Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Who's gained an inch?

Originally Posted by Coop
Come on guys, there has to be more of you out there. Otherwise this is the most disheartening inspirational thread ever.

Lol :chuckle:

I didn’t realise it was supposed to be an inspirational thread.

My contribution to the most depressing inspirational thread ever:

Dude— it’s totally possible to gain an inch. You might be a slow gainer, or you might be a fast gainer (I don’t use the term ‘easy gainer’ because there’s was certainly nothing easy about what I had to do to get my gains). But more than luck, it’s down to commitment, dedication, perspiration and consistency.

The people who work very hard and don’t gain at all — it seems — are a very very small minority.

I’ve gained about two inches since I started and that was down to making a commitment, setting my focus and not accepting anything less than all that I could possibly do to make the best gains I could (if something’s not worth obsessing over it’s not worth my time).

Making gains takes a lot of time and a lot of effort, so if you don’t really make the decision to go for it and to really dedicate yourself to it, it’s just a lot of wasted time, because you have to be consistent and you have to be dedicated. If I recall correctly, it was Bib himself who said that if you can’t hang every day don’t bother hanging.

Set your focus and keep in mind why your doing it— to motivate yourself concentrate on the benefits that it’ll bring you. Picture them, imagine them, hear them— use them to motivate you (it’s been said that if you have a strong enough reason why to do something, you can do anything).

One of my primary motivators is imagining exactly what an old friend of mine will say to her friends if you she were ever to find out about the gains I’ve made. I imagine her voice speaking the words with her inflections and her emphases, I imagine her mouth forming the words, her throat opening as she says it, as if she’s tasting the idea: “_____ ______ has an eight inch cock”

Last edited by Mr. Fantastic : 09-30-2006 at .

Right here, maybe a little more than. Girth is another story tho, *shrugs*.


Originally Posted by Coop
Come on guys, there has to be more of you out there. Otherwise this is the most disheartening inspirational thread ever.

For those who have posted, congratulations on your gains.

OK, I’ll ring in. I have gained over inch too. A lot a member have gained here, that’s why we are here.
If you go to PE Data Site, you can find stats on most members.
Add your data to the group, it shows a record of your work.
Just note, time frame on most member, this does not happen over night. But it works!

Sorry, I see avocet8 all ready said this, but its a good read.


I have gained 1/2” so far. :)

I miss this place.

Old stats: not sure but not much smaller

Currently: BPEL: 7.5 EG: 5 Goal: The holy grail of course. (8x6)

I’ve gained at least 1.5” in length and about an inch in mid-shaft erect girth. Gains will come for those of us that stick with it through the rough times and don’t let anything come between us and our goals. Keep working and experimenting with various techniques until you hit on something that stimulates growth for you.

I have gained one in about two months .. Need 6 more posts to prove it in the pic section.

I notice I’ve gotten a bit thicker, I’m a little over a month now.. I’m not going to measure until I hit 2 months.. I’m hoping to see SOMETHING in both length and girth.

Almost there, I’ve gained around 0.9” in one year. I didn’t have any substantial newbie gains for the first 3 months.

Gone cementing - Started (2005): 7.25 NBPEL 5.7 EGMS. 5 years later (2010): 8.25 NBPEL 6.3 EGMS. 8 years later, 3 years with no PE (2013): 8.1 NBPEL 5.9 EGMS

Over 1"

I practice PE for 3 may be 4 years! I gained great girth & length even flacid or erect. I was in past 5,5” EL
now 6,88 (with a small dick while flaccid) but my goal is ti get7,08 ” (18 cms EL). I have larger dick, nice gland today and of course why wife during sexe night told me that my dick changed so I was obliged to divulgate my secret!! Yes it works and when I hear the sole solution it to go for surgery I find this really stupid. I got so far all benefits doing PE!
So the ONE cm erect lengt is my last goal and how to achieve this that the question I see for a while a plateau even after one month of rest. Who can advise me again!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would really appreciate
My routine:
- warm up with hot towel/toilet gloove around my dick few seconds
- 10/20 flaccid stretchs (in general I reach the 7,08” lenght even FLACCID)
- semi erect bends from L/R up/Down side about 10/20 (Ok sign/grab base od the dick)
- and I grap base of my dick with Ok sign (right hand) to keep blood in and I slide the other Ok sign (left hand) till the gland and force the gland to be engorged in blood this 100 times (but slow). I do all PE excercises standing up.

My flaccid state was before about 5 or 6 cms now 11 cms legnt and 3” OD

I regret to haven’t purchased at the beginning a numeric photo I could compare w/o doubt gained results!

Thanks again to all!


I went from 5.5/5.75 to 6.75 at the present. I did a lot of stretching and jelqs. It’s still working for me.

Starting 2006: BPEL: 5.75", EG: 4.5 June 2016 BPEL 6.75", EG 5"

January 2018 BPEL: 6.875" EG 5.75"

Target Size: BPEL: 8.5, EG: 6.5"

That’s more like it. Great job guys.

I have gained 1.6” in length and .5” in girth in 17 months. I primarily use an extender, jelq and kegel.


I havent even been here a year, actually I started in May or June and have gained 1/4” so far in length. I know its not an 1” but its a gain none the less.

Jan 1st/07 - 7 14/16'' BP 4 Month Growth Comparison Pics - First Clamping pics

Feb 2009 - 8.15'' BP / 7.4'' NBP x 5.1'' EG New pics

I’ve just gained an inch - Started 1st June 06 at 6 x 4.75 EG. Today 7 x 5.2 EG (7.3 BP) - Naturally VERY PLEASED!


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