Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Who stretched for 10 min a day is 10 min stretching per day too less

Originally Posted by Bird2
7x3 min stretching (you,d,l,r,so,dl,dr)
2x3 min invented v stretch
2x3 min two way stretch
4x15 JAI stretches
10 min jelqing (20-40%)
5x20 sec amazing isometrics.

Is this alright if I just scratch my routine since I am only a month into the program, well 4 months but I didn’t have a routine back then and I did it whenever I had time. I was trying to do more holds on stretches and light jelqing now since I got nothing the first month. So is this a fairly safe method? Should I wait to perform stretches with long holds?

I am just wondering about this. Like for 7x3 do you mean you do each one of those seven stretches for 3 minutes each? What is your time break in between the structure’s?

Also, when you say 4x15 for the JAI stretches do you mean 4 sets of 15 min tugs?

I already do amazing isometrics.

Also wondering, I heard to combat the baseball effect you can do reverse jelqs. What do you think about those Bird2?

5/16/06 - BPSFL: 7" BPEL: 6.5" EL: 6" EG: 4.75"

Goal - 7.5"x5.5"

"If your success is not on your own terms, if it looks good to the world but does not feel good in your heart, it is not success at all."

Originally Posted by ck10n3
Is this alright if I just scratch my routine since I am only a month into the program, well 4 months but I didn’t have a routine back then and I did it whenever I had time. I was trying to do more holds on stretches and light jelqing now since I got nothing the first month. So is this a fairly safe method? Should I wait to perform stretches with long holds?

I am just wondering about this. Like for 7x3 do you mean you do each one of those seven stretches for 3 minutes each? What is your time break in between the structure’s?

Also, when you say 4x15 for the JAI stretches do you mean 4 sets of 15 min tugs?

I already do amazing isometrics.

Also wondering, I heard to combat the baseball effect you can do reverse jelqs. What do you think about those Bird2?

First do the newbie routine for 3 months in a row. Then start this routine.

Seven stretches of 3 minutes. In the () you can see the directions.

No, the I would ave posted min behind it. Just 4x15 reps I meant with that.


To combat the baseball bat effect, I would do horses. Horses target the lower part of the penis and will give you gains there. Reverse jelqing is an option too, but will be less effective. Do both for optimal results.

Originally Posted by RicJoh
I started in March 2003, the first year I did some experimenting (stretching, pumping, hanging etc.). Then I tried only dry jelqing ten minutes every other day for the last two years and that worked for me.

Thats some great gains on a mnimal routine RJ, you lucky bastard :) .

I think reverse jelking is a bad idea because you are pushing against the natural venous clamping that causes erections. If you weaken that, you will not be happy. Just a theory.

Horny Bastard

Originally Posted by slapa

Thats some great gains on a mnimal routine RJ, you lucky bastard :) .

Thanks. I am very lucky, indeed.

Starting size: 5.5" NBPEL x 4.3" EG (started march 2003)

Current size: 7.3" x 5.3" (measured 14th of june 2006)

Goal: 8" x 6" (Routine: 10 min dry jelq every other day)

I did the 10 min stretching routine for 14 weeks. Then I did a break of 3 weeks. After this I did 10 min of jelqing for 9 weeks.

When I say 10 min, it doesn’t mean that my net PE time was 10 minutes. I just played around with my units for 10 minutes. For the jelqing period it means that my net jelqing time was 7-8 minutes, for stretching it was 8 minutes.

I wear my ADS (a homemade phallosan ads) for 6 t0 8 hours daily.

Originally Posted by SimonClass
What do you think about my thesis, that 10 min are too less for gaining.

That really depends on the person but more on the moment of a persons PE journey. A newbie could gain from it, still depending on the person but I really doubt that an advanced member, let alone a vet, could gain from a routine that consists of only 10 minutes. He needs more exercise.

Originally Posted by Bird2
That really depends on the person but more on the moment of a persons PE journey. A newbie could gain from it, still depending on the person but I really doubt that an advanced member, let alone a vet, could gain from a routine that consists of only 10 minutes. He needs more exercise.

I see what you mean, but the more I read here in this forum, the more I feel that everybody here is talking about a different newbie routine. It seems to me, that everybody is just saying “do the newbie routine” or “check the newbie routine” without knowing what the newbie routine really is according to Thundersplace.

According to this site here, the newbie routine should last 40 min after 6 weeks (Newbie Penis Enlargement Routine), 30 min jelqing and 10 min stretching.
Actually I’m asking me who is doing this “time-consuming” 40 min newbie routine 6 days per week.
When I’m reading the progress reports and the routines which are stated here almost in every thread, I almost never find a manual routine which is 40 min or longer.
A 40 min newbie routine is very hard to outmatch when referring to time, how should the routine of an advanced guy should look like in respect of the time involved? 100 minutes?

Is anybody around here, who did “the one and only” 40 minutes newbie routine which is promoted by this site here?

Originally Posted by SimonClass
A 40 min newbie routine is very hard to outmatch when referring to time, how should the routine of an advanced guy should look like in respect of the time involved? 100 minutes?

Check my advanced routine, it costs approx. 80 minutes.

Just want to add that the newbie routine on mattersofsize forum lasts round about 27.5 min.

It’s 15x30 second stretches (7.5 min) and 600x2 second jelq strokes (20 min).

Originally Posted by Bird2
Check my advanced routine, it costs approx. 80 minutes.

I get to 45 minutes plus 4x15 JAI stretches when looking at your advanced routine. Thats not 80 minutes.

Originally Posted by SimonClass
I get to 45 minutes plus 4x15 JAI stretches when looking at your advanced routine. Thats not 80 minutes.

7x3 min stretching (l,r,u,d,so,dl,dr)
2x3 min invented v stretch
2x3 min two way stretch
4x15 JAI stretches
10 min low intensity (20-40%) jelqing

2x10 min clamping
10x15 sec Ulis
10x15 sec horses
10 min high intensity (60-80%) jelqing

Always do this:
5x20 seconds amazing isometrics

How do you come to 45 minutes? Length costs 47 minutes (breaks and re grabbing time not included), girth costs 35 minutes (breaks and re grabbing not included). 47+35= 82 minutes. If you add isometrics, re grabbing, not pay exact attention to the time and breaks that are required in between, one spends about 100 minutes doing this routine.

Originally Posted by Bird2
7x3 min stretching (l,r,you,d,so,dl,dr)
2x3 min invented v stretch
2x3 min two way stretch
4x15 JAI stretches
10 min low intensity (20-40%) jelqing

2x10 min clamping
10x15 sec Ulis
10x15 sec horses
10 min high intensity (60-80%) jelqing

Always do this:
5x20 seconds amazing isometrics

How do you come to 45 minutes? Length costs 47 minutes (breaks and re grabbing time not included), girth costs 35 minutes (breaks and re grabbing not included). 47+35= 82 minutes. If you add isometrics, re grabbing, not pay exact attention to the time and breaks that are required in between, one spends about 100 minutes doing this routine.

I didn’t saw your girth routine. When I said 45 minutes, I supposed to mean that your length routine consists of 45 minutes of stretching plus the time period you need for doing 4x15 JAI stretches.
This pretty close to your 47 minutes.


Again I want to talk about the newbie routine which is recommended by this site here.
1.I know that you only did 20 minutes of PE for the first 5 month of your career. You gained 2 cm during this period. According to the newbie routine here on Thunders-place, this is way too less. You should have doubled your PE time after 6 weeks to get to 40 minutes.
This means, that you never did the newbie routine, you did less than the the newbie routine for almost 5 month and you gained pretty well by doing less.

2.You are very helpful to newbies. You always recommend to use the newbie routine. Which newbie routine do you mean? The newbie routine you can find here on Thunders or your own one (sometimes you give the same link I copied earlier in this thread here to the newbies in the newbie forum)?

3. I remember that you did your 80 minutes advanced routine only for 3 month, because after 8 or 9 month you were finished with girth. This would mean that you did “only” 47 minutes of PE for the last 8 month.
According to Thundersplace, this would be way to less, because a newbie should do PE for 40 minutes. You are an advanced guy and you are “only” doing 7 minutes more PE than the newbies do.

Hope you got my point that no newbie routine is existing, because everybody is referring to something different when talking about the newbie routine. I also don’t think that we can compare peoples gains. For example lets take two guys. Both are telling they did the newbie routine for 2 month. Lets assume someone was gaining, the other one not. This means nothing, because their routines are obviously not the same. One guy is doing the newbie routine you can find here on Thunders, the other guy is using the newbie routine from mattersofsize and the next guy is using a 20 minute newbie routine.

Last edited by SimonClass : 12-21-2006 at .

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