To kill time.
Actually I do it to get a bigger penis.
Kidding aside- I do it as I feel insecure about my penis, though my concern is if I reach my goal I’ll still see my dick as the way it used to be, due to what I like to call Penisorexia. I say this because I have had a few girls(4-5) say it’s big and I even laughed at one of them and said not to make fun of me. The majority of women haven’t commented one way or another. One girl said it was small but this was during an argument and I had previously told her about my insecurity about it and she had assured me it was not small… and that’s the one thing I always go back to in regards to my feelings on my penis.
My current girlfriend has told me big penis’ hurt and we have mind blowing sex and she has had things happen that never happened with anyone else. I could tell by the look on her face the first time she squirted and how she acted… in addition to her saying that had never happened and not knowing what it was.
All this being said I’d still like a bigger penis, but what I may really need is just counseling to make me love my current penis… then I’ll PE only till I get to where I want to be and not go crazy… well too crazy- 7.5x6.5 isn’t crazy is it?