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Is pumping good for stretching the tunica for low LOT people

Is pumping good for stretching the tunica for low LOT people

Hi, this is my first post in the pumping forum!
I’ve been learning a lot about pumping and it really intrigues me. I have read that it gives a great stretch on your ligs, but there is not much mention about tunica here and it’s effect from pumping. I don’t know if any of the members here have read Bib’s theory on LOT and have determined their own LOT. I’m wondering if pumping would be beneficial for individuals like me, who have a low lot at 6:00, and need to target their tunica more than their ligs. I would really like to purchase the deluxe pump from LA Pumps, but I cannot afford it right now. I’m interested not only in just pumping, but also using it in conjuction with jelqing and hanging.

Do you think a pump will help me out in any way with a tunica stretch or should I not even bother thinking about buying a pump? How does pumping relate to low LOT individuals and the tunica? Does the pump stretch the tunica as much as it stretches the ligs? Thank you.

I’m curious about this to. Do pumping gains come from the ligs or the tunica?

I can’t properly answer your question because I do not know enough about LOT theory. What I can tell you is that I have a low LOT, am an ardent pumper, and now have a large dick.

It’s hard for me to imagine that the tunica and the ligs are not stretched during a pumping session.



Pumping benefits

Just to throw in my 2 cents here if I may. I use to only hang and did so for 7 mths straight with only some good flaccid increase to show for it. No real erect gains to mention. Now pumping for 4 months @ 45 min p/d, 3 on 1 off routine I can comment that I think both the ligs and tunica get a good stretch while in the tube.

I have a 1.75” x 10” tube from LA Pumps and love it! Very comfortable and solid made. If you are wondering if a pump will help length for a good stretch, I’d say get a tube size as close to your actual erect girth as possible or a tad smaller. That way you increase more in length than girth.

In my opinion, having been a hanger and now a full time pumper I’ve gotten and still get a great lig and probably tunica stretch using the pump and jelking combined. The thing I’ve noticed in the last 2 months or so is my length and girth are quite larger and wake up with a log laying on my leg which is really nice. I will continue to use my cockring and pump as I know I will continue to gain into the future.

I have not had time to read the LOT theory so I can’t comment on it at this time. Only to comment on the observations I’ve seen over the last 4 months of pumping.
I’d also like to mention that after the pump session is done my penis is very stretchy and hangs down low due to stretching and girth increase while in the tube. Over time, this size increase becomes more and more substantial and consistant.

Hope this helps in your pump buying decision.


I have been reading a bit about pumping lately and must say i becoming quite tempted into buying a pump. I’ve been doing pe for close to a year now and have also tried hanging however seeing as i have a low lot i have struggled with gains. To get the gains i want out of hanging it seems i have to work on my tunica which i find requires more hours than lig work and i also find it uncomfortable. I am wondering whether pumping could be the answer for me, it seems more convenient as it is less time consuming. The problem is i live in the uk and i am worried i might end up buying a cheap imitation of a quality pump, could any uk pumpers please let me know of a company in the uk that sells quality pumps. Also i still live with my parents and was wondering if the pumps are discretely packaged or not, any help would be very much appreciated, cheers,



Thanks avocet8 and ineed9! I’m now definetely going to buy the pump hopefully sometime soon! Jackthelad I completely agree with you that it’s very uncomfortable hanging for hours. I’d rather do pumping and jelqing instead for a much shorter time. I also would like to know if the package comes discreetly because I live with a family (including brothers). They are very curious and if they see anything suspicious on the box like ‘LA Pump’ or anything with ‘Pump’ they might open it just to see what’s inside. I’ll be totally fucked. What does it say on the box if I may ask?

Last edited by mike2002 : 06-30-2003 at .

LA Pump ships very discretely. No indication on the box as to what the contents are. The return address says something like LA Distribution. The contents could be a book from the looks of the package.



Thanks for the response, could you tell me the address for the LA pump site please, cheers,



Last edited by jackthelad : 06-30-2003 at .

Thanks again,



I would like to know how long you pump for and how often.

Originally Posted by ineed9
Just to throw in my 2 cents here if I may. I use to only hang and did so for 7 mths straight with only some good flaccid increase to show for it. No real erect gains to mention. Now pumping for 4 months @ 45 min p/d, 3 on 1 off routine I can comment that I think both the ligs and tunica get a good stretch while in the tube.

I have a 1.75” x 10” tube from LA Pumps and love it! Very comfortable and solid made. If you are wondering if a pump will help length for a good stretch, I’d say get a tube size as close to your actual erect girth as possible or a tad smaller. That way you increase more in length than girth.

Absolutely right.

Especially once you start packing the base. I gained .25” in length easily this way before I went on my decon break.

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