Thunder's Place

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Stretching During the Day Good?

Stretching During the Day Good?

Well, I’m really glad I found this site and finally feel that I’ll be able to get some really good info and advice.

My question today is:

During the day when I go pee, is it a good idea to hold the main shaft near the base and stretch to help loosen the ligaments? I read on another site that they advised doing this at least 3 times during the day.

What advice does anyone have about this?

I have been reading a lot in the forums and learning a lot. Even though my wife knows I’m doing PE, I doubt she’d go be quite so open to hanging and pumps. She’d probably flip out. Maybe after she’s reaped some of the benefits of this will she be more open to that.

Do most get most of their gains by stretching and jelqing, and not the pumps or hanging?

Thanks in advance


Lots of people do piss pulls and rate them highly. Personally I don’t bother.

I’m doing alright without hanging or pumping. See yguy’s comparison pic thread for good info on manual methods and results.

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