Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Who's gained an inch?

Originally Posted by Coop
Come on guys, there has to be more of you out there. Otherwise this is the most disheartening inspirational thread ever.

One of the biggest motivators in PE is actually seeing gains. But if you approach the exercise half-heartedly you’ll probably not get the results you want.

Originally Posted by Mr. Fantastic
Making gains takes a lot of time and a lot of effort, so if you don’t really make the decision to go for it and to really dedicate yourself to it, it’s just a lot of wasted time, because you have to be consistent and you have to be dedicated.

Big Girtha’s gains are well above average and amongst the most impressive of all Thundersplace members:

Originally Posted by Big Girtha
…I honestly feel that you almost have to be obsessed with The Craft for it to really work for you. It has to almost become a way of life for you if you really want any serious gains. Advanced Routine

If you only ever make an average effort, you’ll only ever get average results.

Last edited by Mr. Fantastic : 10-02-2006 at .

I have

October 14th 2005
4 3/4” bpel
4” eg

December 08th 2005
5 7/8” bpel
4 ½” erg

February 14th 2006
6 ¼” bpel
4 ¾” eg

June 13 2006
6 1/2” bpel
5 1/4” eg

I think the only thing lacking here is the fact that we are not saying if we are growers or showers. I wonder if the is a relationship between gain an your belonging. I have often opined that a grower has more tendency of retraction.

I am hoping for opinions.


I have gained a little over an inch.

Started in march 2003 at about 6.7x5.1. Now I weigh in at about 7.9x5.6 or so. 8” is not far away :) .

"You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts."

I helped my last boyfriend get from 6 inches to 7.5 inches using enlargement techniques.

Originally Posted by keira-eva
I helped my last boyfriend get from 6 inches to 7.5 inches using enlargement techniques.

I’m impressed. Was it your idea or his?

Uhm, only 10 people have gained an inch? (According to this thread)?

I’ve gained appx. 2” in length and around 1” in girth over a 4 year period. I say “approximately” because measuring my penis pre-PE depressed me. LOL. I think I was around 5.5 x 5.5 my senior year of high school, but I after jelqing for a year I got up to 6bpel. I continued to jelq and do manual stretching my first year of college. By the summer after my freshman year I was 6.5bpel. During that summer I took up hanging and got to 7bpel probably as short as 3 months later. Another 2 and some odd years of on and off hanging and sporadic PE brought me to my current 8 x 6.5 bpel (I have been clamping for the past 2 months). I wish I took starting pictures! With hard work and enough time, you will EASILY gain an inch! Good Luck!


Originally Posted by RC23

Uhm, only 10 people have gained an inch? (According to this thread)?

Follow the link that I posted above and you’ll see than many more people have gained an inch.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

I’ve only been at this for about 2 months, but I’ve gained between .25” and .5” in girth through jelqing and Homedics TheraP wrap squeeze-clamps. I’ve got a vacuum pump hanger on order to work on length. I fully expect to gain an inch within the next year.

:D Great to react on this thread.

Yes I have. About 1.57”

I, can, I can, I can not, can not compute..

I gained an inch, finally, after just under a year of PE. I was over the moon about my fast gain!

Gained 1 inch length finally! the first big step in my PE time :D

Now: Erect Girth 5.00" - BP Erect Length 6.00"

Start: Erect Girth 4.90" - BP Erect Length 5.00" ---- Thats an increased volume of 2.384 cubic inches!!!

Hi everyone… I’ve gained just over an inch in approx three years of PE… it was worth the time and effort because wifey always gropes my dick under the covers… and she cums now since i hit her spots.


Start April, 2003: 5.75" BPEL, 5.25" Girth Current: 7.125" BPEL, 5.5"+ Girth still trying...

Well, from modest beginnings I’ve gained 1.8 inches and about 1/3 inch in girth in 21 months. I’m very happy with that and will be working for more. My wife has noticed the hardness of my erections, which are better than when we first met. I fill her and pleasure her better without hurting her, and there is room for more. When will she notice my current size? Not yet I hope; she may want me to stop.

A Penitrant's quest for the Holy Grail - 7.5" x 6.0"


Congrats to all of you gainers :-) I hope I can be in the 1 inch club one day :)


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