Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What is the most underrated part of PE?


What is the most underrated part of PE?

What do you guys think is the most underrated part of PE? I think it is the effect that nuitrition and exercise has on PE

TRUE, TRUE! I have recently over the past couple months moved away from meats and straight into live, fresh green vegetables and nuts and seeds and grains. My strength has gone up ridiculously, stamina boxer-like and recovery from workouts awesome and increase lean muscle build.
I can feel the increase in sexual health, and also all the fluids that I drink now(spinach, celery, and broccoli juices and water) has help in making my dick hang FAT and Long when flaccid. Really there have been way too many benefits from eating like this for me to list

I also think HEAT and CONSISTENCY are underrated. We can easily be lost in the details of all the different techniques. But the proper amount of heat in the right areas, a few techniques and CONSISTENCY equals Success. Period.


In the most underrated exercise category, I nominate the manual BTC. They’re easy to do. They can be done with almost any length dick. They can be done while you’re kicking back watching TV, lying next to a sleeping wife, or hunkered down in a fartsack somewhere in the Iraqi desert. And finally, the position can be held in place with the ligaments well stretched for several minutes at a time, so to me it’s the closest a manual exercise can get to hanging (although nothing gives quite the stretch of a good hang).

Underrated? I think a lot of important things are neglected:

(1) 12:00 pulls - they really work the tunica. Most guys tend to mostly hit ligs when stretching, which tends to pull the “roots” out (inner penis), but doesn’t focus much on the tunica which gives you shaft length.

(2) Ginseng - a great vasodilator

(3) velcro wrapping - I need to experiment much more with this, but the prolonged (hours) forced engorgement does a lot to expand the blood-holding capacity of the wang, translating into much better flaccid and, I believe, a better foundation for even erect length gains.

(4) Heat therapy - something I did much in the beginning, but out of laziness got away from. I think the application of heat can really turbocharge our workouts. Who knows how much effectiveness this can actually add? It might, in theory, be incredible (as compared to working a cold wang).

(5) Consistency. I agree that there’s no “magic exercise” or “wonder supplement” that will suddenly jump-start gains. Of course, some exercises are more effective than others, and healthy nutrition can only help overall. But the guys who tend to make impressive gains are the guys who are damn stubborn and just don’t give up.

I see these factors as very underated:

It gives you discipline, self-confidence, better body image, and a unique way of self-improvement.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

I’m skeptical about heat therapy. After heat therapy my penis shrinks much quicker than than if I don’t use any hot wraps at all. I think the more natural you do it, the better. No oils, no wrapping, just get a partial erection, and dry jelq. Along with power stretching at all angles.

Most underrated part of PE? The time involved. I think, actually, it’s overrated. I don’t think it requires more than 30 minutes a day of your life, if you involve power stretching and lig popping.

Originally Posted by r.a.g.
I’m skeptical about heat therapy. After heat therapy my penis shrinks much quicker than than if I don’t use any hot wraps at all. I think the more natural you do it, the better. No oils, no wrapping, just get a partial erection, and dry jelq. Along with power stretching at all angles.

Most underrated part of PE? The time involved. I think, actually, it’s overrated. I don’t think it requires more than 30 minutes a day of your life, if you involve power stretching and lig popping.

The heat shit is real, in terms to making the ligs & tunica more susceptible to deformation. Hobby & others have posted a lot of scientific shit about this here, from the internet. There’s even a specific temp at which the ligs are most susceptible (I can’t remember, but I think it’s about 110 F or so). Because of that, I would say that heat BEFORE is a lot more important than heat after (post PE heat might reducing the spotting a little).

And, in terms of time, that factor will increase as you progress. For a beginner, 15 minutes a day might be wholly sufficient. For somebody 1.5-2 years in, they might need 45 minutes to an hour to even begin fatigue. Guys like Bib were hanging for many hours per day - and for a reason: they worked up to that; any less, and they got no gains.

By far the most underrated part of PE(and more importantly, this forum) is the way it can realign perception and reality. Before I started PE, I was always insecure about my size and performance. After all, those guys in pornos have GIANT cocks, at least that’s the way they looked to me. Those guys in the pornos would go all out pounding for 30 min. +!! There’s no way I’d EVER last that long. After being here a few months, I realised that I was at worst, average. I started to realise all kinds of things that my ex-wife did, that insecurity had kept me blind to. The way she couldn’t keep her hands or mouth off of my dick when we would be in any intimate situation. The way she would roll her eyes and gasp on insertion. For some reason I never put those little things together to conquer the insecurity.

And most importantly, even if I had been handed all the knowledge about all the mechanics of PE, there is no way I would have had the persistence to continue without the encouragement and the inspiration of other succesfull PE’ers.

I would encourage(is that the Battle Hymn of the Republic I hear?) everyone to get involved in the chatroom…it is probably one of the best tools to encourage and motivate you.

Starting: 6.5 X 5 EBP 4 X 4.1 Flaccid .........................Break: 7.563 X 5.5 EBP 5.25 X 4.375 Flaccid

Restart: 7.12 X 5.12 EBP 4.5 X 4.5 Flaccid

Goal: Somewhere between "Oh my God!!" and the end of blowjobs.

Under rated?

I think pumping is under rated in PE. Simply because you have a lot of freaks out there pumping at high pressures for hours at a time making there balls and penis deformed looking. As a PE’er who has never pumped, and seeing the pics of these extreme pumpers, will make you steer clear of pumping. Hell, it scares some of us.

Mix a little bit of pumping with your regular routine, and you could create magic! I just started pumping about 2 weeks ago, and I find it enjoyable. I never had a donut effect so far. I seems to really help my flaccid hang, more than anything I tried. I can have rock hard erections after coming out of the tube, which I’ve heard rumors that you can’t. I think it is less stressful on the penis than clamping, but just as effective. I might it is very easy to do.

I also think that listening to your body’s’ messages that your penis is sending you is another under rated part of PE. I mean the sensations that you get while doing PE exercises. I strongly believe that you must feel the exercise working, for example, burning ligs, while clamped and doing a kegel you feel the blood rushing into the penis. During PE workout the only sensations I pay attention to are the one’s on the insides of my penis. I use that as a judge on when to back off, or become more intense, or if i got a good workout.

One more thing, that is under rated, is post workout erection strength. I also believe that you can every time after every workout, get a rock hard erection. That is if you did not over do your workout. I use that as a gauge to tell if I’m overworking my penis!

I think Thunder’s Place is underrated. Look at the stuff we can post about here and get feedback on. Not just PE-related things, but all sorts of stuff that would otherwise be tough to talk about with others in Real Life.

Originally Posted by RubberBandMan
I think Thunder’s Place is underrated. Look at the stuff we can post about here and get feedback on. Not just PE-related things, but all sorts of stuff that would otherwise be tough to talk about with others in Real Life.

Can I get an “Amen” from the Congregation!! I think that’s the best part.

cead mile failte :lep:


You’re horny all the time.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


It will make your dick bigger.

I drink about 150-200 ounces of water and eat 3-4 fruits and veggies a day and that has helped my growth and stamina. Also more sleep and more rest days on PE has helped my growth a lot.

Regular exercize, a good healthy diet, heat before and after a PE workout, these are all good things to consider. The msot important though, is this: Stay focused, do NOT give up, no rest days, just keep it going. Even if you only do a tiny amount everyday, it’s still everyday and you WILL keep gaining, or at least maintain as opposed to losing.

Sleep is important, no doubt, as well as drinking lots of fluids, and all the other things, but being consistent is key. If you aren’t consistent, you are playing hit-or-miss with your PE gains…and the less consistent you are, the more ‘miss’ it’s going to be.

Also, another thing to consider is the INTENSITY of the workouts. If you barely do anything but work out for an hour, are you really gaining? Anyone can wet jelq for an hour if they have the patience to sit through it…but to actually GAIN, you need to make sure you’re matching the intensity along with the time. The more intense the workout, the better the gains…just as the longer you work out, the more you will gain.

It all works together, but consistency and intensity are the two major players IMO. It’s the same two players that affect every other way you can exercize aside from PE.

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