Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What's your flaccid hang goal?

Well, that was a hell of a thread resurrection. As far as a flaccid goal, I never really thought about it, but I guess I’ll take as big as I can get. I think it would be awesome to be packing a big, fat bulge in jeans, swim trunks, etc. Not to mention skinny dipping, or letting female friends “catch” a glance while changing out of a wetsuit, etc… There’s a thread somewhere on this site where guys were complaining that there’s no tactful way to let the women you meet know that you have a big dick. Problem solved.


8.3x5.7 would be nice. That size and never any turtling would be awesome but on warmer days and in a warm shower it can grow bigger of course.

Originally Posted by keybord
8.3x5.7 would be nice. That size and never any turtling would be awesome but on warmer days and in a warm shower it can grow bigger of course.

Damn man, with that flaccid hang you could make money just showing it to people. You could be a haunted house attraction, flashing people with that thing, the girls would most certainly scream their asses off. Daaamn girl, did you see that thing, I was like about to die thinking it would get excited when seeing my fine ass.

Sorry, just being a tool with bad jokes. :D Anyway that is a serious hang, not attainable for many but for you, most certainly.

EDIT: My dream flaccid would be like 6x5.

Im naturally gifted with a big flaccid hang. Im currently at 7x5, but i wont mind a 7x5.5 with no turtling

Start: 17 Feb 2012, 8.25bpel x 4.92mseg; bpfsl=??; fl=6.5x4.5

Current: 29 April 2013, 8.875bpel x 5.8mseg; bpfsl=9.25; fl=7x5

Goal: 9NBP x 6.25mseg and the best EQ ever!

Folks mine is already large flacid and other than the swimming pool itgets annoying.. i can’t go free ball with jeans bc it rubs raw

I’d love a 6x5 flaccid - but at this point I’ll settle for any gains since mine likes to turtle a lot :(

Starting (6/2012): NBPEL: 4.5" EG: 5.0" 07/6/2013: NBPEL: 4.75"/BPEL: 5.25" EG: 5.25"

Trying to start again: 2016/12 BPEL: EG:

Current ST Goal: BPEL: 6.5" EG: 5.5" | LT Goal: BPEL: 8.0" EG: 6.0"

Originally Posted by Vikingwhore
Damn man, with that flaccid hang you could make money just showing it to people. You could be a haunted house attraction, flashing people with that thing, the girls would most certainly scream their asses off. Daaamn girl, did you see that thing, I was like about to die thinking it would get excited when seeing my fine ass.

Sorry, just being a tool with bad jokes. :D Anyway that is a serious hang, not attainable for many but for you, most certainly.

EDIT: My dream flaccid would be like 6x5.

Hahaha a haunted house attraction, I hope not haha.
I hope it is attainable, if it is I hope I get there and if I do I will go for more.

Anything between 5.5” and 7” NBPFL by 5” of girth would be great. It’s a long way ahead though, my erect stats aren’t even close. :D

RE-RE-Started (21.03.2024): 5.5" BPEL, 4.5" MSEG

Current: 5.5" BPEL, 4.7" MSEG

Current Goal: 6.6" BPEL, 5.3" MSEG -- Long Term Goal: 7.1" BPEL, 5.5" MSEG

I’ve always been a grower, so I really haven’t bothered with measuring my flaccid size. I think if I were to set a goal though, 6x5 would be great. Big enough that it’s impressive to see in the locker room or skinny dipping or even for the look on my wifes face when my pants come off but not so big that it creates unforeseen clothing problems. I think somebody else already mentioned this, but a 6x5 flaccid is bigger than the average erection, so yeah, that’d be pretty impressive.

Starting measurements May 31,2012 BPEL:6.4" MSEG:6.25" Base Girth 6.9" My pics

Short term goal---------------------BPEL: 7" MSEG:6.25"

My thread on the downsides of big girth: Big Girth - The Downside

I want it to hang low and drag it through the snow. Maybe be able to tie it in a knot or a bow. Haha. Sorry I had to.

Hi all I’m a new member here, I’ve been reading these forums for a long time.

My flaccid size before PE is 6x5 (or near it). Would people regard that as big? Like if you were stand in the urinals would you draw attention? I’m quite a private person, sometimes socially phobic infact and I often avoid urinals if I can etc. I haven’t had a lot of experiance with women either (I’m nearly 26 which is embarresing) so I’m a bit insecure about it if I’m being honest. Sure statistically its meant to be big but I don’t know whether its quite big, larger than average or just wow! Or what, I guess it would be nice to know as like I say I don’t have a lot of experiance sadly.

Anyway I’m thinking about not bothering about improving my flaccid length, if its ok in the first place. I certainly would rather I didn’t if I can.

I think 7x5.5ish would be good. Put me down for that please!

These are some pretty massive flaccid goals… I get stares at the urinals at only 5” hang anything bigger would just be inconvenient.

My name is sarcastic.


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