Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What's it feel like to Gain?

It’s great not only does your confidence improve (especially with women) because you penis is bigger than it used to be but you also feel better that you have control over something most men don’t(or at least don’t know). I like the feeling that I know something they don’t, it’s like finding a place that gives money for free and only you know about it lol.

Starting 20/02/2013: NBPEL 6 inches; EG 5,85 inches

Current : 7.2 NBPEL

Second Goal : NBPEL 8 inches; EG 6 inches

I have mixed feelings about it. On the one hand it’s indescribably wonderful, because no matter how you look at it more cock is more cock, and cock is good. But then there is what has happened to me, and I just ain’t so sure it’s right. I started into P.E. About 25 or 30 years back, after I read some oriental book on sex that suggested it was possible to add some size. I was about where you are at - guy that started thread. I didn’t measure for years, just kept up the exercises because they felt good, and my wood got woodier. But then I boned a chick I had boned 10 years before and she commented several times that my cock was much bigger than she remembered, so out came the ruler. I was totally dumbstruck to see I measured 7.5 BPEL, 5.5 EG. So I started doing more P.E., though I didn’t have a name for it yet.. Till I finally found thunders. I have been really dedicated to it since then, having spent more time clamping, pumping, jelking, etc. Then many people spend at their jobs. My life style has afforded me a lot of time and privacy. Now I have what one whore referred to as “clown cock.” 8.75 BPEL 6.5 EG. Mid 7.5 base. IT’S Too big to suck. It’s ok with me though because I like seeing them try. Anal is never discussed, which is fine because I hate poop. And many women say it hurts their vaginae. I don’t even care. I will never quit. I am an addict. The things I do in my routine now, most P.E. Ers would probably find shocking. I find it hard to believe that my cock has not simply exploded under the pressures I have put it, but somehow I have never had a serious injury. In fact, my dick is healthier now at 50 then as it was at twenty, just three times bigger, and I can control my erections and orgasms, generally never releasing any sperm but still reaching climax. I can go to sleep with a thick copper ring slid not too snugly as far up the base as possible, and wake up with 7.5 e.g. Mid shaft and my cock still looks and feels fine. (Here I have to say that there is probably nothing better in the world than having a cock this big, and a wet pussy to fuck with it. The resistance point is what gets me. After my gland has penetrated there is a lot of resistance sliding my enlarged shaft in.) I don’t care that I can not fit it all in, I like feeling the bottom, and seeing their hands clasp around my base shaft. I like to look at the space between their thumb and fingers. It makes it seem that much bigger. At this size it doesn’t slide smoothly in anymore, it slips in in jerks, and sometimes even makes squeaking noises - no shit, though one time a whore did loose control and shit herself. But for sure chicks don’t really like it so much, mostly. One whore said she liked it, and I totally believed her because she didn’t charge me that time or the next,(saved 10 bucks.) and asked me to come back but she was an exception. My girl friend of the past 20 years (yes, I know how wrong all this must sound) definitely does not like the huge size. Though once in a while she seems to get off on the girth. She cried over not being able to fit it in her mouth any more.. I cried too a little, but like I said I’m an addict. Can’t stop.

My success in finally achieving a huge size I attribute to a very healthy, mineral rich diet - Coconuts, lots of exercise, an unbelievable amount of P.E. Lots of sex, very little loss of sperm / vital energy, colloidal copper in coconut oil applied topically. (Copper being the most important mineral in building connective tissue.) Creative visualization. And maybe most important of all is I always put my penis inside a pressure bandage after a work out, as it has been well established that everything heals better under pressure. This is the trick of it, pay close attention here, the bandage has to be just right. If the bandage is right it will keep you in a 90% erect state while keeping the entire shaft under pressure. It should be custom made out of neoprene, and form fit over your shaft while not covering your gland - just coming up snugly to it, and fitting a little more snugly at the base. It is kind of like having your cock in a pussy. Some people are allergic to neoprene so careful. Experiment - you may figure it out, and get you some clown cock.

I don’t have a final goal. I’m just going for it. I dream it will finally get so big and thick that some little gal’s cervix will relax and open enough so that I can force secondary penetration into her womb, and it will look like she just became 7 months pregnant.

Originally Posted by chubypeckerwood
And maybe most important of all is I always put my penis inside a pressure bandage after a work out, as it has been well established that everything heals better under pressure. This is the trick of it, pay close attention here, the bandage has to be just right. If the bandage is right it will keep you in a 90% erect state while keeping the entire shaft under pressure.

Would you mind explaining this pressure bandage alittle more. Do you mean just an ACE wrap?

Bpel: 7.625

Mseg: 5.125

FSL: 8.125

After noticing a half inch girth increase, that sort of spread out from uneven to even for a period of a few months, I took a 3 week break to find out if the gains were real or prolonged swelling. The gains stuck around. It felt good, and really encouraged me to keep at it. Once you see a gain, the anxiety of “will it work for me?” Went away, and now, even though I have dropped some of the routine intensity, I can PE more regularly and not panic when a month goes by without any noticeable gains. I just keep going.

This may not really pertain to OP’s question but whatever.

My gains came very gradually. I did PE for a long time (I still do a bit here and there, but really focusing on strengthening EQ rather than size gains). I actually can’t even remember what my starting stats were, but if memory serves something like 5.5BPEL x 4.75EG (at 17 or 18). Today I am something like 6.8BPEL x 5.5EG (I am 29 now), which in actual fact is an achievement and testament to human commitment to goals. I must explain that I did not keep at it consistently and there were long stretches of months where nothing would be done. Although along the way, when I did actually start taking measurements, the ‘gaining’ itself felt almost like it wasn’t happening. Of course it was happening, the numbers don’t lie, but to my mind it never felt like it was.

My feeling is that I got into PE, as many men do, to right the perceived ‘wrong’ of nature; mother nature was apparently not aware that I was to have a large massive penis and thought that an average one would be more suitable. And of course that is entirely true - there is nothing wrong at all with an average penis. However, due to locker room bravado, porn and other media, one begins equating average with small. So this was my impetus to embark on methodical dick-pulling-squeezing routines.

When I realised that things were working, I’d go through periods of elation, then dejection. The problem was despite the statistics telling my I was now above average, the evidence with the measurements, the lack of any complaint from sexual partners (and compliments even!), I still felt I was ‘small’. It’s amazing what the human mind is capable of in terms of body image distortion. In some way, I somewhat understand how someone can become anorexic.

This made me feel a bit depressed on some level. So with every bit of gain came the same cycle: joy and then depression. At some point, I realised that penis size is actually secondary to the whole sexual act; the importance is on the communication, the romance/flirting, the interaction between two people. The impatience of youth giving away to a much more appreciative outlook on human relationships. It is as stupid as realising that everyone has hang ups about their bodies and only a really awful person would hold that against you.

I got into a good relationship but it has had its on and off moments. During the off ones, I’d find other people just for sex. I found that while my skills were good, the dick size amazed (at least some), I found the sex uninteresting and boring. I began to realise that the key to mind-blowing sex is actually a human connection, communication and trust. I think understanding that made me feel more satisfied with myself than the extra inch or so I added to both length and girth. I am happy to have the extra size, but I would trade it all to understand what I know now when I was 18, would have saved me a lot of anguish. I probably would engage in PE in some respect, but I don’t think I would have cared as much.

So the point is, I had felt a cycle of happiness and depression when I noted gains.

Cum vinum intrat, exit sapientia

Originally Posted by chubypeckerwood
I don’t have a final goal. I’m just going for it. I dream it will finally get so big and thick that some little gal’s cervix will relax and open enough so that I can force secondary penetration into her womb, and it will look like she just became 7 months pregnant.

Wait, what?

Cum vinum intrat, exit sapientia

Originally Posted by acer16
This may not really pertain to OP’s question but whatever.

My gains came very gradually. I did PE for a long time (I still do a bit here and there, but really focusing on strengthening EQ rather than size gains). I actually can’t even remember what my starting stats were, but if memory serves something like 5.5BPEL x 4.75EG (at 17 or 18). Today I am something like 6.8BPEL x 5.5EG (I am 29 now), which in actual fact is an achievement and testament to human commitment to goals. I must explain that I did not keep at it consistently and there were long stretches of months where nothing would be done. Although along the way, when I did actually start taking measurements, the ‘gaining’ itself felt almost like it wasn’t happening. Of course it was happening, the numbers don’t lie, but to my mind it never felt like it was.

My feeling is that I got into PE, as many men do, to right the perceived ‘wrong’ of nature; mother nature was apparently not aware that I was to have a large massive penis and thought that an average one would be more suitable. And of course that is entirely true - there is nothing wrong at all with an average penis. However, due to locker room bravado, porn and other media, one begins equating average with small. So this was my impetus to embark on methodical dick-pulling-squeezing routines.

When I realised that things were working, I’d go through periods of elation, then dejection. The problem was despite the statistics telling my I was now above average, the evidence with the measurements, the lack of any complaint from sexual partners (and compliments even!), I still felt I was ‘small’. It’s amazing what the human mind is capable of in terms of body image distortion. In some way, I somewhat understand how someone can become anorexic.

This made me feel a bit depressed on some level. So with every bit of gain came the same cycle: joy and then depression. At some point, I realised that penis size is actually secondary to the whole sexual act; the importance is on the communication, the romance/flirting, the interaction between two people. The impatience of youth giving away to a much more appreciative outlook on human relationships. It is as stupid as realising that everyone has hang ups about their bodies and only a really awful person would hold that against you.

I got into a good relationship but it has had its on and off moments. During the off ones, I’d find other people just for sex. I found that while my skills were good, the dick size amazed (at least some), I found the sex uninteresting and boring. I began to realise that the key to mind-blowing sex is actually a human connection, communication and trust. I think understanding that made me feel more satisfied with myself than the extra inch or so I added to both length and girth. I am happy to have the extra size, but I would trade it all to understand what I know now when I was 18, would have saved me a lot of anguish. I probably would engage in PE in some respect, but I don’t think I would have cared as much.

So the point is, I had felt a cycle of happiness and depression when I noted gains.

That was a great read, acer. Thanks for that. One thing I wonder is how much of your growth might have been natural (not PE related) since you were only 17 or 18 when you started, and the penis can grow up through age 24 in some cases. Do you remember any periods of definite gains after the age of 24? This would be relieving to me to hear, as I always wonder about younger posters (<24) reporting gains on forums like this. Not questioning your methods or dedication to PE, just wondering if you saw any gains at a later, more mature age.

Your story was a helpful one, very eloquently put and healing to read.


Last edited by Smallja : 04-27-2013 at .

Acer, yea you’re right; it would look more like 5 months probably. And dude, about the pressure sock - it’s the bomb. I do most of my work-out wearing it. A couple layers of 2.5 mil neoprene. I figured it out by accident mostly, and it took some time and experimentation to perfect. It led me to new methods, And who could know if your bodies physiology will react the same, but probably. I’ll just have to post some pics I reckon. The only camera I have is on this computer, and I can’t take any now ‘cause I’m at StarBucks. No doubt all these folks in here would just start freaking if I flopped ol’ Henry HeeHam out next to my biscotti and started slipping him into his dive suit. Stylely though it may be. All in black, it’s kind of an authoritative look. Chicks might actually dig it,.. I mean they say a man in uniform.. But no decidedly no. And thinking about it I probably won’t post pics but it is simply two neoprene socks shaped like my cock with the gland cut off that I roll on like a condom. About 85 % circumference same same length.

Originally Posted by Smallja
That was a great read, acer. Thanks for that. One thing I wonder is how much of your growth might have been natural (not PE related) since you were only 17 or 18 when you started, and the penis can grow up through age 24 in some cases. Do you remember any periods of definite gains after the age of 24? This would be relieving to me to hear, as I always wonder about younger posters (<24) reporting gains on forums like this. Not questioning your methods or dedication to PE, just wondering if you saw any gains at a later, more mature age.

Your story was a helpful one, very eloquently put and healing to read.


Thank you very much, I am happy to pass on what experience I have.

I am happy to say that then you will be pleasantly informed that I actually I gained more after age 24. I really got consistent with my PE habits at around late 24/25, slowing down at 27 (so lets say about 2 years of serious work). I probably stopped going so hard on my routines maybe 2 or so years ago (though I kept up what I suppose could accurately be described as a maintenance routine). I primarily did jelqing and wearing various cock rings afterwards. However, I experimented with clamping and pumping as well. I would go different things but the constants were the rings after the PE sessions (a tip I picked up from a member called Drilla on this site - don’t know if he still posts).

I think the biggest gain period was came about about a year after getting consistent. That’s not to say I didn’t see gains before then, but there was a period of a few months where it just seemed like I was just in a constant state of gain. My goal had previously been the mythical standard of 8x6 but with experience I noticed that 7-7.25x5.5-5.75 is absolutely more than enough (and I’d even say the ‘smaller’ of that spectrum will provide all the sexual equipment necessary - that said, any person is free to set his own goals as this is only my humble opinion).

The important ingredients I have found in my experience are: consistency in practice, adequate pressure/stress to expand (but not injure), heat and patience. I used to injure myself because I would do way too much. I learnt to look for signs my body is under the right stress and to rest when needed. Sometimes less was more and others, more was more. It depended on my physical and mental state.

Cum vinum intrat, exit sapientia

Originally Posted by acer16
This made me feel a bit depressed on some level. So with every bit of gain came the same cycle: joy and then depression. At some point, I realised that penis size is actually secondary to the whole sexual act; the importance is on the communication, the romance/flirting, the interaction between two people. The impatience of youth giving away to a much more appreciative outlook on human relationships. It is as stupid as realising that everyone has hang ups about their bodies and only a really awful person would hold that against you.

I got into a good relationship but it has had its on and off moments. During the off ones, I’d find other people just for sex. I found that while my skills were good, the dick size amazed (at least some), I found the sex uninteresting and boring. I began to realise that the key to mind-blowing sex is actually a human connection, communication and trust. I think understanding that made me feel more satisfied with myself than the extra inch or so I added to both length and girth. I am happy to have the extra size, but I would trade it all to understand what I know now when I was 18, would have saved me a lot of anguish. I probably would engage in PE in some respect, but I don’t think I would have cared as much.

Great stuff acer16. We typically think of sexual pleasure as being about bodies qua bodies but our sense of pleasure, orgasms, even the control processes leading to the erection itself are all located in our brain. I’ve heard before that men who pay for very attractive prostitutes are often less satisfied than men who don’t for the simple reason that the attractive ones don’t have to work very hard for customers while the less attractive working gals have to put on quite a show. That show is simulating pleasure and engagement with their John. Anybody who has been with a boring, unenthusiastic lay knows this intimately. When we feel connected and really engaged with one another, however, there’s a whole other story to tell.

I don’t think that I’ve gained enough outside of measurement error (which I take to be .25”) to make solid growth claims (I’m pushing that .25” mark and I’m to lazy right now to figure out the fraction on girth — why aren’t I using the metric system?). It sure feels good whenever I think I have — extremely motivating. For me the biggest thing has been that the activity has given me confidence, probably because of a little better EQ (my EQ was already good), better flaccids, and measuring and learning more about penis size averages. Together the act of addressing a deep insecurity actively and learning that I’m pretty average in length and above average in girth has helped me to recognize how flawed my self perception is. The other day when I was measuring I swear I actually saw to penis’s, one small and weak, the other much larger and stronger. It was a strange moment and I am now perceiving my penis in two different ways at different times — the first perception is wrong. Recognizing that and forming a much more accurate perception feels amazing.

I do! I have been doing PE for a while now. I remember when I first years ago I was 6 inches maybe less. When I was 18 or 19. I’m 25 now. I’ve been doing PE very non disciplined, very here and there….

I am currently close and even surpassing 8 inches (its hard to judge cause I beat off too much and look at too much porn). I still have a little bit of a hang up with the thickness of my penis…but I think that’s improving slowly as well. It’s not a huge difference, but I didn’t really do a lot for that difference that I had. I didn’t really notice it at first, but when I measured one day after years of not paying attention I saw him and he was 8 inches and I was like! WHAAAAAT!? 0.0 Awesome….

Originally Posted by Smalljay
Bump? So many established members have already contributed to this thread that I don’t expect that many new posts…but then again, I haven’t been around for a while.

Anyone else care to share their story of how gains made them feel?

I’m super excited every time I measure and see gains. I went a whole year without measuring an had grown a half inch if I remember correctly. It made every day that I was consistent worth it all.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

It is a thrill unequaled in my experience.

I spent many miserable years listening to a horrid woman make me feel inadequate about my dick and until I found Thunders, I knew no way to change my thoughts about my less-than-ideal size.

Now I just laugh at the silly bitch and any woman who would treat men that way.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

I remember reading on another forum that finding out PE works gives the opposite feeling as finding out that Santa Claus isn’t real. The first time I measured and saw gains I felt like I had conquered the world. That emotion was quickly replaced with “but it’s only a 1/4 inch, I have a long way to go”

The obsession isn’t harmful but it is consuming or addicting as someone else said. I recently took a week off after having the flu but prior to that I hadn’t taken a rest day or days in almost 3 months. The day I started back I measured to find I had gained another 1/4 inch in length and raised my goals again as a result. The point is it feels like the more I gain the more I want to gain. I started above average and find myself feeling smaller than when I started.


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