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Who stretched for 10 min a day is 10 min stretching per day too less


Who stretched for 10 min a day is 10 min stretching per day too less

Hi guys, I have 2 questions,

I’m stretching for 10 min per day and I’m asking me if it’s too less time.

Is there anybody who stretched for the same amount of time?

I never had luck with short sessions. Some guys claim that it can work. If you don’t have a lot of time, 10 minutes is better than nothing, but 10 minute workouts 3 or 4 times per day would probably be a lot better than just one.

Horny Bastard


I have very good results streching 30’-40’ for 5-6 times a week.


I don’t know what that means in Italian; in English it translates to 30 feet in distance or 30 hours in time.

Either way that’s a long stretch.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Pardon my excessive nerdliness, but it’s what I do best.

’ = minutes

” = seconds

These symbols are used in the US to describe fractions of an angular degree (1-degree = 60’) or fractions of an angular minute (1’ = 60”). I haven’t seen them used to describe temporal units, but it’s not a far stretch.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Originally Posted by ModestoMan
Pardon my excessive nerdliness, but it’s what I do best.

’ = minutes
” = seconds

These symbols are used in the US to describe fractions of an angular degree (1-degree = 60’) or fractions of an angular minute (1’ = 60”). I haven’t seen them used to describe temporal units, but it’s not a far stretch.

I must apologize.

Thanks ModestoMan.

Originally Posted by SimonClass
Hi guys, I have 2 questions,
I’m stretching for 10 min per day and I’m asking me if it’s too less time.
Is there anybody who stretched for the same amount of time?

Stretch 30 minutes a day, this works way better than 10 minutes.

Ok, it seems that most people here are considering 10 min of stretching as too less.

The newbie routine says, that you should stretch for 10 min for the first 3 month. This would mean that you all think that the newbie routine is not optimal.

Originally Posted by Bird2
Stretch 30 minutes a day, this works way better than 10 minutes.

What’s your routine now Bird?


As a newbie that will be enough.

Bird is doing pe for a longer period…

I, can, I can, I can not, can not compute..

I think we all know what he meant . Ten minutes a day is probably the minimum time spent stretching that could provide any results , depending on the individual .

Stretching , like other methods , is cumulative , the effects build up , and yield results over time . Increase session time , number of sessions , and long term practice of sessions and you increase results , up to a point . I think that is the point we are all trying to find for ourselves . At what point is enough enough , and anything further actually dangerous or injurious to our bodies , and how much can we increase that set point .

It is a process of individual discovery , go slow , learn to listen to your body . Ten minutes is better than nothing , but a starting point only . Good luck !

I’m stretching for 3.5 month now. Everyday I stretch for 10 min.

Than you can add some stretching time every week.

When doing sports I read somewhere that you can build up training every week with not more than 10%.

Maybe that is something for pe too.

I didn’t hear you talk about jelqing. If you’re not jelqing I should add it.

I, can, I can, I can not, can not compute..

Instead of long pulling with your hand can you just sit on your penis for an hour or 2?? Does that fall under the stretch category?

I find it difficult to that that.

But you are stretching you ligs a bit this way.

I, can, I can, I can not, can not compute..

Originally Posted by ModestoMan
These symbols are used in the US to describe fractions of an angular degree (1-degree = 60’) or fractions of an angular minute (1’ = 60”). I haven’t seen them used to describe temporal units, but it’s not a far stretch.

You can see them in sports and in digital chronographs.

Originally Posted by SimonClass
I’m stretching for 3.5 month now. Everyday I stretch for 10 min.

And have you seen any growth take place?

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