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What's best for warming up the tunica?

What's best for warming up the tunica?

When one is going for length, there’s a combination of stretching the ligs and the tunica. However, when you’re going for girth, I’d say it’s all tunica, there. Anyway, when I do my girth routine (high level erection jelqs), my girth only increases by 1/8”. I’ve got a theory that if I were to warm up the tunica before I begin jelqing, my post PE girth would be greater. What kind of warm up techniques do some of you guys recommend?

Note: Before anybody suggests that I reduce the erection level to increase my post PE EG, let me say that high level erection jelqs are the only technique that has ever given me gains in EG. So, I think I’m going to stick with them for a while.

Try incorporating Ulis and/or O-bends into your jelqing routine, I’m a hard gainer when it comes to girth myself and that’s what I’ve begun doing. I’m just starting again after 8 months, so I’m only up to 100 jelqs (I’m a pretty conservative PEer) and have just started 1 Uli “set” for every 50 jelqs. Be careful with the O-bends though, when I was PEing before I started getting a pronounced curve, so make sure you work as evenly as possible, which can be tough with manual exercises. If you have the time, you may want to think about low HG pumping after your manual routine. Previously I started making good girth gains when I started pumping, before that I had absolutely none.

I cannot understate the importance of moist heat, lots and lots of it. I’m a tough gainer and if I don’t heat up for at least 10 minutes before PEing, I might as well not do it. I use a rice sock, it was one of the first things I learned on these forums, and while I’ve tried more expensive things it works the best for me.

Posting 'newbie' but 2+ year lurker and PEer.

Start: ~6" BPEL, ~5" MSEG (If I remember correctly) Now: 7.25" BPEL, 5.25" MSEG (After an 8 month break) GOAL: I'll be finished when I'm done.

*** ALWAYS mind your PI's and EQ's :) *** PE takes knowledge, time, and commitment. If you can't do that, you can't PE. ***

Yes the rice sock warm-up is a great warm-up. You could also warm up a face cloth by soaking it in warm water rinse then place over area. Keep reheating till area is nicely warmed up. Another alternative would be to invest in some hot cold packs, mainly used for arthritis and muscle pain. Bang them in the microwave for a few mins and your good to go. If you have the money I have heard many PE’s using IR (Infra-red lamps), would cost over a 100$ I believe.

The choice is yours but please remember warm-up and warm-down are hugely beneficial to PE so get it in your routine.

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