Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.




The first PE device I ever bought was a Max-extender what a piece of crap that was it was big and bulky. I did try wearing it at work I had my own office with a big desk to hide behind but every time I put it on it looked like I had an elephant dick in my pants and someone would always need me. I even tried wearing it on the ride I had over an hour commute so I thought what a great way to grow dick but after trying a couple of times and my dick turning numb and cold and worrying about getting in an accident or a cop pulling me over I stopped. I may try Ike’s thing I forgot all about it. I really don’t think the pe weights are heavy enough to do anything.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Yes BG, tell us the story, if not in this thread link to a new one, sounds interesting.
I could see it now, BG has a weight drop on the floor and roll across the floor hitting the shoe of cute girl.
She picks it up off the floor,
Girl: Is this yours?
BG: Yes thank you. (taking it from her hand.)
Girl: WHat is it?
BG: It’s a penis weight, I hang them off my dick and it keeps getting bigger.
Girl: Have you gotten pretty big?
BG: IF you want I can show you…
Girl: Mmmmmm
:rear: Bow Chicka Bow Bow! :rear:

So for the most part you haven’t used an ADS, you pretty much just did your hanging and then went about your normal day? Any traction wrap or anything?

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

Sex in the office

Originally Posted by SlackJawedYokel
I actually had the same idea myself …..weird.

I havent seen this attachment on Monty’s site :confused:

As for the story, TELL IT, TELL IT! lol

On the last real job I had where I actually had to go to work in a building rather than working at home, there was a jogging trail that ran through the property. It was a security/engineering type shift where we basically sat in front of a console monitoring the buildings engineering stats. On the weekends the facility was closed and there were only two of us, me and this one other female employee. We had the whole property to ourselves on Saturdays. During my lunch hour I would always slip into a short baggy pair of gym shorts and tank top and put on my lead weights then go run the track outside. This other woman would relieve me at the console for lunch. I noticed that she always stared at my crotch whenever I came in from the run. It wasn’t only the size of the package that caught her eye but the movement underneath my shorts. She was an attractive older woman who liked to flirt a lot and would say just about anything. She always joked about how we were the only ones in the building and that we should do it in the captain’s office. The Captain of Security had an office right next to our office with inside door locks and CCTV monitors covering all entrances to the property. It was literally impossible to get caught in there. One day I had just come in from my run and she was staring at my swinging bulge when she asked what I had underneath there so I just dropped my shorts and showed her. Well to make a long story short I ended up fucking her on the captain’s desk. She even let me film it.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Last edited by Big Girtha : 07-09-2005 at .

Originally Posted by SlackJawedYokel
I actually had the same idea myself …..weird.

I havent seen this attachment on Monty’s site :confused:

As for the story, TELL IT, TELL IT! lol

Sorry guys you’ve got to provide your own string.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

Originally Posted by Redwood1981

So for the most part you haven’t used an ADS, you pretty much just did your hanging and then went about your normal day? Any traction wrap or anything?

Yep, sometimes I split my hanging into morning and night

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Im looking into getting some kind of ADS (or making one) to supplement my hanging/jelqing routine. Im leaning towards the PE weights from monty’s site but im wondering if they would fit me well enough. My EG is about 4.7ish. Im not sure what my flaccid is but its nothing impressive. Would PE weights work for me? Or should I take a different approach for ADS?

I’ve just started using a variation on the Captn’s Wench. I use the velcro but not the cable clamp. Also instead of elastic, I use a doubled up piece of surgical tubing. It stretches good and is forgiving. I’ve worn it 2 days now, 3 hours at a time and only occasionally have it slip off and I’ve not had any numbness, cold or any other problems with my glans. I wear it in an office with 5 other guys and routinely walk around doing stuff at people’s desks and nobody has stared once or said anything. I wear loose fitting jeans at work though so it helps. It isn’t bulky or anything.

Before PE BPEL - 5.5" EG - 5.25" ---------- 8/20/05 BPEL - 6.75" EG - 5.5" Goal - 8x6


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