journal Pictures


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