Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What gives the best results?


There has been some talk about jelqing BEFORE your stretch routine as to provide good gains. Not sure if anyone followed through with it here though.

PEing since Jan 1st, 2003

I would think after at least 12 years of PE going mainstream (more of less) we would have conclusive evidence to what works, and what doesn’t. I can understand why some get results, and some don’t, even when they say they are following it exactly. I bet if you were to be able to watch how they perform their routines. You would see that they are doing something not quite right. I think there are nuances to PE that if you don’t do, you might as well be masturbating. When you jelq. There should be tell tale signs that the workout was successful. Take manual stretches for instance. A lot depends on your hand strength, and endurance to hold that stretch long enough, and with enough strength to stretch it enough to activate growth in recovery. How do you really know that you stretched far enough, or when trying to have a controlled experiment with manual stretches that your data is not flawed because the stretches were not executed right. This is a bit off topic, but I had an idea for a device that would go around your waist and you would pull out your penis for your BPFSL it would measure it for. Think of it like a tape measurer mounted to a belt right by the base of your penis. It could be hooked up to a display with some control. You would pull it out to measure your BPFSL, and it would remember that length ( I was told I would need an accelerometer to do this) Then as you do your manual stretches it would beep, or have a read out display to tell you if you are stretching past what your initial BPFSL. It would record duration, and length on stretch. With such a device you could get good data on manual stretches. Honing in on what works with manaul stretches, and what doesn’t. What do you think?

Originally Posted by Iwant8x6
I would think after at least 12 years of PE going mainstream (more of less) we would have conclusive evidence to what works, and what doesn’t.

Seems like it should, but in terms of science 12 years is not that long.

Exercise Science for example: There have been experiments and things tested back in the 1920s- finally in 1954 came the American College of Sports Medicne which was a grouping of several medical doctors with backgrounds in physiology who decided that “Hey, exercise might be a good thing for the body” (not that informal, but you get the idea). Then came journals, where these Exercise Scientists would conduct experiments and tests, then post their findings- which lead to new discoveries, etc.

Heck, there are new things being discovered and changed from previous ideas that were considered to be true 10 years ago in the field of Exercise Science. Such as the principle of “Satellite Cells” and gaining/repairing muscle.

I think we need an American College of Penis Exercises… or no wait… Penile Ehnahcement… yes that’s it- ACPE :) Then we can do some clinical testing, and establish ways of building massive units as a “set in stone” standard of practice.

PEing since Jan 1st, 2003

I know in terms of science its not long. I really think its because we don’t have something you jested about “ACPE”. If we had something like that. We would be light years into pe advancement. More than likely Chemical PE would be what everyone would be doing. I have always had mixed feelings about pe becoming a household name, much akin to weightlifting. Could you imagine if every guy knew they could enlarge their units doing pe? I know the fact it takes work will stop the lazy from trying, and or if they do most likely fail for inconsistency. I think it is a matter of time before Chemical PE will be the PE method of choice. What happens then?

I’ve read the Chemical PE thread, but I don’t think it’s anything that will offer substantial gains (If any). I’m keeping an open mind though and keeping my fingers crossed (that PE won’t get to the point which you mentioned).

PEing since Jan 1st, 2003

Originally Posted by Wt282
I think we need an American College of Penis Exercises… or no wait… Penile Ehnahcement… yes that’s it- ACPE :) Then we can do some clinical testing, and establish ways of building massive units as a “set in stone” standard of practice.

How about International Penile Exercising Instiution? IPPE ;)

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Originally Posted by remek
How about International Penile Exercising Instiution? IPPE ;)

Even better. Good call remek :thumbs:

PEing since Jan 1st, 2003

How-do chaps!

What do we know about the guys doing the progress report? They could be the doctor himself trying to promote his clinic, or one of his employees? I remember neither of them are too keen to put up pic proof. I would love to be proved wrong though,


Right now I think these member’s are following a protocol that was patented. I don’t think it has received FDA approval. So you won’t see this promoted in a Clinic.


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