Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What percentile is 8X6?


Originally posted by beowulf
I think “average” size accepted by uroligist is 5.1 inches, must be NBPEL though.

He, he, he….Oh I like that a lot.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

I agree that Kinsey used a methodology that allowed signifigant “error”, but those numbers are the easiest to use. Even if Kinsey numbers are flawed, I really don’t believe the mean/average is 5.1. That number was using “tiny” studies, but measured accurately.

Originally Posted by MDC
I did a google search for “penis size percentile” and came up with many charts showing results from the Kinsey study. I’ll use those numbers for your question.

8” length(NBP according to their methodology) is in the 98th Percentile.. less than 2% have that length or greater.

6” girth mid-shaft is in the 95th percentile. Less than 5% have that girth or greater.

I’m no mathematician, but 8x6(having both) must be in the top 1% using these numbers. I don’t think a majority of guys with 8” length have 6” or greater girth.

There’s another survey done by “” using 1200+ participants, that would put 8” length in the 99.4 percentile, and 6” girth at 97.1 percentile. Using their numbers, 8x6 would be well into the top .5%.

I guess I’m an part-time amateur mathematician. ;)

Over 6” girth only 1.1 %
Over 8 NBPEL only 0.8 % .
Min 1 in 100 and max 1 in 10 000


BPEL - 8.25" - BPEL - 8.65" - BPEL - 9" - "SHANE DIESEL" or "JACK NAPIER"

MSEG - 6.35" - MSEG - 6.70" - MSEG - 7" -

Great job bumping a 7 year old thread with more of your annoying statistics nonsense. Find something better to do.

Why do you find it annoying, UpTo7?

If you find it annoying, I’d suggest you either rebut it or ignore it. Or report it, if you think it violates the Forum Guidelines in some way.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Originally Posted by Lampwick
Why do you find it annoying, UpTo7?

If you find it annoying, I’d suggest you either rebut it or ignore it. Or report it, if you think it violates the Forum Guidelines in some way.

Because 95% of his post count is about his estimations of size distributions and percentiles.

Originally Posted by UpTo7

Because 95% of his post count is about his estimations of size distributions and percentiles.

Actually, it’s 95.3%. :)

Or 953 in 1000.

Someone forgot to mention the rest of the 8x6 are the men who’ve fucked our wives, ex wives, GFs, and ex GFs. Man those dudes get around, huh?


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